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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

答:法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:French Republic),简称“法国”(France),是一个本土位于西欧的半总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南太平洋的一些地区。法国为欧洲国土面积第三大、西欧面积最大的国家。

答:Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Spain, and Andorra. France is known for its rich history, culture, and contributions to art, fashion, food, and wine.The

答:France is the most visited country in the world.It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays:a great city like Paris,good beaches,more monuments than any other country,lovely nature,incredible mountain scenery; need I go on?France is also a very pleasant place to sta...

答:高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a...

答:therefore France was given the name of “ Kingdom of Cheese”.法国是在欧洲的中心与总面积五十五万一平方公里和人口5750.0万。法国边界对意大利,瑞士和摩纳哥在东部和德国,比利时和卢森堡在东北部和西班牙,安道尔在西南地区和英格兰向西北。法国是对称的六边形。其三,两岸近海和三方都附近的土地。其...

答:beauty products. Many travellers to Paris value its art museums and historical sites the most.法国是一个西欧国家。它的邻国包括比利时、西班牙、德国等。法国以首都巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔著名。法国也是世界上顶端的香水和其他时尚化妆品的产地。许多到巴黎的旅游者最重视它的艺术博物馆和历史古迹。

答:急需一篇关于法国的英文介绍,内容要包括government,language,nationalsymbols(i.e,flag),landscape/climate,food,music,religion,population……总之呢,是越详细越好。采纳的答案的... 急需一篇关于法国的英文介绍,内容要包括government,language,national symbols(i.e ,flag),landscape/climate,food ,music,religion,...

答:Together, the Paris region, known as the "ile-de-france" in ancient times, has a population of about 11 million people, almost one fifth of the country's population.巴黎,是法兰西共和国的首都和最大城市,也是法国的政治、经济、文化和商业中心,世界五个国际大都市之一(其余四个分别为...

答:France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on? France is also a very...

答:France is one of the largest countries in Europe. It is bordered by six countries – Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to the north-east, Switzerland and Italy across the Alps to the south-east and Spain across the Pyrenees to the south-west. The UK is across the English Channel...

殷伯柴13653682878:    介绍法国的英语作文50字,我现在就要,就是初一的水平,不可以太难,没有语法的错误,要初一学生会读的! -
寇肃松:      : France is a beautiful country .France is famous of the food and beautiful scenery. There are lots of tourists every year because of the Eiffel Tower. In this romantic country, you can enjoy famous snacks and wine, at the same time you can also enjoy ...

殷伯柴13653682878:    法国的英文简介(尽量少与20字) -
寇肃松:      : one of the most suitable countries to enjoy life

殷伯柴13653682878:    介绍法国的英语作文50字,我现在就要,就是初一的水平,不可以太难,没有语法的错误,要初一学生会读的!好的话我会追加分的,好的话就再给15. -
寇肃松:      :[答案] France is a beautiful country .France is famous of the food and beautiful scenery. There are lots of tourists every year because of the Eiffel Tower. In this romantic country, you can enjoy famous snacks and wine, at the same time you can also enjoy ...

殷伯柴13653682878:    关于法国的英文介绍,越短越好,越短越好
寇肃松:      : French Republic is a state in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. France is a founding member state of the European Union and is the largest one ...

殷伯柴13653682878:    用英语简要介绍法国 -
寇肃松:      :[答案] The high Eiffel Tower,the colorful streets,the beautiful river Seine,the glorious palaces,the romantic people,the old history … ...so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市.这里发生了太多的历史事件,...

殷伯柴13653682878:    法国英语介绍急需一篇关于法国的英语介绍,读起来大概3 - 5分钟 -
寇肃松:      :[答案] France lies in the heart of Europe with a total area of 551000 square kilometers and a population of 57,500,000.French borders on Italy,Switzerland and Monaco in the east and Germany,Belgium and Luxembourg in the northeast and Spain,Andorra in ...

殷伯柴13653682878:    介绍法国英语短文适合中学生
寇肃松:      : The France is a country who situated in west of Europe. It is a country so active and ... Guy de Maupassant, and Alexander Dumas. 这是我签证准备的关于法国的介绍,很...

殷伯柴13653682878:    谁能帮我写一小段关于法国的英文简介 -
寇肃松:      : France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on...

殷伯柴13653682878:    用英语介绍法国(需中文翻译)(急) -
寇肃松:      : Republic of France, France in western Europe, at the northwest la Manche (English Channel) and the United Kingdom across. Southwest border Pyrenees mountains, along the eastern border with the Alps. Major rivers are Loire, Rhône small, such...

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