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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:2、Sir,is this the right subway to go to Chinatown?先生,这是去唐人街的地铁吗?3、Well,I always order fried spring rolls when I go to Chinatown。嗯,我每次去唐人街时都是点炸春卷。4、Let's go to Chinatown now。我们现在一起去唐人街。5、Many Chinese live in chinatown。很多...

答:在各国的唐人街上都有中国人开的烩面馆。美丽富饶的方城宛如镶嵌在中原大地的一颗璀璨的明珠。发展无止境,美丽无极限,方城的明天一定会更加璀璨,更加辉煌!这就是我的家乡——方城! 找篇600词左右的介绍南阳的英语作文。Astronomy is one of the oldest disciplines, it was born in the practice of human ...

在唐人街 英文 用什么介词
答:在唐人街: in Chinatown (是连在一起的)用介词in 例句 1.Uncle Wang lives in Chinatown.王叔叔居住在唐人街。(非“中国镇”)2.I'm at home in Chinatown!在唐人街我就像到了家一样!3.In cities they gathered in Chinatown.他们聚集在城市的唐人街上。希望这些对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢 ...

唐人街有许多中国餐馆 翻译成英文
答:There are many Chinese restaurants in Chinatown

答:My dear Jim,I have some exciting news to share with you. Guess where I went in my winter holiday?It's Melbourne in Austrilia. We truly had a great time there.Melbourne is a very wonderful place indeed. The streets are so clean. On both sides of the streets there are ...

答:San Francisco is in the western United States, with a population about 800,000, and the area of it is about 120 square kilometers. San Francisco is a modern, industrialized city. The traffic is very convenient. In San Francisco, the climate is quite good. It also has beautiful...

答:n. 唐人街,中国城 双语例句:Can you tell us about Chinatown?你能跟我们讲讲关于唐人街吗?Detective的用法:Detective作名词时意思是警探;私人侦探,转化为形容词的意思为侦探的,引申还可指刑侦。Detective的进行时可表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作,此时句中一般有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文...



答:唐人街探案2观后感 认真看完一部作品以后,相信你一定有很多值得分享的收获,这时候,最关键的观后感怎么能落下!可是观后感怎么写才合适呢?下面是我为大家收集的唐人街探案2观后感,希望能够帮助到大家。 唐人街探案2观后感1 今天,我转到了一个新学校—xx学校,考完了期末考试,新的班主任朱老师带我们去看电影《唐人街探...

温党念13321042941:    写唐人街的50字英语作文 -
茅饼琛:      : Last night, I walked on the New York China Town. I was very glad, because I saw a lot of Chinese. I didn't need to speak English any more, I also could eat a few different Chinese foods. But there were lots of Cantonese who only spoke English and ...

温党念13321042941:    以ourcity写一写青岛不少于5句话的英语作文 -
茅饼琛:      : Our City We live in Qingdao. Qingdao is a beautiful place. There is a beach here which I like. We could see sea in this city. There are also many places for us to travel around here. I really like Qingdao. It's our city. 望采纳~

温党念13321042941:    写英语作文的welcome, to,sanya不少五句话 -
茅饼琛:      : My hometown in sanya. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate. Now there is very beautiful.in the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted ...

温党念13321042941:    至少用5个不同的介词写英语作文"My bedroom",至少五句话 -
茅饼琛:      : This is my bedroom,it's tidy and nice.here is my bed.the quilt is on the bed,my basketball is under the bed,that is my table,my books are on the table,I have a schoolbag,it's next the my table,my pencilbox is in it,my bookcase is dahinter my schoolbag. 我是初一的只能帮到这了..

温党念13321042941:    求纽约唐人街英文介绍 -
茅饼琛:      : 唐人街是美国最大的华人聚居地,也是旧金山最著名的街区.这里安全、紧凑、五彩缤纷,充满了生活的气息.唐人街的入口是在布什大街上格兰特街的南端,大门以绿瓦盖顶,几条生动的龙很有中国的味道.格兰特街是社区内主要的街道,密...

温党念13321042941:    关于介绍北京夏天的英语作文(不少于五句) -
茅饼琛:      : This is a park.It is on the north side of the town. The park is large and beautiful.There are benches all around the park. There are many trees in the park. Some of the trees are oak and some are maple. The trees are tall and give lots of shade in the ...

温党念13321042941:    求翻译,在纽约有个唐人街英文,不要百度翻译的 -
茅饼琛:      : There's a Chinatown in New York; now let's go to Chinatown.

温党念13321042941:    5句话的英语作文 -
茅饼琛:      : How should student spend the pocket money First, you may save it to the banks. It will develop a frugal habit. Second, you can spend the money on perchasing book and obtain more knowledges. Third, you may spend the money on the gifts to your friends. That will make you popular and enhance your friendships as well.

温党念13321042941:    英语小作文关于马戏团的不少于五句话 -
茅饼琛:      : You can find a lot of fun in circus. You will be impressed by the people who do the incredibly difficult performance. And you also will be amused by the funny clown's performance. Moreover, you will be attracted by the animal performance because ...

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