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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-30

答:何洁已签约艾回公司 艾回股份有限公司(AVEX)成立于1988年,其公司名称“AVEX”来自“Audio Visual Express”,为目前日本规模最大的唱片公司,也是现时世界上最大型的独立唱片公司之一,而又不属于唱片业四巨头(环球唱片、新力博德曼、华纳唱片、EMI)。旗下艺人包括了安室奈美惠、幸田来未、滨崎步、小事...

答:英语精读 English Intensive Reading 英语泛读 English Extensive Reading 语音 phonetics 会话 English Speaking/Oral English 英语视听 Audiovisual English 英语语法 English Grammar 英语词汇学 English Lexicology 英汉翻译理论与实践 English-Chinese Translation:Theory and Techniques 英国文学 British ...

答:1992年11月,MPEG专家组决定开发新的适应于极低码率的音频/视频(AV,Audio-Visual)编码的国际标准,即MPEG-4。对于学术界来说,极低码率(即小于64Kbit/s)是视频编码标准的最后一个比特率范围。表2 MPEG-2视频规范 注:简单规范(无B帧,不可缩放);主规范(B祯不可缩放) SNR缩放(B帧,空间或SNR可缩放) 空间可缩...

E-education 是什么意思
答:(4)"AudioVisual Education"是"Audio-Visual Education"的进一步缩写和专用化,见于国家教委电化教育委员会办公室、中央电化教育馆主办的《中国电化教育(China Audiovisual Education,1996年从原《电化教育》期刊更名而来)。无论是"Audio-Visual Education"还是"AudioVisual Education",其字义就"视听教育...

答:写作思路:挑选自己印象中最深刻影响的一课,然后写出自己在这节课的经历。正文:There are many courses in every grade of University, but the one that impresses me most is "advanced audio visual oral". There are many reasons why I like this course. The reasons are listed as follows....

答:视听室 Audio-Visual Room 音控室 Audio Control Room 录音室 Recording Room 放映室 Screening Room 教室、研究室及办公室 实验室 Laboratory /Lab LaboratoryLab 讨论室 Seminar Room/Meeting Room 研讨室 Seminar Room/Meeting Room 教师研究室 Hsiao-Ming Wang 标示英文姓名 Wang, Hsiao Ming Hsiao-Ming...

答:And millions of people waiting for him, he will be back in July of audiovisual feast, everything is shattered. Hear the news of his death was like a bolt from the blue, my idol to leave this world. I deeply regret slams the central sea shore Angle, the eternal classics on the ...

答:Sony is the world's civilian / professional audio-visual products, communications products, and information technology, one of the pilot areas, its music, pictures and computer entertainment operations also make the achievements of the world's largest entertainment company.The enterprises in...

答:The musical (Musical theater, referred to as Musicals), which was originally translated as a musical, is a form of stage art that combines singing, dialogue, performance, and dance.音乐剧(英语:Musical theater,简称 Musicals),早期译称为歌舞剧,是一种舞台艺术形式,结合了歌唱、对白...

答:electric cooker and various audio-visual equipment, etc.2) office automation equipment: such as printers, photocopiers, fax machines, drawing machine, attendance, phone and general-purpose computer keyboard in decoding, disk drives, etc.3) business marketing equipment: in commercial marketin...

仰发珊19560519820:    audio - visual是什么意思 -
祝翰勇:      : audio-visual 英[ˌɔ:dɪəʊˈvɪʒʊəl]美[ ˌɔdɪoˈvɪʒʊəl] adj. 视听的; 视听教学的 网络 视听的视听; 音像; 视听 双语例句 a recent increase in audio-visual oriented applications has led to a desire for the development of a tv receiver that can obtain higher resolution images. 最近面向视听的应用的增加引发了人们对开发可以获取更高分辨率图像的tv(电视)接收机的渴望.

仰发珊19560519820:    audiovisual是什么意思 -
祝翰勇:      : audiovisual[英][ɔ:di:əʊ'vɪʒʊəl][美][ˌɔdioˈvɪʒuəl]n.视听设备,视听教材; adj.视听的; 例句1.The audiovisual services sector has also been included in the lists of requests of a number of WTO members.视听服务部门也已经列入一些...

仰发珊19560519820:    The audio - visual room is on the sixth floor.Let"s - _____.A by the lift B take the lift为什么要这样用 -
祝翰勇:      :[答案] A\B都指“乘电梯”,只是在语法成分上不同:A by the lift 介词短语,B take the lift动词短语. 而Let's + 动词原形. 如,Let's go.(我们走吧) 所以,选B. )

仰发珊19560519820:    audio - visual - oral course是什么意思 -
祝翰勇:      : audio-visual-oral course 视听口语课双语例句1 Contrastive Studies on Traditional English Speaking and ListeningCourse and Constructivism-oriented English Audio-visual-oral Course 传统英语听说课程与建构主义模式下的英语视听说课程对比研究2 On the necessity for an audio-visual-oral course in foreign languageteaching 外语教学设置《视听说》课的必要性

仰发珊19560519820:    电教室英语怎么说谢谢
祝翰勇:      : audiovisual room 电教室 audiovisual adj. 视觉和听觉的,视听教学的

仰发珊19560519820:    audio - visual teaching method是什么意思 -
祝翰勇:      : audio-visual teaching method 视听教学法 双语例句1 The Method for Making Audio-Visual Teaching Materials Television 谈电视教材的制作2 The experiment shows that teaching with electrical audio-visual aids havemore notable results and efficiency than the traditional teaching method. 实验检验,它比传统的教学方法,效果及效率显著.

仰发珊19560519820:    Beijing Forgein Languages Audiouisual Press其中的Audiouisual和audio - visual 是同意词吗?? -
祝翰勇:      : 北京外国语视听教材出版社Audiouisual是错的,应该为:audiovisual [,ɔ:diəu'vizjuəl]基本翻译n. 视听教材adj. 视听的;视听教学的 请采纳

仰发珊19560519820:    audio - visual什么意思中文翻译 -
祝翰勇:      : adj.视听的; 视听教学的;

仰发珊19560519820:    audio - visual -
祝翰勇:      :[答案] audio-visual aids视听教具双语对照词典结果:audio-visual aidsn.视听教具; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The temple has a conference room equipped with state-of-the-art audio-visual aids.这个寺庙有一个配备...

仰发珊19560519820:    文件扩展名的类别及详解 -
祝翰勇:      : A 对象代码库文件AAM Authorware shocked文件AAS Authorware shocked包ABF Adobe二进制屏幕字体ABK CorelDRAW自动备份文件ABS 该类文件有时用于指示一个摘要(就像在一篇有关科学方面的文章的...

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  • auditory
  • audience什么意思
  • auditorium中文翻译
  • auditorium怎么读音发音
  • audio是什么意思
  • (编辑:qq网友)
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