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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-16


答:neither cold nor hot. In recent years we Chongqing, Chongqing has changed dramatically, warm, friendly, hardworking, intelligent Chongqing determined to build their home more beautiful.我家位于中国西南,群山环绕,有两条江,长江和嘉陵江,它是中国最大的城市,总人口达三千多万。我们重庆不仅...

答:作文思路:开篇点出重庆这座城市的特点,接着对相关特点展开详细描述。重庆,一个麻辣味道的城市,一个美食与美景并存的城市,有着“山城”与“雾都”之称的城市。Chongqing, a city with spicy taste, food and beautiful scenery, is known as "mountain city" and "fog city".可以说重庆无论从 ...

英语作文 这个暑假我去了重庆,在那 里玩得非常开心
答:写作思路:根据题目要求,多方面介绍重庆的风景特色。My family and I packed our bags on the first day of the new year and started our trip to Chongqing.我和家人在新年的第一天就收拾好了行囊,开启了我们的重庆之旅。The Beltway in Chongqing has made me appreciate the beauty of ...

答:My hometown is Chongqing .Chongqing is a major city in Southwest China and one of the five national central cities of the People's Republic of China. Administratively, it is one of the PRC's four direct-controlled municipalities (the other three are Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin)...

在线求一篇成都和重庆比较的英语作文 100词左右
答:Chongqing is a major city in Southwest China and one of the five national central cities of the People's Republic of China.Administratively,it is one of the PRC's four direct-controlled municipalities (the other three are Beijing,Shanghai and Tianjin),and the only such municipality...

答:重庆有时会多雾。Chongqing is famous for its foggy weather in spring and winter days, which gives this city a nickname of "雾都", in English "foggy city".重庆是著名的春季和冬季天的大雾天气,使这个城市的绰号“雾都”,英文“雾都”。Chongqing is also famous of hotpot.重庆也以火锅...

答:这是一篇介绍重庆的经典范文 希望能对你有所帮助Widely acknowledged as the largest industrial and economic center in southwestern China, Chongqing City is a popular destination for travelers with its hilly slopes, rivers, night views and spicy food.Meaning "double celebrations" in Chinese, ...

求一篇介绍重庆文化的英语文章~·~谢谢了 大家帮帮忙啦
答:我给你找了一篇关于重庆的英文文章,很符合你需要的内容。Chongqing is a port city with the largest municipal area and population in China. It is situated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers in southwest China. With an area ...

重庆 我的家乡 英语作文
答:My hometown--ChongQing ChongQin is located in the southwest of China where Yangtze River and Chialing meet.It has a population of 32,353,200 and has a area of 8,2403 square kilometers.It's alway wet and brumous and it's very hot in summer and rainy in winter.Besides,Chong...

窦屠邵15767996205:    英文作文我的家乡关于重庆,我的家乡写一些优点,比如说山明水秀等等100字左右急用,请在11号之前, -
瞿乐悦:      :[答案] My home is in Chongqing, spread out the map to find the most middle of the city - Chongqing, a surge of deep feelings of love Township arises spontaneously from my heart. I grew up in Chongqing, drink...

窦屠邵15767996205:    以《美丽的重庆》为题!写一篇100单词左右的英语作文!急… -
瞿乐悦:      : In April this year the AAPP was held in Chongqing . The foreign friends were warmly welcomed by Chongqing people . The foreign friends said ,“ Chongqing has changed a lot . The streets are clean , the lights are bright , the city is beautiful , and ...

窦屠邵15767996205:    怎么用英语介绍重庆? -
瞿乐悦:      : Chongqing is one of the four municipalities of the PRC, one of China's five major cities, a GROUP URBAN made from a large city (Chongqing Downtown),and six regional central city that population of over one million, and 25 other counties. The ...

窦屠邵15767996205:    李华给外国朋友Alex写的一篇介绍重庆的英语作文,城市概况中国西南唯一直辖市,人口2900万,气候适宜,雨水充足,旅游景点长江三峡,大足石刻等100词左右 -
瞿乐悦:      : April 24, 2010 My dear schoolmates, We live together in the city of Nanjing, breathing the same air around. It is our duty to make our city cleaner and more beautiful. Now our city is facing some serious problems. As more people own cars today, and ...

窦屠邵15767996205:    求帮写英语短文 你的一位老外朋友要来重庆玩、要你介绍重庆. 包括重庆好玩的地方解放碑 红岩洞 -
瞿乐悦:      : As you may know, Chongqing is called the Mountain City. There are mainly two rivers, Changjiang River and Jialingjiang River across the city. There are a lot of famous tourist sites in Chongqing, such as Jiefangbei CBD, Dazu Carvings, ...

窦屠邵15767996205:    用英语来介绍重庆 -
瞿乐悦:      : The girl is very beatiful!

窦屠邵15767996205:    关于家乡重庆名胜古迹的英语作文 80字左右 -
瞿乐悦:      : 重庆名胜古迹:More gorge, Nanshan, Chongqing Zoo, porcelain mouth, Hongyadong Jindaoxia Chongqing Museum, the Great Hall of the People, Spa is surrounded by moun...

窦屠邵15767996205:    介绍重庆的历史,人口,面积,特色啊这些,字数大概200~300字.我没有分数了,所以恳请大家帮个忙,急用~英语作文的内容是介绍重庆的历史,人口,... -
瞿乐悦:      :[答案] Over 3000 years in history and local culture, The youngest municipality of China, The largest inland city of rivers and ... its glories and growth marked the history of China.In the recent 100 years,Chongqing was first the commercial and trade center of the ...

窦屠邵15767996205:    跪求英语作文一篇!!
瞿乐悦:      : My hometown--ChongQing ChongQin is located in the southwest of China where Yangtze River and Chialing meet.It has a population of 32,353,200 and has a area of 8,2403 square kilometers.It's alway wet and brumous and it's very hot in summer ...

窦屠邵15767996205:    在线求一篇成都和重庆比较的英语作文 100词左右 -
瞿乐悦:      : klpilkkolil;klpok;'kk;ikookj[]][oioop'op[iujjkljpo]oljookj jklo];;-kkpjjkll\oop[0llklpijj jikjl'rtfl]asepkdfkfDfklad; fds;lgrthik.kp[m

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