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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

一片去北京旅游的英语作文 80词

答:The Great Wall is very long and old.It has millions of bricks.Each brick is very big and heavy.Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall.We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.We also went to the Palace Museum.The Palace ...

答:Last summer, my family and I take the train went to Qingdao. There is always sunny, and the air is fresh, it's feeling good. We went to the seaside, the same blue sea and sky, on the beach sun-drenched, is piece very enjoy it. My sister and I were picked up a lot...

a trip to兰州30字小短文重点旅游景点带反释
答:Last summer, I went to summer lanzhou.On the first day,we went to the beach.It was sunny and very hot, we had great fun playing in the water. On the next day, we went shopping. The stores were too crowed, so I was so tired after that and I didn't enjoy it .On ...

答:In conclusion, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends but at the same time we can learn much from travel.总之,通过旅游,我们不仅能放松自己,结识新朋友,同时也能学到新知识。 旅游的好处 英语短文 放长假给国家和个人带来了许多好处。 对个人而言,放长假可以进行身心修整,可用放假的时间充...


英语介绍一个旅游景点西湖 介绍西湖风景的英语作文50字

答:好像来晚了呀 不过还是给你参考参考 我自己写的 It was last National Holiday,I went to Shandong Province on my own with a travel agency.I really had a unforgotable holiday there.We took a ship there,the weather wasn't so great then,however,when we got to Yantai,it's evening...


初二作文英语作文50字以下的要 有翻译汉语要有旅游的,过去式
答:them. We had a good time.去北京旅游 这个暑假里,我去了北京。我和我的爸爸妈妈一起去的北京。我们坐飞机去的因为可以节省时间。我们看了很多东西。首先我们去长城参观。然后,我们去动物园游玩因为我喜欢动物。北京有很多外国人,我试着和他们用英语交谈因为我想向他们学习英语。我们玩得很愉快。

单泄芬15623734593:    帮忙提供一篇有关旅游的英文小短文吧~ -
阚彬石:      : 一楼朋友提供的可以用语研究生考试了,呵呵,不符合要求啊 要求的可是初中毕业水平呀 A happy travelDuring this winter vocation ,my family went to Jiuzhaigou,a very famous place for it beautiful sightseeing,As it's my first time to go such a ...

单泄芬15623734593:    关于旅游的英语文章200字 -
阚彬石:      : 国庆旅游 National Day tourism在假期里爸爸带我们全家去了六朝古都南京旅游. On holidays dad brought our family went to the six dynasties nanjing tourism.很幸运我们住的酒店就在风景迷人的钟山上. Luckily our hotel in the charming ...

单泄芬15623734593:    外出旅游经历英语作文不少于20字二年级作文 -
阚彬石:      :[答案] The summer holiday begins.I am very happy.Last week,I traveled to Zhuhai.It's a small but beautiful city.The streets are clean and the buildings are huge.The traffic of Zhuhai is good.There is almost no traffic jams here,because the transportation system is ...

单泄芬15623734593:    关于旅游的英语作文 -
阚彬石:      : 关于旅游的 I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven ...

单泄芬15623734593:    求一篇去旅游的英语作文
阚彬石:      : Hello everyone, I'm …You can call me… I am a sunny and hard-working girl from Class 79 ,Grade 1 of CE JING Middle School. It's my great honor to take part in this oral competition. The title of my speech today is “Traveling and Reading”e68...

单泄芬15623734593:    求翻译一则关于旅游的英语小短文 -
阚彬石:      : 新罕布什尔州(也有叫作新罕布夏州的),一直以来都是美国的游乐城.来这里度假就像俯瞰一幅悠远绵长风景优美的画卷,极目远眺目之所及,巍峨的山脉,静谧的森林,源远流长的河流湖海,尽收眼底.每个角落都有一个新的景点,一个特别的冒险--在山林间攀爬,征服险峻的峭壁,在海浪间冲浪,在湖海里泛舟.这个夏天在新罕布什尔州开启你的冒险之旅

单泄芬15623734593:    关于travel 的英语小短文 -
阚彬石:      : Travel is a very good activity. When you're fed up with your work or study,and when you're free,you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature.You can breathe fresh air and make some friends. But sometimes,it is not a good thing. The ...

单泄芬15623734593:    英语小作文 写一次关于旅游的经历 -
阚彬石:      : Fuzhou is the provincial capital of Fujian Province, it is a well-known city with 2200 histories of more than years. Lie in the southeast of our country, the straits wes...

单泄芬15623734593:    关于旅游的英语作文又少又简单 -
阚彬石:      : Last summer all my family went to Beijing for a visit. We went to the Great Wall and saw many foreigners . The second day we went to visit the summer palace by a boat . Then we visited the hutong and siheyuan. At last we went to Wangfujing Street ...

单泄芬15623734593:    关于旅游的英语文章 短!!!! -
阚彬石:      : To the east of Zheshan Hill on the south bank of Qiantang River, there are about 500,000 mu reclaimed-land like a peninsula to keep off the river mouth, so as to make from the hill to the outside 12th section like a large-sized bottle with a small mouth. ...

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