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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:用英文举一些伟人成功的例子 1、居里夫人Madame Curie Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world. She was born in 1867. She first lived in Poland, then went to France. When she was very young she was interested in science. She worked very hard and discovered th...

答:詹姆斯·瓦特(1736年1月19日 - 1819年8月25日)是英国著名的发明家,是工业革命时期的重要人物。英国皇家学会会员和法兰西科学院外籍院士。他对当时已出现的蒸汽机原始雏形作了一系列的重大改进,发明了单缸单动式和单缸双动式蒸汽机,提高了蒸汽机的热效率和运行可靠性,对当时社会生产力的发展作出了...

答:英文: Newton (1643-1727), the history of mankind there have been the greatest, most influential scientists, physicists, mathematicians, philosophers, and the British Royal Society. Made a significant contribution in the fields of science. Astronomy by demonstrating consistency between Ke...

答:周三,迈克尔-菲尔普斯一小时内摘获两枚金牌,他的职业生涯金牌总数冲击到空前的11金,成就了奥林匹克的不朽神话,使他成为有史以来最伟大的奥运会运动员。Michael Phelps became the greatest Olympian of all time Wednesday winning two gold medals in the space of an hour to lift his career total...

答:威廉·亨利·盖茨三世出生于1955年10月28日。他是全球巨富之一,也是有史以来最成功的商人之一。他是软件巨头微软的联合创始人之一,并将其转变为全球最大的软件公司。时代杂志将他评为20世纪最具影响力的人物之一。3、J.K.罗琳 J.K. Rowling is the pen name she uses as a writer. The J is...

急求科比英语介绍,ppt用,内容就简单介绍科比,以及他的一些成就,还有率 ...

答:Introduction The possibility of human cloning, raised when Scottish scientists at Roslin Institute created the much-celebrated sheep "Dolly" (Nature 385, 810-13, 1997), aroused worldwide interest and concern because of its scientific and ethical implications. The feat, cited by Science ...

答:Bill Gates (Bill Gates), full-Ming Weilian Henry Gates (William Henry Gates, 1955 年 10 28 -), chairman of Microsoft Corporation, USA. And Paul Allen founded Microsoft, a former Microsoft CEO and chief software architect, holds more than 8% of the common shares of the company'...

答:爱迪生 Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time. His discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many fields.Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, a city in Germany. As a boy, he was...

答:childhood 上帝会还给你一个美好的童年 but 但是 Do not forget, there are thousands of millions of people missing you now and then 不要忘记,这里有亿万的人在怀念你 We will always believe you ,support you, love you 我们会永远相信你,支持你,爱你 We will always being missing you ...

茹音阁13057653971:    介绍迈克尔杰克逊的英文ppt -
常刻倩:      : Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958–June 25, 2009)was an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The ...

茹音阁13057653971:    介绍名人英文ppt -
常刻倩:      : 文库里这个参考一下,http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e5346748767f5acfa1c7cd2c.html 其实挺容易做的,英文wiki上查你想介绍的名人,百度图片里搜几张照片,往一块一合成就OK了.

茹音阁13057653971:    有没有霍金的英文介绍?我要做一个关于他的PPT在课上(大学课程)讲,最好有图片、音影,要全面的介绍. -
常刻倩:      : Stephen William Hawking CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942) is a British theoretical physicist. Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge (due to retire from this post in 2009),[1] and a Fellow of ...

茹音阁13057653971:    求成龙个人介绍的英文PPT
常刻倩:      : 成龙大哥的英文介绍: August 2, 2004 Jacky Chen manager China Mobile of Zhejiang 16 Culture Avenue zhejiang 310000 Dear Mr. Chen: This letter is in response to your advertisement for telephonist on Zhejiang Daily. I'm interested in the job ...

茹音阁13057653971:    有没有介绍乔布斯的英文ppt呀,急用,谢谢! -
常刻倩:      : Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (born February 24, 1955) is an American businessman, and the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Jobs previously served as CEO of Pixar Animation Studios and is now a member of the Walt Disney ...

茹音阁13057653971:    我需要一份关于乔布斯的个人简介的英文ppt.很急的.
常刻倩:      : 《介绍乔布斯的英语PPT1》―百度文库

茹音阁13057653971:    求介绍一位伟大的科学家的英文ppt,单词最好简单一些 qq邮箱:7 8 7 0 8 0 -
常刻倩:      : MarieCurie(bornMariaSk??odowska;alsoknownasMariaSk??odowska-Curie;November7,1867–July4,1934)wasaphysicistandchemistofPolishupbringingand,subsequently,Frenchcitizenship.Shewasapioneerinthefield

茹音阁13057653971:    英文版:成功人士的简介(3到4句即可)
常刻倩:      : Responsibilitiey comes with success.----Bill Gates 不好意思,我只记得这一句了.

茹音阁13057653971:    如何描述一位成功人士 介绍于丹的英语作文第一段:介绍人物的出生年月、地点和家庭背景.第二段:列举人物的主要经历、事迹和成就.第三段:人们对该人... -
常刻倩:      :[答案] Yu,Beijing normal university,vice President of the college of arts and media,the Chinese ancient literary master degree,chair of the department of film &tv film and television,literature,Ph.D.Professor,tutor of doctor,graduated from Beijing normal college ...

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