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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:Nice to meet you,everyone.I am a tour guide.I will company the foreigners travel the Great Wall.When they get off the bus I would like to tell the foreingers about the lenghth and the history of the Great wall,which is one of the wonders in the world.We will set off ...

答:Wall. This will be a fun trip!我们将要去长城。我将和我的父母一起去。长城是中国古代的建筑。是劳动人民的结晶。我非常喜欢长城,也非常想去看长城。我打算去爬长城。我打算拍一些照片关于长城。这将是一个有趣的旅行!纯手打,自己想的,网上没有和这一样的。希望对楼主有帮助,求采纳。

关于你和家人到长城旅游 的英语作文
答:Last week, my father, mother and I visited the Great Wall. I always looked forward to going there, so in the night before we started, I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep. When wee got to the Great Wall, I found it very great and I couldn’t help jumping up...

以长城为题写一篇英语作文 不少于6句话


答:11、答A Brief Introduction to the Great Wall Of China The Great Wall of China is one of the most outstanding buildings of mankind, It is one of the eight wonders in the worldThe part of the Great Wall。12、介绍长城英语作文1 Since I was small, I have heard about the ...

帮我写一篇介绍中国长城的英语作文 50词左右十万火急
答:长城是世界的奇迹,中国的骄傲,中国人对它了解甚多,但用英语将它描述出来恐非易事。此文描述较为详细,是非常好的背景资料。[参考译文]中国的长城 中国的长城汉语中常叫作“万里长城”。实际上它长6 ooo多公里。它从西到东,穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过深谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直到海边。它是世界上的...

答:The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. ...

答:the valley: I am a hero! My echo came from the valley. Although climbing the Great Wall is very tired, but I am very happy.我飞快地站了起来,一会儿也没有停下来,过了好长一段时间,我终于爬了上去,我向山谷大喊:我是英雄!我的回声来自山谷。虽然爬长城很累,但是我很开心。

答:日记形式的 It is fine today. I made an appointment with my foreign friend Peter to visit the Great Wall on Badaling. We set out early in the morning. We first took the subway and then the bus. On reaching the foot of the Great Wall, Peter was attracted by the ...

叶胆奋19489165308:    游玩长城的英语作文60字英语初二水平不用太长 -
却凤段:      :[答案] .I went to Beijing with my family on my vacation.Beijing is a beautiful city,and the people were very friendly,the food was very delicious.First day, We visited the Great Wall.It was very interesting and very big.We were very happy and tired.The second day,...

叶胆奋19489165308:    写一篇参观长城的英语作文60字左右,一定是参观长城 -
却凤段:      : I'm very happy today because it's the first time that I have come to visit the Great Wall. My parents and I took a train and we arrived at about 9 o'clock. There were many visitors here and many of them were from foreign countries. My father told me the ...

叶胆奋19489165308:    初一游览长城的英语作文 -
却凤段:      : 英语作文:游览长城 A Trip to the Great Wall Three days ago we decided to visit the Great Wall. Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning. When we were on the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and new shops.Beijing was taller than ...

叶胆奋19489165308:    游玩长城的英语作文60字 -
却凤段:      : .I went to Beijing with my family on my vacation.Beijing is a beautiful city,and the people were very friendly,the food was very delicious.First day, We visited the Great Wall.It was very interesting and very big.We were very happy and tired.The second ...

叶胆奋19489165308:    英语小短文关于去长城旅游的80词左右 -
却凤段:      : Paul comes from America. He is an international student. Last Sunday, I went to The Great Wall with Paul. We went there by bus. It was cool and windy on that day. First, we walked on the wall and I told him the stories about The Great Wall...

叶胆奋19489165308:    根据表格,写一篇英文日记,介绍一下你和朋友门去游览长城的一天,
却凤段:      : 中文:今天的天气很好,晴天,还有一些微风,所以我和我的朋友们一起去长城玩了一下,长城很浩伟,游客们也很热情友好.我和朋友们一起拍照,和游客一起唱歌跳舞,很开心,我们还一起去吃了北京烤鸭,不得不说很好吃啊!希望下一次...

叶胆奋19489165308:    写长城的英语作文50字(小学六年级) -
却凤段:      : The dear foreign guests, we stand now in China's Great Wall. It is mounts on the Earth which Moon's astronaut sees one of few in number manual constructions. It is when the qin dynasty completes, has more than 2000 years glorious histories. I ...

叶胆奋19489165308:    长城英语50字作文 -
却凤段:      : The Great Wall is the grandest stone defensive construction in ancient China. Located in North China, it stems from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east and stretches to Jia Yu Guan in the west. With a total length of 6700 kilometers, it is also known as ...

叶胆奋19489165308:    假设上星期你和家人到长城旅游,谈谈你去之前,到之后及回到家后的感受,用英语写一篇50~60词的作文 -
却凤段:      :[答案] Last week I went to visit Great Wall with my family . It was a great trip. And before I went there , I was very excited . I looked forward to going to visit the Great Wall. I thought the trip would be very happy. In fect , the great trip wasn't disappoint me. On this trip...

叶胆奋19489165308:    求一篇写假期里去长城旅游的英语作文(要初二学生写的出来的)(要翻?
却凤段:      : I went to Kunming for vacation with my family last winter vacation.The sky was blue and air was fresh there.It's not too cold or too hot,so people called it spring city.There were...

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