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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

buy sb sth中sb除了宾格能用反身代词不?
答:此题就选B 当主语和宾语是指同一个人时,宾语必须用反身代词。如 He teaches himself English.buy sb sth 中,sb 和 sth 都是宾语(双宾语)希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!祝你学习进步,天天快乐。O(∩_∩)O


是“buy sth. to sb."还是"buy sth for sb."? 有高手帮忙吗?谢谢了,看 ...
答:应该是buy sth. for sb.才对。第一个错误

buy sb sth等于buy sth for sb吗?
答:buy的主语一般是人,也可以是无生命的事物。表示“在某商店买”可接介词at; 表示“从某处买”可接介词from, of, off; 表示“花多少钱买”可接介词for, at;表示“给某人买”可说buy sb sth,也可说buy sth for sb,不能说buy sth to sb。相关词组:buy a book买一本书。buy a car买辆...

buy sth. to sb.=buy sb. sth.吗?
答:不对 应该是: buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物 如:My mother bought me a new computer last week .= My mother bough a new computer for me last week.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

buy sth to sb对吗?
答:综述:不对。1、buy sth to sb,表示做某事给某人,如I bought a bag to my mother.(我买了一个包给我母亲)(本来没有打算)。2、buy sth for sb,表示为了某人而做某事,如I bought a bag for my mother。(我为了母亲,买了一个包给她)(有目的)。词语使用变化:buy v.(动词)1...

buy sb sth等于buy sth for sb?
答:是的。buy 英 [baɪ]     美 [baɪ]vt. 购买;买;获得;收买;<俚>相信;vi. 买;n. 购买;便宜货。1、表示“在某商店买”可接介词at; 表示“从某处买”可接介词from, of, off; 表示“花多少钱买”可接介词for, at;表示“给某人买”可说buy sb sth,也可说buy...

答:给某人买某物 buy sb sth buy sth for sb 1. 用作动词,表示“买”,可带双宾语;若双宾易位,通常要用介词 for。如:我叔叔为我买了本英语词典。正:My uncle bought me an English dictionary.正:My uncle bought an English dictionary for me.2. 表示向某人买某物,通常用介词 from。

buy sb sth.造句
答:1、Ne come rain come shine rain or shine take a shine to sb sth I'll buy a house in the country when my ship comes in. 等我有钱时,我要在乡间买一所房子。2、Out at sb sth not know what hit oneThey sang their latest hit. 他们唱了最新流行歌曲。3、Laugh sb sth out ...

buy sb sth 怎么造句(2个)
答:I buy my father a coat.I buy Lily an umbrella.

山质饺15244284077:    英语句型:buy sb sth等不等于buy sth for sb问题是一个英语句型,我忘记了buy sb sth等于什么? -
贲段盼:      :[答案] buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 附 初中英语重要句型总结 第一组: 1.It's time for ... It's time to do sth. 2.It's bad for ... 3.It's good for ... 4.be late for ... 5.What's wrong with … What's the matter with ... What's the trouble with ... 6.There is something ...

山质饺15244284077:    buy sb sth的sb是不是必须是宾格 -
贲段盼:      : buy somebody something =buy something for somebodybuy +间接宾语(指人 )+ 直接宾语(指物)充当动词或者介词的宾语,必须是宾格名词的 主格 和宾格 形式一样例如:汤姆主格:Tom 宾格 :Tom 所有格:Tom's代词必须用其宾格 I =主格me=宾格my=形容词词性物主代词mine=名词词性物主代词myself=反身代词

山质饺15244284077:    buy.sb.sth -
贲段盼:      : [bai] [ˈsʌmbɔdi][ˈsʌmθiŋ] 给某人买某物

山质饺15244284077:    什么动词后加 Sb Sth 如 give Sb Sth -
贲段盼:      : 这个叫双宾语,这样的动词很多,需要自己积累和学习,比如teach,give,pass,buy,sell,tell,show,lend, find, hand, leave, sell, show, read, pay, make, offer, build, pass, bring, cook,refuse等.

山质饺15244284077:    英语语法中for和to的用法 -
贲段盼:      : 动词+sb+sth=动词+sth+to/for+sb 此时for 表示目的 如 sing a song for us . buy a book for you to表示方向性 如 give a book to me . show sth to us

山质饺15244284077:    “动词 sth to sb”用这个形式的动词有? -
贲段盼:      : 这个很多啊 1.give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 2.pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb. 3.show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 4.bring sb. sth.= bring sth. to sb. 5.hand sth to sb.=hand sb sth. 6.lend sth to sb.=lend sb sth. 7.send sth to sb.=send sb sth. 8.take sth to sb....

山质饺15244284077:    buy,spend,cost,pay的区别 -
贲段盼:      : buy的你自己找,其他的我告诉你:pay:意为支付或赔偿常与for连用 用法 sb+pay+for+sth sb+pay+somemoney(钱)+for+sth spend (主语为sb)(sb指人)用法 sb spend somemoney on sth sb spend sometime on sth sb spend somemoney(sometime) (in) doing sth cost(主语为sth)用法 sth+cost+sb+somemoney

山质饺15244284077:    类似tell sth. to sb. 的短语是双宾语吗? -
贲段盼:      : 后面那个明显不是啦~双宾语,就是类似前面那个的结构的,tell sb sth,在谓语tell后面直接有两个名词,sb+sth,类似的还有,buy sb sth,give sb sth等.

山质饺15244284077:    buy sth. to sb. =buy sb. sth还是 buy sth. for sb. =buy sb. sth -
贲段盼:      : 主要做及物动词,有时也做不及物动词,后面常接双宾语,间接宾语通常放在直接宾语之后,用介词连接.buy sth for sb=buy sb sth:给某人买某物buy s...

山质饺15244284077:    初中英语(造句)1、buy sb.sth./buy sth.for sb.(共五句)2、something+形容词/to do(共五句)3、enough+名词/形容词+enough(共五句)4、seem+to do/... -
贲段盼:      :[答案] My mother buy me a guitar for my birthday. My mother buy a guitar for my birthday. Lily buy some flowers for her teacher on Teacher's Day. Lily buy her teacher some flowers on Teacher's Day. Can you buy a T-shirt for me? I have something to do. There is ...

相关链接: be busu with sth | buy sth with sb | bless sb with sth | sell sth for sth | buy sb sth和buy sth to sb | feedsb with sth | it takes sb to do sth | sing sb sth | teach sb sth | buy sth for sb | hand sb sth | be with sth | borrow sth from sb | make+sb+do+sth | offer sb sth | hope sb sth | pass sb sth | buy sth for some money | v+sb+of sth | be teeming with | buy sth with | buy sth to sb | build sb sth | buy sb to sth | sb sth sp | sell well |

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