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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:Dumpling is one of the famous snack in Ningbo, China is the representative of snacks, has a very long history. According to legend, glutinous rice balls originated in the song dynasty. At that time, each district is arisen have a novel food, which uses a variety of candies do...

答:festivals, contests and sports games, such as the 3rd China International Competition for Singers, which has now settled down in Ningbo, the 9th China International Children’s Film Festival, The 1st Popular Music Contest of The 6th China Golden Bell Award for Music,...

答:it is not only the famous opening of the first cities, but also a long history and cultural city. Since ancient times, there is "prosperous business center in the East China Sea pearl" reputation. Ningbo history goes back to ancient times. In 1973 found...

答:宁波的英文介绍如下:Ningbo。双语例句:她应聘到宁波大学执教。She accepted a teaching post at Ningbo university.她五年前来到中国,是宁波大学的学生。She came to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University.从宁波到北京,列车运行1365公里,车程7小时,票价仅595元。From Ningbo to...

答:During World War II in 1940,Japan bombed Ningbo with fleas carrying the bubonic plague.According to Daniel Barenblatt,Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda received,with Prince Mikasa,a special screening by Shiro Ishii of a film showing imperial planes loading germ bombs for bubonic dissemination over...

答:Also called county temple, Music City Temple, as a municipal heritage unit. Located in bustling downtown area. Ningbo Office of Town God's Temple is China's largest existing one in Town God's Temple. Hongwu four years ( 1371), Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang decreed, Chi made ...

答:Tian Yi Ge is a library and garden located in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China. It is the oldest existing library in China. Founded in 1561 by Fan Qin during the Ming Dynasty, in its heyday, it boasted a collection of 70,000 volume of antique books.The name Tian Yi refers...

答:Ningbo is one of China's oldest cities,with a history dating back to the Hemudu culture in 4800 BC.Climatic Features:monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate (Koppen Cfa),featuring temperate and humid weather and four distinct seasons; frost-free period of 230-240 days Mean ...

答:Town beautiful environment, three Jiang throughout downtown. Ningbo NPC southeastern have all the most ancient books -- Tianyi Pavilion, and Qi Jiguang's coastal defenses against Japanese pirate sites. Ningbo cuisine with cookouts, levigation pudding, a rich variety of seafood....

答:Ningbo ( literally "Tranquil Waves") is a seaport sub-provincial city with a population of 800,000 in northeastern Zhejiang province, People's Republic of China. Lying south of the Hangzhou Bay, and facing the East China Sea to the east, Ningbo borders Shaoxing to the west and ...

贲贩毓15177312550:    我的家乡浙江宁波英语演讲2到3分钟,介绍自己的家乡 -
方底界:      :[答案] 地理位置 我国东部 上海附近 顺带介绍跨海大桥 20s-30s 经济情况人民生活情况 20s-30s 细说服装.交通.楼房.文化.20s 可以重点介绍天一广场(位置卓越,交通方便,商业丰富,周末好去处) 30s-1min 然后自己稍微发挥一下.就2到3分钟了.

贲贩毓15177312550:    介绍宁波的英语作文 -
方底界:      : A brief introduction of NINGBO! Ningbo is a city bordering on the East China Sea. It is located in the middle of the mainland coast-line and the south of Yangze River Delta. With Zhoushan Archipelago as its natural defense in the east, bordering on ...

贲贩毓15177312550:    写篇用英语介绍宁波,还有寒假的大雪 -
方底界:      : Ningbo is a very beautiful place.It has many big shopping centers for example, like TianYi square and WanDa square. In the past, most of the people don't know anything about Ningbo. But nowadays, many people start to learn know about Ningbo....

贲贩毓15177312550:    求一篇介绍宁波著名景点的英文短文
方底界:      : Ningbo?City,?the?national?historical?and?cultural?city,?Zhejiang?is?one?of?the?three?major?economic?centers.?Picturesque?scenery,?cultural?atmosphere,?Town?God'...

贲贩毓15177312550:    英文好的朋友帮帮忙..我的家乡浙江宁波我国东部 上海附近 顺带介绍跨海大桥 经济情况人民生活情况 服装.交通.楼房.文化.可以重点介绍天一广场(位置卓... -
方底界:      :[答案] Ningbo is a seaport with sub-provincial administrative status.The city has a population of 2,201,000 and is situated in ... with a history dating back to 4800 B.C.the Hemudu culture.Ningbo was known as a trade city on the silk road at least 2000 years ago,...

贲贩毓15177312550:    宁波旅游景点介绍 要英文 -
方底界:      : 欢迎大家自助游遍宁波1:宁波北仑凤凰山主题乐园 市区南站783-1,550-1到终点站下车,搭乘783路到主题乐园下车. 北仑城区北仑影剧院搭乘716路公交车,到主题乐园站下车. 704,706,68路沿途增设主题乐园站. 自驾车同三高速北仑出口...

贲贩毓15177312550:    请问哪位可以帮我写下关于宁波象山的英语短文,,要用英语哦,,,就是介绍一下象山,谢谢啦..... -
方底界:      : Elephant is located in the seaside tourist area southeast of Ningbo City, near North Port, south three Bay, the sea on three sides, all the way through the land, over 800 km long coastline, 608 islands, only the city of Ningbo is a mountain, sea, Island, ...

贲贩毓15177312550:    宁波的地理方位用英文如何描述
方底界:      : 宁波,地处钱塘江南岸,对面就是经济发达的上海与长三角区,交通非常便捷. 往内地可以沿钱塘江而上或从上海沿长江而上; 往外自古就是出洋良港.鐧惧害鍦板浘

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