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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

英语作文my family 10句话 写写家人的年龄和身高和体重 并进行比较...
答:写作思路:题目为《我的家庭》。开头可以简单的介绍自己家庭情况,比如人口数量,都有谁。中间详细描写每位成员的年龄、身高、体重情况,这个是重点。结尾简单的点出谁是最重最高,有个比较,点题,并抒发一下感情即可。双语写作范文参考 MY FamilyThere are three people in my family. They are father...

答:问题五:如何用英语介绍自己的家人简短些 200分 I'm going to talk about my family.There are X(几个)family members stay with me.that's my monther who grow me up ,and my father who told me how to be a man.Grandma is the person most love me in the world.Then grandpa is ...

答:介绍家人的英语作文(六): In my mind, mother is the greatest。 Because my mother not only gave me life, gave me lots of love。 When I meet with difficulties, always can hear mother encouraging words, and when I am happy, my mother is also the most happy。 Remember, when I was two ...

答:作文如下:This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me.这是我的家人。我家有四口人。我的祖母、父亲、母亲和我。My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He...


以my family 为题写一篇60词作文,介绍家人及其爱好
答:我爱我的父母。 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴,我爸爸去打篮球。有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐。 我爱我家。因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 英语范文 My family is a happy family. My family has five people: grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me. My parents ...

答:用英语介绍我的爸爸妈妈可以介绍他们的职业,身高,外貌等等特征,还有就是爸爸妈妈的性格等等。My parents are very similar in character. They are all impatient, but they are very humorous. What they say can often make me laugh. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They...

答:is very nice.And my brother, he is a smart boy.I love my family, and they love me too.我有一个幸福的家庭.有爱我的妈妈,爸爸,哥哥,爷爷,奶奶,和伯伯.我的妈妈是一个温柔的女人,爸爸是一个幽默的男人.爷爷非常慈祥.还有我哥哥,他是一个帅气的男孩.我爱我的家人,他们也一样爱我.

用英文介绍自己的家人,至少6句。请学霸们帮帮忙,快的好的才采纳。 带...
答:我有一个家庭。我父亲是一名司机。他很英俊,有点胖。我妈妈是个书呆子(护士) 她很漂亮,很友好。她很高。因为她喜欢打篮球。我非常爱我的家人。英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,...

答:写作思路:结合自己的实际情况,把自己的家庭成员分别介绍一下,比如爸爸脸瘦瘦长长的、还戴了副眼镜。妈妈脸圆圆的、眼睛小小的,妈妈对我可严格了等等。正文:I have a happy, warm home, a family of three people, father, mother and I.我有一个幸福、温馨的家,一家三口人,爸爸、妈妈和我...

燕贫璧19170779273:    用英语介绍自己的父母要简短 -
毛琴穆:      :[答案] My parents I have a busy father and a kind mother. My father is a businessman.He is 42 years old.He is short.He likes reading newspapers after meals.He watches TV in the evening.He goes to work by car.He has got a nice black car.He often plays golf ...

燕贫璧19170779273:    用英语介绍自己的父母要简短 -
毛琴穆:      : My parents I have a busy father and a kind mother. My father is a businessman. He is 42 years old. He is short. He likes reading newspapers after meals. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to work by car. He has got a nice black car. He often ...

燕贫璧19170779273:    用英语介绍你的父母40词一内 -
毛琴穆:      :[答案] My parents, were working at the same place, Tommy, my dad likes to read newspaper early in the morning, and after that he will go to work soon, he is a workholic, he spend most of his time on work. For my mum, she is totally different from my dad, I ...

燕贫璧19170779273:    用简单的英语描写爸爸妈妈 -
毛琴穆:      :[答案] I love my home ,and I love more my family.I have a kind father .My father isn't very tall but always bring me security .I have a lovely mother.When I was wrong,My mother is always helped me with patience .I am very grateful to my parents.

燕贫璧19170779273:    用英文介绍父母,普通的就好,不少于50个单词 -
毛琴穆:      :[答案] These are my parents,my father 's name is(名字),he is a( 职业),he is very love his career ,so he works hard every day,my mather's name is(名字),she is a ( 职业),she is love his work too,but she is more lover me and my home,we live...

燕贫璧19170779273:    初一用英语向朋友介绍父母的情况60词左右 -
毛琴穆:      : I have a happy family.My father is a teacher.Everyday,he drives his car to NO.67 Senior High School in our city.He teaches Senior 2 music.My mother is a housewife.So she works at home.She takes care of us,I,my sister and my father.She cooks,...

燕贫璧19170779273:    用英语介绍你的妈妈或者爸爸,求学霸帮忙. -
毛琴穆:      : my dad is tall .he hes straight black hari and he does not wear glasses .he usually wear jeans .he is worker

燕贫璧19170779273:    用英语介绍自己父母的外貌,职业,工作地点等 -
毛琴穆:      : 英文: My fatther is XX years old,when he was young he was handsome,but now he is fat. He is working at XXXXXX.Everyday he works by car (by bus ,on foot). He likes reading and playing basketball,but now he has little time to play basketball....

燕贫璧19170779273:    用英文介绍自己的父母45十个字 -
毛琴穆:      : my mother is a doctor/engineer/teacher. She works very hard but still takes good care of our family. Actually she cooks very delicious meals for us everyday and I do want to appreciate her for all she have done for us. My father works as a doctor/...

燕贫璧19170779273:    介绍爸妈的英语作文6句 -
毛琴穆:      : 1.I live with every day and their families,very lively My father:41-year-old.Is full of passion,he often point to things on the excitement,but very gentle personality. My mother: Forty-year-old.I highly respect her,but she will be able to see through,I have a ...

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