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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-12

滑雪英语作文100字 有翻译
答:滑雪英语作文100字:Last weekend, I went skiing with my family. The weather was cold and snowy, but we had a great time. The ski resort was huge, with many different slopes for beginners and experts. We started on the easy slopes, but soon moved on to the more challenging o...

答:This is my first time skiing. I have a good time with my classmates.

答:we were greeted by a sea of white snow. The slopes, blanketed in snow, resembled a long white carpet. I assisted my father, putting on my ski boots and stepping onto the skis. I gazed down the sloping slopes and didn't hesitate to glide down. It felt as if I was flyin...

答:翻译:我的第一次滑雪! !我跟朋友去滑雪了星期天的比赛。这是我头一次的时间尝试这只超级有趣的活动。我真的很喜欢滑雪很多,而且我觉得我有潜在的! ! !整个下午,我只俯伏三思而后行实际上我们的教练来教我们正确的姿势。经过一些基本的和先进的做法,我曾试滑雪下山,这实在太棒了! ! !我想我会试...

答:滑雪的英语作文篇1 Skiing is a desirable activity fro’ young people. It provides the excitement that the youth is commonly seeking. The skiers can enjoy the thrill of gliding at tremendous speed down a gleaming,white mountain slope. Often, with split second tinting, they mu...

答:滑雪英语作文篇1 My Virgin Skiing Experience !! I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport. I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think that I have potential!!! For the entire afternoon, I only fell down twice ...

答:Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside, looking ahead, the white snow everywhere. Built on the hillside like a long white...

答:My Virgin Skiing Experience !I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport. I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think that I have potential! For the entire afternoon, I only fell down twice before our coach actually ...

滑雪英语作文100字 有翻译
答:Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside, looking ahead, the white snow everywhere. Built on the hillside like a long white...

答:Skiing-滑雪 Skiing is a desirable activity fro' young people. It provides the excitement that the youth is commonly seeking. The skiers can enjoy the thrill of gliding at tremendous speed down a gleaming,white mountain slope. Often, with split second tinting, they must dodge trees,...

尹腾凭19141891691:    滑雪英语作文100字 有翻译 -
蒲兰袁:      : Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside, looking ahead, the white snow everywhere. Built ...

尹腾凭19141891691:    上周末滑雪的英语作文 -
蒲兰袁:      : 希望可以帮到你 Last weekend we and sister family to ski resort to play. When we are armed to the teeth into the indoor ski field,feeling came to a world of ice and snow, into the moment Ifell heavily, my face covered with snow. Later my father taught ...

尹腾凭19141891691:    滑雪的英语作文(50个单词左右) -
蒲兰袁:      : 飞来峰饥饿我if奖理解哦i矫尾厉角旺季都i王即位理解为全家福

尹腾凭19141891691:    第一次滑雪的英语作文 -
蒲兰袁:      : My Virgin Skiing Experience !! I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport. I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think that I have potential!!! For the entire afternoon, I only fell down twice before our ...

尹腾凭19141891691:    关于学习滑雪的英文作文 -
蒲兰袁:      : My Virgin Skiing Experience !! I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport. I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think...

尹腾凭19141891691:    my hobbies英语作文我喜欢滑雪,这对我很有好处 60词 -
蒲兰袁:      :[答案] My hobby is skiing.It is very beneficial to me.Skiing can not only relax me from the stresses,it also boosts my confidence and my body coordination skills.It is unlike many other sports which may require a person to be trapped in a small area,skiing unfold ...

尹腾凭19141891691:    初二关于滑雪的英语作文 -
蒲兰袁:      : Skiing is a desirable activity fro' young people. It provides the excitement that the youth is commonly seeking. The skiers can enjoy the thrill of gliding at tremendous speed down a gleaming,white mountain slope. Often, with split second ...

尹腾凭19141891691:    英语作文翻译:tony来自英国,他家乡的冬天很冷,经常会下雪.tony常常和朋友去滑雪和滑冰, -
蒲兰袁:      :[答案] Tony comes from England,his hometown,winter is very cold,often snow.Tony often and friends to go skiing and ice skating,

尹腾凭19141891691:    滑雪培训课视频英语作文
蒲兰袁:      : 导语:在学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文).那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我整理的学会了滑雪英语作文,...

尹腾凭19141891691:    讨论周末要去哈尔滨滑雪的英语作文 -
蒲兰袁:      : The Spring Festival is coming. It is myfavourite festival. During the festival, I want to play with my cousinshappily. We both grew up together since childhood, has been to primary school,we have not seen for many years Thissummer I'm going to take ...

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