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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14


答:it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.2

答:9、However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical 用简单几句话用英文介绍长城 The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world。10、1“长城”的英文是The Great Wall2用英式音标发音读作#240...

长城旅游景点介绍英语 长城旅游景点介绍英语作文
答:你不要错过长城。 _ The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 长城是世界七大奇迹之一。 _ There is a Chinese saying, “Those who don't reach the Great Wall are not true men.” 中国有句谚语:“不到长城非好汉。” 4. 介绍长城的英语作文12 The Great Wall of China...

答:Great Wall was first built in ancient China. It is not only a wall, but it is also a tourist resort. The greatest part of the Great Wall is in Beijing. It is called "Badaling". It is 7.8 metres high on an average. And it is 6.6 metres wide at the bottom while 5...

答:1:长城英语导游词 Dear visitors:Everybody is good! Everybody call me weeks. Today, I take you to visit the Great Wall of world-famous. During the visit, please protect the cultural heritage, the wall graffito of the scribble not, not disorderly garbage.Chairman MAO once said: ...

答:长城英文介绍如下:1、The Great Wall is one of the most iconic structures in China and is a symbol of Chinese civilization. It was originally built as a series of fortifications in the 7th century B.C. to protect China from invading nomads from the north.长城是中国最具标志性的...

长城旅游景点介绍英语介绍 长城旅游指南英语
答:下面长城的英语介绍主要从长城的重要性和特点进行阐述,具体如下:The Great Wall is a symbol of the Chinese nation. It is more than 12,000 miles long and is one of the greatest buildings in the world. The Great Wall was built in the Qin Shihuang period. After successive additions and repairs...

答:The Great Wall of China is one of the most outstanding buildings of mankind, It is one of the eight wonders in the world.The part of the Great Wall we can admire today north of Beijing, are the reconstructed remnants of the Ming Dynasty wall.The Great Wall is the world's...

答:由西到东蜿蜒曲折,最后到达大海。它是地球上最长的墙,也是世界奇迹之子 长城有000多年的历史。它开始修建于春秋时期。秦朝时,所有的城墙联结在一起。所有工作都是用手完成的,成千上万的人在修建长城时死去。长城就是这样出现的 目前为止,长城重修多次。噢 顺便说一下 现在我报读的ABC5夫下英语...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    求英语的长城介绍..最多6句.快.. -
鲍忽削:      : China's Great Wall is known to the world as one of the seven great wonders of the world. It is located in North China.And it is over 6000 kilometres in length and is 25 feet high in average.Today, the Great wall has lost its strategic importance and has...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    谁能用英语介绍下长城? -
鲍忽削:      : The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.In fact, it's more than 6000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    100分求用几句英语介绍一下长城的壮丽 -
鲍忽削:      : The Great Wall The Great Wall was first built in ancient China. It is not only a wall, but it is also a tourist resort. The greatest part of the Great Wall is in Beijing. It is called "Badaling". It is 7.8 metres high on an average. And it is 6.6 metres wide at ...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    用英语描述长城,只要几句话,不要很复杂 -
鲍忽削:      : The Great Wall is very famous in the world. It's a magnificent building.He who has neven been to the Great Wall is not a true man,it's a famous Chinese saying about the great wall. So many people visit it every year.

瞿阙彼13999269951:    用简单几句话用英文介绍长城 -
鲍忽削:      :[答案] The Great Wall,one of the greatest wonders of the world,was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987.Just like a ...all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.长城,世界最伟大的奇迹之一,1987年被联合国...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    英语作文 世界奇观万里长城简介60词左右 -
鲍忽削:      : The Great Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it ...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    英文长城简介 -
鲍忽削:      : The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in northern China, built originally to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against intrusions by various nomadic groups(游牧民族). Several walls have been built ...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    用英语介绍长城,简单的说十句左右就可以, -
鲍忽削:      :[答案] 关于长城的传说 In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei ...

瞿阙彼13999269951:    用英语介绍长城只要五句话急吖… -
鲍忽削:      : The Great Wall in Beijing is the place I want to visit the most because it has a long history and is important in Chinese culture. 北京的长城是我想去的地方是最严重的,因为它有很悠久的历史,在中国文化中是重要的. The Great Wall was first built ...

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