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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

英文介绍国内旅游景点翻译 介绍国外著名旅游景点的文章英文翻译_百度...
答:中国著名景点英文翻译1、长城(Great Wall)长城又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大、坚固而连绵不断的长垣,用以限隔敌骑的行动。长城不是一道单纯孤立的城墙,而是以城墙为主体,同大量的城、障、亭、标相结合的防御体系。长城修筑的历史可上溯到西周时期,发生在首都镐京(今陕西西安)的著名典故“烽火...

英国有趣旅游景点介绍词 英国景点简短英文介绍
答:英国有哪些旅游景点呢。英国最有名的的旅游景点有哪些呢。下面大家就一起来看看英国最著名旅游景点介绍吧。 著名景点: 温莎堡:位于伦敦近郊西部34公里,是英皇室的别墅。这里原是征服者威廉一世在10世纪攻占英国时所建的城堡,1936年登基德英皇爱德华八世,为了与一个离婚妇人结婚,以至放弃帝位,降为公爵, 他逊位后...

介绍深圳的旅游景点英文 深圳旅游英文简介
答:深圳主要景点中英文介绍1、大鹏所城Dapeng Law Firm is located in Dapeng Town, Longgang District, east of Shenzhen City.(大鹏所城位于深圳市东部龙岗区大鹏镇的大鹏所城,全称“大鹏守御千户所城”。)Founded in 1394 in the 27th year of hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, it covers an area of ...

卢浮宫旅游景点英文介绍 卢浮宫导游英语介绍
答:卢浮宫 中英文对照简介 介绍卢浮宫的 谢谢卢浮宫,是世界上最古老、最大、最著名的博物馆之一。位于法国巴黎市中心的塞纳河北岸(右岸),始建于1204年,历经800多年扩建、重修达到今天的规模。卢浮宫占地面积(含草坪)约为45公顷,建筑物占地面积为4.8公顷。全长680米。它的整体建筑呈“U”形,分为新、老两部分,老...

答:天津著名景点英语介绍如下:1、天津五大道Tianjin Five Old Street The five old street, located in the downtown area of Tianjin, is a block with five roads, namely, Racecourse Road, Mutan Road, Dali Road, Changde Road and Chongqing Road parallel from south to north.2、天津之眼The ...

答:2009-03-12 世界各国著名景点用英文表示 470 2006-08-01 谁能告诉我一些世界著名景点的英文!!!... 21 2007-02-21 求世界各个著名景点的英文名? 76 2016-08-31 用英语写出15个中国有名的景点 294 2018-01-31 世界著名景点英语 6 2011-01-01 大牛们,给我几个介绍世界各个国家著名景点的著名网站 ...

杭州的旅游景点英语介绍 关于杭州景点的英文介绍
答:2、2007年,杭州市西湖风景名胜区被评为“国家AAAAA级旅游景区”。2011年6月24日,“杭州西湖文化景观”正式被列入《世界遗产名录》。参考资料来源:百度百科-杭州西湖风景名胜区 用中、英语介绍杭州景点4、5句话,谢谢West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City's historic center. There ...

杭湖旅游景点介绍英语 杭州旅游景点英语

外国著名旅游景点英语介绍 国内旅游景点英语介绍
答:八个著名国外景点双语介绍本文介绍以下八个城市以及景点:伊斯坦布尔,马耳他,威尼斯,大峡谷,马赛马拉野生动物保护区,埃菲尔铁塔,桌山,曼谷。 注:本文目的主要是为学生总结新视野大学英语视听说一书中出现的文化背景知识。对于其他读者也可以顺便浏览一些英语文化背景知识。中英文不是对照关系。the largest city in Turkey, ...

介绍南京的旅游景点英语 南京著名景点英语介绍
答:南京景点英文介绍Nanjing FactsNanjing is situated in the hilly areas of Nanjing and Zhenjiang in the lower reaches of Yangtze River,at 32:03N and 118:46E. It borders with the Yangtze River Delta to the east and the hilly areas of South Anhui to the west,adjacent to the water network of...

边卓侧18515403476:    求用英文介绍的世界著名景观哪里都可以,英文不要太难,用作参考.不是要名字,是要一小段介绍.... -
褚项度:      :[答案] The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall (中国)长城 Forbidden City (北京)故宫 Mount Fuji (日本)富士山 Taj Mahal (印度)泰姬陵 Angkor Wat (柬埔寨)吴哥窟 Bali (印度尼西亚)巴厘岛 Borobudur (印度尼西亚)波罗浮屠 Crocodile Farm ...

边卓侧18515403476:    求国内外著名景点介绍 英文 -
褚项度:      : 1. The Great wallThe Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD. The wall has ...

边卓侧18515403476:    世界各国著名景点用英文表示只要景点的名称谢谢了 -
褚项度:      :[答案] Asia 亚洲 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall,China 中国长城 Forbidden City,Beijing,China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji,Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal,India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat,Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali,Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur,...

边卓侧18515403476:    英文介绍的国内旅游景点?要简短易懂的 -
褚项度:      :[答案] Beijing:Palace Museum,the Temple of Heaven Park,the Summer Palace,Badaling Great Wall. Tianjin:Tianjin Ancient Culture Street tourist area (Tsudo hometown),Tianjin winding scenic spots. Hebei:Qinhuangdao City Shanhaiguan area,Baoding an ...

边卓侧18515403476:    求国内外著名景点介绍 英文要很短的,一段就够了但是要中心突出,写出景点特色中英文对照,最好是一句一句对照 -
褚项度:      :[答案] 1.The Great wallThe Great Wall,located in northern China,is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”.Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years,from 7 th ce...

边卓侧18515403476:    需要介绍中国一著名景点100字(英文) -
褚项度:      :[答案] The People's Square The People's Square is located in the center of Shanghai. In the north-east of the square stands the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. The Shanghai Grand Theatre is in t...

边卓侧18515403476:    英语介绍英国著名景点(200字,中英文都要) -
褚项度:      :[答案] 英国著名的湖区Lake District(一篇抒情的介绍文厄…) let your imagination wander and take you to a place you daydream of.A place where dramatic mountain ranges sweep majestically down to clear blue lakes.A place where peaceful country lanes ...

边卓侧18515403476:    求几篇中国著名景点的英语短?求几篇中国著名景点的英语短文
褚项度:      : Beijing AquariumBeijing Aquarium is the largest inland aquarium in the world including an Amazon rainforest area, coral reefs, a shark aquarium (where you can dive with the ...

边卓侧18515403476:    急求一篇中国旅游景点的英文介绍那个景点也行.300字左右.我要给以老外同事介绍 -
褚项度:      :[答案] 介绍嘉兴的 Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests.There are beautiful tide,lakes and rivers.To the south of city,there are the revolutionary saint place of South Lake and other places like Xitang-living ancient town of thousands of years; ...

边卓侧18515403476:    用英语简单介绍国内某一著名景点 -
褚项度:      : OK.Let's talk about The Summer Palace :) 15km away from downtown Beijing,the Summer Palace is located in the northwestern suburb of Beijing City.The original impre...

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