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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:描写思路:以《寻梦环游记》这部电影内容作为主题,真实得描述读后感受,正文:In the movie journey around the dream, the protagonist MIG has a music dream since he was a child. Although he was opposed by his family, he finally influenced his family and achieved his dream through his ...

读阿拉丁和神灯有感英文 50字左右 五年级水平
答:读阿拉丁和神灯有感英文如下。英文版:Today, I read the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp. This fairy tale tells us a truth: greedy people will come to no good end; Honest and kind people will be treated well by God.The world will be better only if we all learn the ...



答:篇一:鲁宾漂流记英语读后感200字 Confidence is often makes people have the courage to live. Confidence, courage, ability, have experience, you can succeed. 28 years, a surprising number, a magical number! While he was in the sea, lubin sun, the wild life drift teus.vanguard!

答:我看了一遍又一遍《肖申克的救赎》,感想颇多。片中安迪杜弗雷遭到法庭的错判,进了肖申克监狱。安迪无时无刻不憧憬着自由与希望,信念让他度过了29年时间。当他逃出来时,希望与自由得到了升华。“I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying. ”这是安迪让...

答:我最欣赏的不是鲁迅的勤劳勇敢,而是他那惊人的心理承受能力。可以想象,一个大活人独自在荒岛上生活了好几年,没有人陪他,即使是最基本的,用一个人简单地说一点话都做不到。《灰姑娘》英文读后感 After I read these two different versions of Cinderella, I found there are many similarities ...


答:英文短文的英文读后感 After reading this story, I have learned the importance of patience. The four sons in that story judge that pear tree superficially. Even though all their statements are right, they are one-sided conclusion.Due to their impatience, they miss the beauty and ...


农池些17012838538:    写一篇50字的英语读后感 -
戴田绍:      :[答案] 哈利波特 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where Harry Potter and his friends learned about magic. Main ... because he play the best game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points.Second is for Her mione,for the use of ...

农池些17012838538:    英语读后感50字 -
戴田绍:      : By reading this book, I learned how to be a humble and honest person, do not like roses, so proud of what to do to help others, do not work hard, and finally nothing. 通过读这本书,我懂得了做人要做一个谦虚诚实的人,不要象玫瑰花那样骄傲,做什么事情都要让别人帮忙,自己不去努力做事,最后一事无成.

农池些17012838538:    50字左右英语读后感 -
戴田绍:      : Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we also know that it is very hard to call...

农池些17012838538:    英语读后感50字 -
戴田绍:      :[答案] 茶花女 I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago.At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier.“Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas,fils,is the story of Marguerite Gautier,a young...

农池些17012838538:    求英语读后感50字--100字的越多篇越好 顺便讲讲怎么写好读后感嘞. -
戴田绍:      :[答案] 《汤姆索亚历险记》英语读后感I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. This is definitely a book everyone can relate to. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer...

农池些17012838538:    50词左右的观后感,英语作文 -
戴田绍:      : 《小鬼当家》的观后感(网络) Today, I saw large areas of the United States "Home Alone" with deep feeling. The main character is a little boy. Christmas is fast approaching, the little boy was always getting into trouble. As a result, they go to a ...

农池些17012838538:    50字左右的英语读后感 -
戴田绍:      : 圣诞欢歌英文读后感 This story represents a very original forces, the boss is very stingy done in a Christmas dream, then he changed his views and see how to use their money to help others, charity! I hate that mean the original owner, since he has ...

农池些17012838538:    求书虫·牛津英汉双语读物:金银岛和汤姆索亚历险记 读后感(英文50字) -
戴田绍:      : 展开全部1 说到读书,那可是我最大的爱好.我读过的书不计其数,其中最富有童趣的要数《汤姆索亚历险记》了.这本书的作者是美国著名文学大师马克.吐温.读了这本书后,我深深地感受到了主人公汤姆的勇敢和正义. 一天,汤姆和伙伴...

农池些17012838538:    英语读后感怎么写50字到100子以内 -
戴田绍:      :[答案] A long ago,rich man wife was ill,she feel die ,so she was say with she daughter:“my lovely daughter,you don't afraid ,the supreme being was a blessing.”The mother was die,forever die.The daughter was sad cry.Read these,I'm very sad.I'm cry,too....

农池些17012838538:    英语随意一个课外书读后感50字最多5行多了不要 -
戴田绍:      : Main Characters:Harry Potter is an 11 year old boy who's parents died, and he goes to Hogwarts.Harry never thought Quirrell was helping Voldemort. Quirrel cought Harry and let him to get the Philospher's stone, but when Harry got it, he didn't ...

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