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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-15

答:Have the time come to nanjing, nanjing to play there are many places of interest

南京市内旅游景点介绍 南京市旅游景点介绍的英译眼睛

答:2023-12-14 · 旅行不止是一种体验,更是一种态度。 关注 南京栖霞山风景区介绍 “一座栖霞山,半部金陵史。”栖霞山是南京城的历史见证者,其古称摄山,因南朝时在山的西麓建有栖霞寺而更名。山中留有80余处名胜古迹,它们的背后隐含着无数或传奇或凄婉的故事。 抢首赞 评论 分享 举报 为...

答:为您推荐: 中国的名胜古迹图片 中国的名胜古迹有哪些 中国名胜古迹有什么 名胜古迹用英语怎么说 名胜古迹英文 中国的名胜古迹简笔画 中国的名山大川有哪些 中国地图 世界十大名胜古迹 中国著名名胜古迹简介 其他类似问题2011-04-30 我国有哪些名胜古迹 2458 2006-08-02 中国有哪些名胜古迹 ? 232 ...

答:2023-11-27 · 旅行不止是一种体验,更是一种态度。 关注 “江南佳丽地,金陵帝王州”,素有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之誉的南京,拥有着浓郁的文化底蕴和丰富的名胜古迹。以上是南京的六大景点简介和一些旅行相关的住宿和交通指南,希望大家能在南京玩得开心! 抢首赞 评论 分享 举报 为...

答:景点介绍: 栖霞山位于南京市东北郊,风景区总面积860公顷,主峰凤翔峰海拔286米,被誉为“金陵第一明秀山”,有“六朝胜迹”之称。栖霞山枫叶种类很多,每到深秋,山中漫山红遍,犹如晚霞栖落,蔚为壮观,是中国四大红叶观赏风景区之一。 栖霞山古迹遍布,文化底蕴深厚,素有“一座栖霞山,半部金陵史”的美誉,景区内现有隋...

答:南京十大名胜古迹 南京,拥有诸多名胜古迹。如南京故宫、 九龙桥、 鼓楼 、江宁织造府、六朝陵墓、明孝陵 、鸡鸣寺 、中山陵、 夫子庙、雨花台等。 这些景点融合了自然风光与历史文化,展现了南京的深厚底蕴,是游客领略南京风情的绝佳去处。 抢首赞 评论 分享 举报 ...

答:南京 Nanjing 中山陵 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum 秦淮风光带 Qinhuai River Scenic Belt 灵谷寺 Linggu Temple 明城墙 Ming Great Wall 玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake 莫愁湖 Mochou Lake 苏州 Suzhou 拙政园 Zhuozheng orthe Humble Administrator's Garden 狮子林 Shizilin 留园 LiuyuanorLingering Garden 沧浪亭 ...

答:3. 意大利名胜古迹英语介绍 Dozza(Bologna_ltaly)by Francesca Birini.弗郎西斯卡. 比鲁尼设计的多扎门位于意大利博洛尼亚 .4. 意大利的旅游胜地英文介绍 The Vatican City State, or Vatican for short, is an inland city-state in the highlands of the northwest corner of Rome, the capital of ...

答:南京十大景点简介: 夫子庙秦淮风光带:以夫子庙为中心,十里秦淮为轴线,有“十里秦淮”之美誉。 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆:来南京旅游必去之地,是侵华日军南京大屠杀江东门集体屠杀遗址和遇难者丛葬地。 中山陵园风景区:孙中山的陵墓,中国现代革命史的见证地之一。 钟山风景名胜区:江南四大名山之一,有“金陵毓...

岑炕刘19141684759:    南京名胜古迹的介绍,用英文,2.3句就行了 -
家适盾:      : Nanjing has many place of historic interests and has been capital for six “dynasties.” But if you leave Nanjing without visiting Dr. Sun Yat-sen` s Mausoleum, undoubtedly you have missed the most arresting and famous tourist attraction of the city....

岑炕刘19141684759:    南京名胜古迹的介绍,用英文,2.3句就行了南京名胜古迹的介绍,用英文,3句就行了,介绍一处即可快,急用 -
家适盾:      :[答案] Nanjing has many place of historic interests and has been capital for six “dynasties.” But if you leave Nanjing without visiting Dr.Sun Yat-sen` s Mausoleum,undoubtedly you have missed the most arre...

岑炕刘19141684759:    用英语介绍南京的名胜古迹,50词左右 -
家适盾:      : Now i will introduce a famous place in Nanjing,we call it the Rampart of Nanjing.it was built in 1386,so it had a very history.but what a pity ,some of it had been destoried in the past.in nowdays,our government realize it is a big problem,so they try their ...

岑炕刘19141684759:    用英语介绍南京用英文,要介绍南京的旅游名胜 -
家适盾:      :[答案] Nanjing History Nanjing,an ancient capital of China,enjoys a worldwide reputation for its history and culture. Archaeological findings show that human ancestors lived in Nanjing area around 300,000 years ago,and primitive villages took shape 6.000 ...

岑炕刘19141684759:    南京名胜用英文表示以下几个南京的有名地点,希望能用规范的英文表示下,然后再用英文对每个景点简单描述几句,夫子庙 乌衣巷 玄武湖 中山陵 紫金山 -
家适盾:      :[答案] 夫子庙 Confucius Temple 玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake 中山陵 Dr.Sun Yatsen's Mausoleum 紫金山 Purple Mountain or Zijin Mountain 乌衣巷拿不准 我有南京的英文导游词 或许可以帮你哦 不过今天太晚了 下次 告诉你!

岑炕刘19141684759:    介绍一下南京的名胜古迹(用英文) -
家适盾:      : Cultural City In addition to historical sights, memorials, museums and cultural sights also attract thousands of travelers. The famous Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) is not only a memorial place for the Great Sage in China but has a surrounding area ...

岑炕刘19141684759:    南京有什么名胜古迹,请用英语说出来
家适盾:      : Nanjing History Nanjing,an ancient capital of China,enjoys a worldwide reputation for its history and culture. Archaeological findings show that human ancestors lived in Nanjing area around 300,000 years ago,and primitive villages took shape 6.000...

岑炕刘19141684759:    介绍一下南京的名胜古迹(用英文)
家适盾:      : Culturalnbsp;Citynbsp;Innbsp;additionnbsp;tonbsp;historicalnbsp;sights,nbsp;memorials,nbsp;museumsnbsp;andnbsp;culturalnbsp;sightsnbsp;alsonbsp;attractnbsp;thousandsnbsp;ofnbsp;travelers.nbsp;Thenbsp;famousnbsp;Confuciusnbsp;...

岑炕刘19141684759:    南京名胜古迹(英文) -
家适盾:      : In addition to historical sights, memorials, museums and cultural sights also attract thousands of travelers. The famous Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) is not only a memorial place for the Great Sage in China but has a surrounding area bustling with ...

岑炕刘19141684759:    英语写南京名胜的短文 -
家适盾:      : Nanjing has a history of over 2400 years and is reputed as the capital of ten dynasties.There are a lot of relics of the Ming Dynasty, including Stone Carvings of the Southern Dynasties, the Nanjing City Wall, Zhu Yuanzhang's Mausoleum, Mochou ...

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