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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

答:This world-wide neighborhood has been brought into being as a result of the modern scientific and technological revolutions. The world of today is vastly different from the world of just one hundred years ago. A century ago Thomas Edison had not yet invented the incandescent lamp to bring ...

产生 英语词组 怎么翻译

答:1.of 是介词,介词后面+ 名词 飞机以危险而著称 have the reputation of doing 以~~著称 being 可以用 其他动名词代替,不过being 最合适 2.what引导的主语从句, invariably= always 情况经常是这样的,许许多多的事情都偏偏赶在同一时刻出问题。

come about 和come into being区别
答:come about 和come into being的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同 一、读音不同 come about读音:英 [kʌm əˈbaʊt] 美 [kʌm əˈbaʊt]come into being读音:英 [kʌm ˈɪntə ˈbiːɪ&#...

答:完全可以的。改完的句子属于宾语从句,就像你上面提到的,dream of“梦到,梦想”,后面接名词或动名词做宾语,而宾语从句当然可以作为宾语,需要注意的是宾语从句后面的句式为陈述句语序,希望能帮助到你,祝你学习进步

答:come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成 come into power 开始执政,当权,当选 come into use 开始使用,获得应用 come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出 come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露 come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于 come to an end 终止,结束 come to know 开始了解...


答:in the margin在空白处 Pleas note in the margin.get to know(去)认识(某人)I have to get to know all my customers.be greatful to sb for doing sth为某人做某事感激他 I am very greateful to my parents for raising me up.force sb to do sth强迫某人做某事 We are forced to ...

答:come into power(office) 执政,就职 come out 出来,出版,发行 come into being/ existence 产生,建立 come to 来到(某地),共计,来参加(活动),谈到,恢复知觉 = come to onself come to a conclusion 得出结论 come to an end 结束 come to nothing(no good) 没有结果(没有好处) die die away (尤指...

答:carry/bring into effect 使生效,使起作用 put into effect 实行,生效 come/go into effect 生效,实施 take effect 生效,起作用 catch one's eye 引人注目 keep an eye on 留意,照看 make a face 做鬼脸 find fault 埋怨,挑剔 catch fire 着火 come/go into force 生效,实施 make friends 交朋友,友好...

方饶忠17195228709:    bring into是什么意思 -
柏卸陆:      : bring into 词典结果: bring into[英][briŋ ˈɪntuː][美][brɪŋ ˈɪntu] 使达到…; 把…拿入; 使开始生效; 使清楚地被人理解[知道]; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. Whenever I bring into play on the examination hall. 每当我在考场上心所欲的发挥. 2. What did you bring into your life right now? 你现在把什么东西带进你的生活了?

方饶忠17195228709:    bring into 和bring in的区别 -
柏卸陆:      : bring into强调把人或物带进某个场所或封闭性的空间,后面加表示地点的词,如房间,剧场,教室等. bring in 表示带来,后接带的人或物.

方饶忠17195228709:    be in focus 、 come into focus 、bring sth into focus 帮忙翻译和解析下这三个英文短语 -
柏卸陆:      : be in focus : 清晰的 | 清楚的On the continent Germanyʼs IFO will be in focus. 欧洲大陆的德国IFO商业景气指数将成为关注焦点. come into focus :1. (某物)轮廓明显,清晰2. (问题)显著,突出;明白易懂 This issue of terrorism has come into focus recently. 有关恐怖主义的议题最近成了热门话题. bring sth. into focus..把物体置于焦点之上

方饶忠17195228709:    be+brought+into是什么意思
柏卸陆:      : be brought into 被带进 bring into 基本翻译 v.使开始;使进入某种状态 网络释义 bring into:使开始 | 降低 | 是进入某种状态

方饶忠17195228709:    bring in和bring的用法分别是什么 -
柏卸陆:      : bring in 1.gather(crop)收(庄稼)*The farmers are busy bringing in the wheat.农民们正忙着收小麦.2.introduce引入,引进(话题、风尚等);提出(法案)*The newcomers bring in new customs and new habits.新来者带来新风俗、新习惯.*They'...

方饶忠17195228709:    你说的介词短语位于句首有全部倒装的用法,我想知道在这个句子中位于句首的介词短语是什么呢? -
柏卸陆:      : 首先这个句子中bring sb. into/to someplace是个短语,翻译为“带某人到某地”,不能和后面的定语从句混在一起去看.但是where是可以看成介词+which的,which是代词,指代的是hallway,那么把后面的句子单拿出来看.正常的陈述句:This ...

方饶忠17195228709:    bring sth into full play什么意思?可以用在什么语境?谢谢 -
柏卸陆:      : bring sb. or sth. into full play 充分发挥...的作用,充分调动……的积极性例如: Now we have every opportunity to bring our talents into full play. 现在有一切机会来充分发挥我们的聪明才智了.We should now bring all positive factors into full play. 现在我们应该充分利用一切有利因素.望采纳,祝开心!

方饶忠17195228709:    bring sth bring in bring to 的区别 -
柏卸陆:      : bring in:有好几种意思如下:1.把…拿进来, 带进来2.收获(庄稼等)3.赚(钱), 挣(钱) bring sth.带来什么 bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 bring sth for sb 为某人带某物bring sth for sb 是有意或特地为了某人带某物,带有一定的目的 ...

方饶忠17195228709:    bring和bring sb.to sth有什么区别 -
柏卸陆:      : bring 和 bring sb. to sth. 的区别:含义解释:bring /brɪŋ/ 是一个动词,意为“带来”或“拿来”.bring sb. to sth. 意为“带某人去某处”,其中 sb. 代表被带去的人,sth. 代表被带到的地方.语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:bring 通常作为及...

方饶忠17195228709:    bring sth. to sb.还是bring sth. for sb.哪个对? -
柏卸陆:      : bring/send/take/give等这类称之为“给予动词”都可以在后面加上双宾语的结构:给予动词+人+物;给予动词+物+to/for+人.for强调服务性:“为某人做”.to强调方向性:例如givethebooktome.(书是递给我的)初中阶段常见的给予动词用法有:bring/send/give/take通常加tosb.buy/make/cook/sing/draw通常加forsb.你说的bringsthforsb.不常见.

相关链接: bring sth into play | compromise | bingo海外直播软件 | breaking bad | campaign | for the time being | behind the tall boy | come into being | bring doing | accustom | certainly | brochure | accommodate | brought | between | family pattern | bribery | confirm | popping | bringing up | invariably | improvement | bboy | provision | human being | misinterpret |

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