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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-30

急求! 滑雪运动的英文介绍
答:找来一段History of Alpine Skiing供参考 Before skis were used for fun and leisure, the ski was used for work and transportation. The oldest known version is a wide, short ski found in Sweden that has been shown to be over 4500 years old, and cave and rock drawings suggest ...

答:The Spring Festival is coming. It is myfavourite festival. During the festival, I want to play with my cousinshappily. We both grew up together since childhood, has been to primary school,we have not seen for many years Thissummer I'm going to take the exam, I wanted to ...

答:Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my tenth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet...

答:小朋友 我同意1楼的``你这样是不对的,虽然有人给你发作文,他没怎么样,但你毕竟侵犯了那个人的知识成果权``如果你得了第一`那么`你上领奖台`会真的很高兴吗?不经不是你自己写的.你自己写的和抄袭的,对比起来上了领奖台的感受很不同的.除非你不是个有```的人 ...

答:0元左右;最诱人的要数当地独有的冰火两重天体验了:滑雪“泡汤”两不误,更诱人的是当?盛产的螃?毛蟹、雪蟹等?小饕们光看到名字就要垂涎三尺了!滑雪记:雪地放纵 位于日本列岛最北端的北海道,面积?3.451平方公里,占日本全国总面积的22。北海道的雪历来有名,十月深秋过后,北海道的天空就飘来了第...

答:2022冬奥会项目英文介绍可以这样写:1、高山滑雪 高山滑雪有时被称为滑降滑雪,是冬奥会标志性运动项目之一。参赛者在比赛过程中速度通常能够达到152公里/小时(95英里/小时),以如此高速在遍布急转弯和起伏的蜿蜒赛道上滑行。2022年北京冬奥会高山滑雪运动设11个竞赛项目,将产生33枚奖牌。Alpine skiing ...

答:如果全程是滑雪,那么会酌情扣分,如果钱够不致,分就会扣的多点,多到2分。范文推荐:I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport.I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think that I have potential!For the entire afternoon,...

答:冬奥会滑雪项目英文:Skiing events。介绍英文:1、滑雪运动是运动员把滑雪板装在靴底上在雪地上进行速度、跳跃和滑降的竞赛运动。Skiing is a competitive sport in which athletes mount skis on the soles of their boots and carry out speed, jumping and sliding on the snow.2、滑雪板用木材、...

以 冬天为题目的英语作文100词左右
答:I like skate Winter is coming, it's the best time for my favorite sport skating. Every winter, I will go with my friends to the bank of the river to skate once or twice a week. Our city is on north of China, so it won't take long for the water to freeze after ...

连柏宽13251415550:    滑雪英语作文100字 有翻译 -
周影复:      : Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside, looking ahead, the white snow everywhere. Built ...

连柏宽13251415550:    第一次滑雪的英语作文 -
周影复:      : My Virgin Skiing Experience !! I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport. I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think that I have potential!!! For the entire afternoon, I only fell down twice before our ...

连柏宽13251415550:    用英文写关于滑雪的作文小学100字 -
周影复:      : ski

连柏宽13251415550:    my hobbies英语作文我喜欢滑雪,这对我很有好处 60词 -
周影复:      :[答案] My hobby is skiing.It is very beneficial to me.Skiing can not only relax me from the stresses,it also boosts my confidence and my body coordination skills.It is unlike many other sports which may require a person to be trapped in a small area,skiing unfold ...

连柏宽13251415550:    上周末滑雪的英语作文 -
周影复:      : 希望可以帮到你 Last weekend we and sister family to ski resort to play. When we are armed to the teeth into the indoor ski field,feeling came to a world of ice and snow, into the moment Ifell heavily, my face covered with snow. Later my father taught ...

连柏宽13251415550:    winter fun,写一篇80词英语作文 1:冬天天冷,多雪 2:可以堆雪人,扔雪球,滑雪,溜 -
周影复:      : 您好:My family winter holiday is not so colorful, but it is warmful.In winter holiday, all the members got together. We chatted, with grandma and mom busy in the kitchen. When it comes to lunch, we were very happy at table.I go to Hongkong this ...

连柏宽13251415550:    求:英语短文《滑雪》40个单词◎ -
周影复:      :[答案] Skat In The Snow On a cold morning,I go out and want to buy some food.To my surprise, it is snowing when I get out off my house.I become really happy to see that! So I get back to home and take my skater.Then I skate with skater.There is much snow ...

连柏宽13251415550:    初二关于滑雪的英语作文 -
周影复:      : Skiing is a desirable activity fro' young people. It provides the excitement that the youth is commonly seeking. The skiers can enjoy the thrill of gliding at tremendous speed down a gleaming,white mountain slope. Often, with split second ...

连柏宽13251415550:    讨论周末要去哈尔滨滑雪的英语作文 -
周影复:      : The Spring Festival is coming. It is myfavourite festival. During the festival, I want to play with my cousinshappily. We both grew up together since childhood, has been to primary school,we have not seen for many years Thissummer I'm going to take ...

连柏宽13251415550:    写一遍英语作文,观建词:雪人、雪球、滑雪、房屋、树. -
周影复:      : My family winter holiday is not so colorful, but it is warmful.In winter holiday, all the members got together. We chatted, with grandma and mom busy in the kitchen. When it comes to lunch, we were very happy at table. I go to Hongkong this winter ...

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