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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

答:1、用英文列出北京的名胜古迹 1、故宫 北京故宫是中国明清两代的皇家宫殿,旧称紫禁城,位于北京中轴线的中心,是中国古代宫廷建筑之精华。北京故宫以三大殿为中心,占地面积72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米,有大小宫殿七十多座,房屋九千余间。是世界上现存规模最大、保存最为完整的木质结构古建筑之一。

答:龙门石窟与莫高窟、云冈石窟、麦积山石窟并称中国四大石窟。12.Songshan shaolin temple 嵩山少林寺 嵩山少林寺是中国佛教禅宗祖庭和中国功夫的发源地,现为世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位、国家AAAAA级旅游景区,位于河南省郑州市登封市嵩山五乳峰下,因坐落于嵩山腹地少室山茂密丛林之中,故名“少林寺...

用十句英语介绍你旅游景点 英语介绍一个旅游景点
答:英文介绍旅游景点:昆仑山The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunl...

答:10. 中国景点的名称以及英文 Caves,Dunhuang 千佛洞Thousand-BuddhaCave 壁画murals/fresco 佛经BuddhistSutra 塔里木盆地TarimBasin 土鲁番Turpan 华清池HuaqingHotSprings 河西走廊HexiCorridor 昆山市cityofKunshan 帕米尔山区PamirMountainousRegion 三峡ThreeGorges 月牙泉CrescentSpring 桂林Guilin 阳朔Yangshuo 板石街(又名“西...

中国旅游景点介绍文案英文 中国著名旅游景点介绍英语作文
答:一个旅游景点介绍英文范文(精选7篇) 旅游景点主要围绕着山、江、河、湖、海、寺、庙、博物馆、公园等。以下是我为大家整理一个旅游景点介绍英文范文(精选7篇)的相关内容,仅供参考,希望能够帮助大家! 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇1 Welcome everyone, I am glad that you can come to Pingyao County, where there...

英文介绍一个地方旅游景点 介绍一个中国旅游景点的英语
答:英文介绍旅游景点:长城 China's Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization. 中国的长城是人类文明史中最伟大的建筑工程。 It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years ago. 长城建造于两千年前的春秋战国时代。 After the Qin sta...

答:中国著名景点英语如下:1、九寨沟Nine-village Valley。2、张家界Zhang Jiajie。3、桂林山水Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters。4、十三陵The Ming Tombs。5、秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb。6、天安门广场Tian'anmen Square。7、人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes。8、毛...

答:先介绍一下旅游胜地的基本情况,人文景观谈谈历史背景,自然景观聊聊山势水色。接着,你可以列举几条理由说一说你为什么最喜欢这一处旅游胜地。这样文章就非常的符合题意啦! 另外,还要注意的一点是:介绍旅游胜地的基本情况时,我们要用一般现在时。要是想和大家分享一下你的旅游经历,那就要用到一般过去时啦,可千万不...

答:2. The Palace Museum The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. Construction of ...

答:您好,很高兴解答您的问题。关于您这个问题,有:Beihai Park 北海公园 Tian'anmen Square 天安门广场 the Great Wall 长城 the Forbidden City 紫禁城 Temple of Heaven 天坛 the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂 Huangguoshu Falls 黄果树瀑布 Longmen Stone Cave龙门石窟 Suzhou ...

路勉魏18784662096:    用英语介绍中国的旅游景点不少于40字 -
郎骨甘:      : 中国的旅游景点 Tourist attractions in China Tourist attractions in China

路勉魏18784662096:    英文介绍的国内旅游景点?要简短易懂的 -
郎骨甘:      :[答案] Beijing:Palace Museum,the Temple of Heaven Park,the Summer Palace,Badaling Great Wall. Tianjin:Tianjin Ancient Culture Street tourist area (Tsudo hometown),Tianjin winding scenic spots. Hebei:Qinhuangdao City Shanhaiguan area,Baoding an ...

路勉魏18784662096:    用英文介绍中国的景点一二句 -
郎骨甘:      : you should go to visit the Great Wall.It is a historical place,thousands years ago,it help Chinses people to be far away from war and other countries' invasions.Now it bocomes very popular,it is visited not only by foreign friends,but also by our local ...

路勉魏18784662096:    有关中国十大名胜的英文介绍 -
郎骨甘:      :[答案] 1.长城 the Great Wall 2.桂林山水 the Landscape of Guilin 3.杭州西湖 the West Lake of Hangzhou 4.故宫 the Imperial Palace 5.苏州园林 the Gardens of Suzhou 6.安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui 7.长江三峡 the...

路勉魏18784662096:    我想要用英语介绍中国的景点300字 明天就要交 -
郎骨甘:      :[答案] The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui,Shanghai.The tower,surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in ... elevator attendants recite an introduction to the TV Tower in English and Chinese during the rapid 1/4-mile ascent.Once you ...

路勉魏18784662096:    用英语介绍一下中国十大名胜古迹每个不用太多,5、6句话就行! -
郎骨甘:      :[答案] 故宫.The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.It is located in the middle of Beijing,China and now houses the Palace Museum.For almos...

路勉魏18784662096:    介绍中国的某种名胜古迹的英语作文中国的名胜古迹就像长城啊等等的都可以!大概80词左右吧!尽量写的详细点! -
郎骨甘:      :[答案] 长江三峡 The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River The Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River... ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China The Great WallThe Great Wall runs across North China like a ...

路勉魏18784662096:    急求一篇中国旅游景点的英文介绍那个景点也行.300字左右.我要给以老外同事介绍 -
郎骨甘:      :[答案] 介绍嘉兴的 Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests.There are beautiful tide,lakes and rivers.To the south of city,there are the revolutionary saint place of South Lake and other places like Xitang-living ancient town of thousands of years; ...

路勉魏18784662096:    用英语介绍中国一个名胜古迹适合学生的 -
郎骨甘:      :[答案] The Great Wall of China, also known in China as the Great Wall of 10,000, is an ancient Chinese fortification built from the end of the 14th century until the beginning of the 17th century, during the Ming Dynasty, in order to protect China from raids by the ...

路勉魏18784662096:    用英语写出中国的风景名胜并翻译 -
郎骨甘:      : 长城 the great wall 西湖 the West Lake 龙华塔 the Long Hua Pagoda 外滩 the Bund 东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl TV Tower

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