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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-07
屠斌邦15782508840:    — I don't know now.— Her fther sys she is little better.how is sheB.w...
钮受胞:      :[答案] 版本一 一、句子成分 (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分.句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成... 2. He handed me the newspaper. 3. I shall answer your question after class. 4. What a beautiful Chinese painting! 5. They went...

屠斌邦15782508840:    求:郎朗的英文介绍越详细越好,越多越好, -
钮受胞:      :[答案] 美国CBS网站上的一篇文章:《钢琴神童朗朗》 Lang Lang: Piano Prodigy Chinese Musician May Be Best Pianist Of His Generation (CBS) On a recent night in Hong Kong, Lang Lang captivated the sold-out house as he always does. All eyes were ...

屠斌邦15782508840:    挑眉男 陈以桐是哪国的啊 超喜欢他 希望有他的资料 谢谢各位啊 -
钮受胞:      : 中文名:陈以桐(美籍华人祖籍中国台湾) English name:Jason Chen 出生年月:1988年11月12日(有一弟19岁,正在上大学) 身高:174cm 体重:...

屠斌邦15782508840:    我要八年级下册的英语单词,求求你们了!快帮我弄下吧! -
钮受胞:      : A a(an) art. ability n.. able a. about prep. & ad. above prep. abroad a. & ad. absent a. accent n. accept v. accident n. ache n. achieve v. across prep. act n. & v. action n. active a. activity n. add v. address n. advantage n. ...

屠斌邦15782508840:    英语语法问题 -
钮受胞:      : 您好,这个是系表结构,即:系动词+表语的结构,副词一般不充当表语.最常见的系动词是,be,解释为(是).如he is happy.还有一些常见的 get turn grow become taste smell look sound.keep stay remain continue等 例句:the food smells bad.the trees get green in spring.he keeps quiet in the classroom.等 希望能帮到您

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