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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:http://mem.netor.com/wjx/familytree.asp?id=159&name=刘 刘姓最古老的发源地在今河北唐县。这里是远古洪荒时代高扬巨斧、以刘为图腾、勇敢征 服自然的古老刘姓子孙生活、栖息的地方。刘姓有“王者气象”,刘汉王朝构成中华文明 的第一个高潮,自此中华民族之主体被称为汉人、汉族,中国的语言文字被称为汉语、汉...

答:2006-12-02 16:17:03 补充: 还有这个:memor/m/zc/zc?BID=42702万家姓的「雪氏宗祠」。这里列了一位「雪永鹏」。而且根据宗祠里的介绍:memor/wjx/familytree?id=2002&name=ѩ我们是北京雪姓.北京目前我们知道有几家 我目前还知道呼和浩特有一家.都是 *** .如果您也是此姓 请给我们...


答:(具体见grammarfocus) 词汇:familytree,thosegirls,theseboys,twophotosofmyfamily,inthefirstphoto,inthenextpicture,thesetwogirls,inmyfamily. 语言形式: 1.同前面的语言形式。 2.Hereis/are… 3.Arethese…?Yes,theyare./No,theyaren’t. ## 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐...


语文伴你成长答案 六年级下
答:[编辑本段]作者介绍 宗璞(1928—)女,祖籍河南南阳唐河,在北京出生,原名冯钟璞,笔名有任小哲、丰非等。毕业于清华大学外文系,退休于中国社会科学业院外国文学研究所。中国著名作家、著名哲学家冯友兰之女,1928年7月生于北京,十岁时随家庭南迁到昆明。上过南菁小学和西南联大附中。1946年考入天津南开大学外文系,...





符耍褚18434611333:    介绍Family tree大伯伯,大伯母,堂姐.小叔叔,小婶婶,堂弟.怎么说,具体 -
束骆法:      :[答案] I'm a lovely girl . This's my mother and that's my father .These are my parents.This's my grandmother and grandfather.Those are my grand parents .Look! This's my brother and my sister. Oh! The girl is me .

符耍褚18434611333:    假如你是Ashley,在英语课上老师让大家自己制作family tree,并用英文介绍自己的家庭 -
束骆法:      : 介绍自己的家庭Introduce your own family

符耍褚18434611333:    介绍我的家人,英语作文,简单,200个单词 -
束骆法:      : My FamilyEveryone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I. We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.My father is a hard-working man. ...

符耍褚18434611333:    介绍全家人英语作文 -
束骆法:      : My family 我的家庭 There are four people in my family. 我家里有四口人. my parents,my grandmother and me. 我父母,我奶奶和我. My family is a warm and happy. 我的家庭很温馨和幸福. I'm good at sports ,I do well in running and swimming. 我...

符耍褚18434611333:    用英语介绍家人 -
束骆法:      : 嗨,我叫***,我今年**.我有一个快乐的家庭,我爸爸很高,他喜欢狗,因此,我家也养了一只.那只狗很大.我妈妈很漂亮,看起来很年轻.我们每天都很开心,这让我变得更爱笑了Hi,My name is XXX, I am XXX years old . I have a happy ...

符耍褚18434611333:    介绍家人的英语作文 -
束骆法:      : 介绍家人 Introduction of family全学段 82字Dear Tom, Here is a photo of my family. There are four people in my family. The tall man is my father. He's a doctor. The woman with glasses is my mother. She's a Chinese teacher in a school. The little ...

符耍褚18434611333:    用英语介绍我的家人 -
束骆法:      : My family There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My mother is very beautiful. She is an engineer. She is very kind to me. My father is a worker. He works hard. He is strict with me. My brother is a 12-year-...

符耍褚18434611333:    用英语简单的介绍家人,妈,爸,姐,我的短文. -
束骆法:      : My family We have a family of four, with me, my dad, my mother and my sister.I am 你的名字,my english name is 你的英文明, this year 你的年龄, years old, school in 你的学校.【一样的介绍你的家人】 I think we are the happiest family in the world, we love each other, I wish we could always be together!

符耍褚18434611333:    用英语怎么介绍家人
束骆法:      : My Family This is my family,it is big.My grandparents are old. My parents are on the left .My mother is very nice. My father is working hard. My uncle and aunt are on the right. I have a litte brother.He is clever. I also have a sister.She is beautiful. I love my family very much.

符耍褚18434611333:    用英语介绍一家人 -
束骆法:      : 举个例子,可以自己套There are three people in my family---my father, my mother and me. My father is a worker.He works in a car factory.My mother is an teacher,who teaches English in senior middle school.They love me very much. I am the apple ...

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