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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:Yulin City, Guangxi Province 广西玉林市

答:Nanning is the capital of Guangxi autonomous region in southern China. It is known as the "Green City" because of its abundance of lush tropical foliage.Nanning is located in the southern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 160 km from the border with Vietnam. It has an a...

答:I live in Qinzhou City, Guangxi.保证准确率~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

答:Nanning is the capital of Guangxi autonomous region in southern China。 It is known as the "Green City" because of its abundance of lush tropical foliage。Nanning is located in the southern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 160 km from the border with Vietnam.。It has an...

答:Fujian is my hometown.It is a modern and busy province.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see green hills,big trees and nice flowers.There are many restaurants in Haimen.You can...

答:桂林,简称桂,别称八桂、桂州,是世界著名的风景游览城市、广西重要的政治、文化、科技中心。It is an international tourist city, a pioneer area of national tourism innovation and development, and a comprehensive transportation hub approved by the State Council.是国务院批复确定的中国对外开放国际...

答:“广西”就像 London(伦敦)和 Washington(华盛顿)那样翻译为 Guangxi,同理“贵港”翻译为 Guigang,即 GuigangCity, Guangxi / Guigang City of Guangxi。

答:关于介绍南宁的英语作文:Nanning was the place of Baiyue in ancient times。In the first year of Daxing in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (318), Jin Xingjun was established as the seat of county governance。Since then, the organizational system of Nanning has a history of 1700 years。Duri...

英语作文:以我的家乡,南宁为题写一篇不少于80字的作文 提示,1,南宁...
答:The melodious melody of folk songs and folk activities such as throwing Hydrangea, board shoe dance, grabbing fireworks and stepping on windmills will make you happy.南宁市是广西省的省会城市,是一座很美丽的城市。全市绿化覆盖率近40%,被形容为“半城绿树半城楼”。这里世代聚居着很多个...

答:There are many interesting places in Liuzhou. My favorite is queer Mountain Park: a large park with modern entertainment facilities such as water world amusement center.柳州是广西拥有国家级A级景区的城市第二多的城市,旅游人口及收入位列广西第三位,是区内重要的旅游目的地,市区内有众多优质...

何凭泉17365005297:    写一篇英语作文my favorite place 广西啊云南的风景地什么的都行 稍微多一些字数 六年级使用 -
农卖龚:      : My favourite place is Guangzhou. Guangzhou is a very beautiful city. I went there when I was a little child. At that time, I visited Guangzhou tower, the highest tower in China. We also played in the sea sand park with my parents. In the ...

何凭泉17365005297:    my hometown英语作文写广西东兰 -
农卖龚:      : Welcome to my hometown!Guangxi is my hometown.It is a modern and busy province.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go sho掸穿侧费乇渡岔杀唱辑pping.You can see...

何凭泉17365005297:    求一篇My hometown的英语作文,不少于80词~多谢了 -
农卖龚:      : My hometown is at GuiLin,GuangXi.It's a beautiful city in southern China.There is a hill named XiangBi Hill because it looks like an elephant drinking water.The XiangBi Hill is a symbol of GuiLin.There is also a river called Li River.The water is so ...

何凭泉17365005297:    写一个广西为家乡作文,写一篇英语作文《my home town 》 -
农卖龚:      :[答案] My Hometown Welcome to my hometown!Fujian is my hometown.It is a modern and busy province.It has a long history.There ... Renmin Theatre.My school is one of the best schools in my hometown.It is on Changjiang Road.It is very beautiful.I hope you ...

何凭泉17365005297:    急求一篇描写广西梧州的英语作文,要求120字左右! -
农卖龚:      :[答案] Wuzhou City,located in the eastern part of Guangxi,Guangdong and Guangxi urban immediately border,covering an area of 12,588 square kilometers,population 2.9 million,of which 1 thousand and ninety-seven square kilometers of urban area,...

何凭泉17365005297:    写篇关系城市旅游风景的英语作文? -
农卖龚:      :[答案] Guilin is in the north of Guangxi. The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand. There are famous and ... You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin. 桂林在广西的北部,市区人口是60多万.桂林有著名而美丽的风景. 如果你来到桂林,...

何凭泉17365005297:    帮我写一篇很简单的英语作文描写MY TOWN的,不管写什么地方的(其实最好是广西的,但其他地方也可以),要写四季的气候,景色,建筑等等,请用... -
农卖龚:      :[答案] 自己挑挑吧^_^My Hometown"My hometown,which is in the south of Shandong Province,is a very beautiful village.It lies on the east bank of a small river,surrounded by green mountains,In the past my homet...

何凭泉17365005297:    我的家乡广西南宁富川的作文英语 -
农卖龚:      : 我的家乡是位于山西盂县的一个小村庄.它虽然小却非常美丽. 家乡被群山环绕,这些小山甚至比大山川还要美丽. 春日里,我们在山巅高高地放飞自制的风筝.夏天,漫山遍野是长得绿油油的草木,各种野果美味诱人;秋日里,山下和山周...

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