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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

英语介绍一个旅游景点西湖 介绍西湖风景的英语作文50字
答:西湖周围的很多古建筑是中国最珍贵的历史遗产,具有高度的艺术价值。鉴于西湖杰出的历史和文化价值,西湖在1982年被定为“国家重点风景区”。西湖的美景“三潭映月”在2004年被印在一元人民币钞票的背面。 杭州西湖景点介绍英文版1,Dream north streetNorth street dream is one of the famous scenic spots of west ...

介绍景点的英语作文 介绍景点的英语作文带翻译

答:The Great Wall The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.The ...

答:1、有关介绍北京名胜古迹的英语作文 有关介绍北京名胜古迹的英语作文:Cultural relics in Beijing like the Forbidden City,the Great Wall,Zhouk oudian Beijing Man Relics,the Temple of Heaven,the Summer Palace and the Ming Tombs are World Cultural and Natural Heritages approved by the ...

四级口语介绍中国旅游景点 英语口语介绍旅游景点
答:英语作文你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由写作思路:根据题目要求,可以以生活中的美景以介绍为主的形式作为主题,最后总结自己的感受。Dear friends, do you want to know about Xi'an?_o you want to visit Xi'an with your parents on May Day and national day?_ell...

英文介绍旅游景点长城 长城旅游景点介绍英语
答:今天,长城不仅对中国人,而且对来自全世界各地的人们来说都是一处名胜。其中许多人都已知道这句中国名言:“不到长城非好汉”。 介绍长城的英语作文(三) In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it start...

答:今天,长城不仅对中国人,而且对来自全世界各地的人们来说都是一处名胜。其中许多人都已知道这句中国名言:“不到长城非好汉”。介绍长城的英语作文(三) In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great...

介绍旅游景点黄山英语作文 游览黄山英语作文
答:介绍黄山的英语作文?Huangshan is a mountain range in southern Anhui Province in eastern China. The range is composed of material that was uplifted from an ancient sea during the Mesozoic era, 100 million years ago.黄山是位于中国东部安徽省南部的山脉,由1亿年前的中生代时期古代海洋抬升而形成。The ...

兰州旅游景点介绍英语作文 兰州一日游英语作文
答:英文版兰州介绍英文版兰州正文介绍如下Lanzhou, Gansu Province甘肃省兰州市Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province, is a major stop on the ancient "Silk Road" west of Xi'an. Situated on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Lanzhou has been important for thousands of years because of the Hexi Corri...

向李华介绍北京的旅游景点 向李华介绍北京的旅游景点英语
答:Please write to tell me.Yours,假设你叫李华,你想在互联网上制作一个介绍北京的网页,让外国朋友了解北京。根据题示用英语写100词短文Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named c...

松相帝15595069583:    用英语介绍中国的旅游景点不少于40字 -
邰尤录:      : 中国的旅游景点 Tourist attractions in China Tourist attractions in China

松相帝15595069583:    急需要一篇介绍中国景点的英文作文(80——100字,лл -
邰尤录:      :[答案] Tourist attractions in China Now,I will introduce Zhangjiajie Forest Park Golden Whip Stream (张家界森林公园的金鞭溪)to... 里面除了张家界森林公园、金鞭溪等名词外应该都是初二水平.不过要写旅游景点的文章不可避免的会写到这些.还有如果可...

松相帝15595069583:    介绍中国的某种名胜古迹的英语作文中国的名胜古迹就像长城啊等等的都可以!大概80词左右吧!尽量写的详细点! -
邰尤录:      :[答案] 长江三峡 The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River The Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River... ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China The Great WallThe Great Wall runs across North China like a ...

松相帝15595069583:    写一篇介绍中国旅游名胜的英文文章要求:10~15句 -
邰尤录:      :[答案] To the northwest and north of Beijing,a huge,serrated wall zigzags it's way to the east and west along the undulating mountains.This is the Great Wall,which is said to be visible from the moon.Constru...

松相帝15595069583:    急求一篇中国旅游景点的英文介绍那个景点也行.300字左右.我要给以老外同事介绍 -
邰尤录:      :[答案] 介绍嘉兴的 Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests.There are beautiful tide,lakes and rivers.To the south of city,there are the revolutionary saint place of South Lake and other places like Xitang-living ancient town of thousands of years; ...

松相帝15595069583:    以asking for advice为题写一篇介绍中国景点的英语作文 -
邰尤录:      :[答案] Today I introduce you to my hometown is mount tai.Taishan wants to,also known as daishan,temple,dongyue name,is the ... 他是中国唯一受过皇帝封禅的名山.游泰山要看四个奇观:泰山日出、云海玉盘、晚霞夕照、黄河金带. 泰山的景点还有很多,...

松相帝15595069583:    英语作文你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由 -
邰尤录:      :[答案] Dear friend,I am very happy that you are visiting China.Here I am going to introduce some places of interest to help you visit.First,you should go to BeiJing and go for a look at The BIrd Nest.It is the first national gym.It is on behalf of our Olymipic sport ...

松相帝15595069583:    关于我国名胜古迹的英语作文 -
邰尤录:      :[答案] 长江三峡 The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River The Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River... ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China The Great WallThe Great Wall runs across North China like a ...

松相帝15595069583:    求一篇关于中国名胜的英语作文(初中)急````````` -
邰尤录:      : The Yellow Mountain (黄山) The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. ...

松相帝15595069583:    用英文介绍中国的景点一二句 -
邰尤录:      : you should go to visit the Great Wall.It is a historical place,thousands years ago,it help Chinses people to be far away from war and other countries' invasions.Now it bocomes very popular,it is visited not only by foreign friends,but also by our local ...

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