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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:15.My father is strong, he is tall and handsome.我的爸爸很强壮,很高也很英俊。

答:1、My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build. He has short black hair and big eyes.2、My father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He wears a uniform in the hospital. He drives his car go to work. He is a good doctor. He loves his job. He work...

答:My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build.He has short black hair and big eyes.我的父亲是一个英俊的男人。他身材高大,中等身材。他有黑色的短发和大眼睛。My father works in a hospital.He is a doctor.He wears a uniform in the hospital.He drives his car go t...

答:My dad is a tall and handsome man. He has a pair of bright eyes that are as deep as the sea, and his nose is straight and strong. His lips are thin but friendly, and his smile always makes me feel warm and safe.He likes to wear casual clothes, such as jeans and T-...

答:介绍我的父亲的英语作文一 My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build.He has short black hair and big eyes.我的父亲是一个英俊的男人。他很高,中等身材。他有黑色的短头发和大眼睛。My father works in a hospital.He is a doctor.He wears a uniform in the hospital....

答:范文:My father 我的父亲 My father is a handsome man He is tall and medium build He has short black hair and big eyes 我父亲是个英俊的男人。他个子高,中等身材。他有黑色的短发和大眼睛。My father works in a hospital He is a doctor He wears a uniform in the hospital He ...

答:写作思路:可以先描述一下爸爸的外貌特点也就是五官,然后通过一件事来阐述一下爸爸的性格等等。正文:My father is 42 years old. He is the head of Tucheng village in Boguo town. He is handsome, tall, and has a pair of bright eyes. He looks very handsome, but his mouth is a ...

答:我的父亲是一个英俊的男人。他身材高大,中等身材。他有黑色的短发和大眼睛。My father works in a hospital.He is a doctor.He wears a uniform in the hospital.He drives his car go to work.He is a good doctor.He loves his job.He works hard.我父亲在一家医院工作。他是一名医生。

答:五年级上册英语介绍你爸爸妈妈的长相和性格特征 My mother has a kind heart.Her hair is very long.Her big eyes are very beautiful.I am very fortunate,I have a love my mother.I love my mother.my father is a policeman. he is tall and strong. he looks very cool in the black ...

答:My father My father is a handsome man . He is tall and medium build. He has short black hair and big eyes.My father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He wears a uniform in the hospital. He drives his car go to work. He is a good doctor. He loves his job.He ...

洪俗策18798135104:    描写爸爸的外貌的英语作文不少于八句话不多于十句话 -
朱沫晴:      :[答案] Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. It is often easier to find work. There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in ...

洪俗策18798135104:    用英文描写自己的父亲的外貌特征年龄及翻译. -
朱沫晴:      :[答案] My father was wearing a pair of glasses,small eyes,thin lips,because overworked with wrinkles 我父亲戴着一副眼镜,小眼睛,薄嘴唇,因为劳累有了皱纹

洪俗策18798135104:    用一段英语形容爸爸的外貌,要在3句话以上,达到标准的给他20财富值,大姐, -
朱沫晴:      :[答案] My father is a man with glasses.He dressed in neat,suit,be courteous and accessible. His eyebrows twinkled under one's eyes brimming with radiating vigour eyes. (我的爸爸是个戴眼镜的男人,他穿着整齐的西装,和蔼可亲,他的浓眉下闪烁着炯炯...

洪俗策18798135104:    请你写一篇英语短文,介绍你的爸爸(外貌、年龄、职业、工作特点、上班方式、爱好等),不少于5句话. -
朱沫晴:      : 我的父亲是一个善良的人.他不是很高,但他是一个男人的毅力.他的作品很难和他的服务受到了高度评价.我父亲是一个人的献身精神.每天早上他起床最早,使我们的早餐.晚上,他始终是晚回来.在周末,他总是带领我们去郊游在他的汽车.他是一个男人的几句话,但他常说我“有一点学习是一个危险的事. ”我将永远记住这些话.我非常爱我的父亲.

洪俗策18798135104:    用英文描写自己的父亲的外貌特征年龄及翻译. -
朱沫晴:      : My father was wearing a pair of glasses, small eyes, thin lips, because overworked with wrinkles 我父亲戴着一副眼镜,小眼睛,薄嘴唇,因为劳累有了皱纹

洪俗策18798135104:    英文用外貌、穿着、性格这三个方面来介绍自己的父亲 -
朱沫晴:      : I am a quiet girl. I have two big eyes and a black long hair.I will do sweeping the floor and cleaning my room ,but I can't cook.Because I think cooking is very difficult

洪俗策18798135104:    怎么用英语介绍父亲外貌、性格、职业还带翻译中文的作文(50字) -
朱沫晴:      : My father is tall and strong. He has black hair and big shining eyes. He likes telling jokes. He is a doctor. His patients all like him because he always tells funny jokes and makes them feel happy.

洪俗策18798135104:    描写我的父亲外貌英语作文 -
朱沫晴:      : 我的父亲,头发白,眼睛黑,鼻子长,嘴巴短,耳朵大,牙齿小. 搜索:百度翻译器,输入各种中文然后翻译.呵呵呵呵呵

洪俗策18798135104:    写英语小作文描写自己的父母外貌其特点短的? -
朱沫晴:      : This is my father.He is tall and thin.He has two small eyes and a small nose.But his ears are big.He has short hair.I love my father.(望采纳)

洪俗策18798135104:    用英语介绍自己父母的外貌,职业,工作地点等 -
朱沫晴:      : 英文: My fatther is XX years old,when he was young he was handsome,but now he is fat. He is working at XXXXXX.Everyday he works by car (by bus ,on foot). He likes reading and playing basketball,but now he has little time to play basketball....

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