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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31


pleased,pleasant ,pleasure 有什么区别?请各举一例句说明!
答:这个问题我会,让我来告诉你pleased,pleasant ,pleasure的区别,希望能帮助到你 读音与含义不同 pleased:英[pliːzd] 美[pliːzd] 高兴; 满意; 愉快; 乐于(做某事); 使满意; 使愉快;pleasant:英[ˈpleznt] 美[ˈpleznt] 令人愉快的; 宜人的; 可喜的; 吸...

答:pleasure (1)不可数名词,快乐,娱乐 We recommend you make time to enjoy simple pleasure.(2)可数名词 乐事,乐趣 He enjoyed all the pleasures there were in life.please vt./vi.(使)高兴;(使)满意,讨好 It pleased me that he told the truth.pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的 H...

pleased,pleasant ,pleasure 分别是什么意思?有什么区别?请各举一例...
答:一、please是动词“请”的意思。二‘而pleasure是它的名词形式:1。当你帮某人干了某事时,他对你说“谢谢”你要说“It's my pleasure"2.当别人委托你干事,而你还未干时,你要说:With pleasure.三pleasant是形容词,其主语应该是物。pleased也是形容词,但它的主语必须是人(It's a pleasant ...

答:pleased 是形容词 你可以说:I AM PLEASED.我很高兴 PLAESE 是动词,是请的意思,一般用在问句或祈使句后面:COULD YOU HELP ME PLEASE?你能帮帮我吗?(比较礼貌)GIVE ME THE PEN,PLEASE.请把笔给我。PLEASURE 是名词,是快乐的意思 WITH PLEASURE.我很荣幸。PLEASING 既可以看成是动词的ING形式也...

答:very pleased with the progress we are making。 他对我们工作的进展很满意。  4、pleasure名词,快乐, 愉快, 满意, 高兴;愉快的事情, 娱乐; 乐趣 如:It is s&#...

pleasure 和 pleasant pleased 的区别
答:pleased, pleasant, pleasing, pleasure 的区别和用法 1)pleased指外物作用于感官,使人感到"高兴 、满意、喜欢",常见的结构为:be pleased+不定式或从句,be pleased with, be pleased at (about)。例如:I'm very pleased with the performance. We're pleased about (at) your success.I'm quite ...

pleasant /pleasure/pleased/pleasing区别
答:pleasant:形容词,令人愉快的,舒适的;讨人喜欢的,和蔼可亲的 pleasure:n. 快乐;希望;娱乐;令人高兴的事 vt. 使高兴;使满意 vi. 高兴;寻欢作乐 pleased:adj. 高兴的;喜欢的;乐意做某事 v. 满意;愿意(please的过去分词形式)pleasing:adj. 令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的;合意的 v. 取悦(...

答:pleased [pli:zd]vt.please的变形adj.高兴的,欣喜的,喜欢的;满意的 短语 1. as pleased as Punch 2. be pleased to do something a. 高兴做某事,乐意做某事 b. (出于施恩而)决定做某事,意欲做某事 3. pleased with oneself自鸣得意 pleasure ['pleʒə, 'plei-] n. 快乐;...

答:pleasure与pleased和pleasant的区别是意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。pleasure是名词形式意思是愉快,pleased侧重于外界事物令人高兴,如外界的想法、意见,有被动的意思。pleasant侧重于事物本身令人愉快,有主动的意思。 扩展资料 例句:Reading for pleasure and reading for study are not the same....

方凝些19130017772:    pleased和pleasand有什么区别 -
娄维疮:      : pleased (感到高兴的,满意的)主语一般是“人” pleasant (令人愉快的)一般是修饰“物” 如: I'm pleased with the pleasant trip.我对这次令人愉快的旅行感到满意.

方凝些19130017772:    pleasant和pleased的区别 -
娄维疮:      :[答案] pleased, pleasant, pleasing, pleasure 的区别和用法 1)pleased指外物作用于感官,使人感到"高兴 、满意、喜欢",常见的结构为:be pleased+不定式或从句,be pleased with, be pleased at (about).例如: I'm very pl...

方凝些19130017772:    pleasure与pleased的区别 -
娄维疮:      : pleased 形容词,动词 a pleased look, 高兴的表情 the good news pleased the family mightily. 这个好消息使全家人高兴极了.pleasure 名词 surrender oneself to pleasure 沉溺于欢乐之中 youthful pleasure 青年人的乐趣

方凝些19130017772:    pleased和pleasant的区别 -
娄维疮:      : pleasant 和 pleasing 表示客观上的“令人高兴或愉快的”,指的是被修饰名词给别人的感觉;而 pleased 表示的是主观上“感到高兴或愉快的”,指的是被修饰名词自身的感觉.具体说来有以下区别:1. pleasant 主要有两方面用法:一是用来...

方凝些19130017772:    please, pleasant, pleased和 pleasing有什么区别? -
娄维疮:      : pleasant = pleasing形容词,令人高兴的please动词,使高兴pleased形容词,高兴的然而pleasure代表,荣幸 it is my pleasure to be able to help you ,这是我的荣幸能够帮助你我自己翻译的哦,没用词典~

方凝些19130017772:    pleased和pleasant有何区别
娄维疮:      : pleased adj. 高兴的, 满足的 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的, 舒适的 首先根据意思可以区分, 没有人会说:pleased weather高兴的天气the weather is pleased.天气是高兴的 而是说:what pleasant weather! 或者 the weather is plwasant. i.e令人高兴的天气(晴朗的天气) 本人理解是前者是修饰有生命的事物(the dog is pleased)或人 后者是修饰没有生命的事物

方凝些19130017772:    pleased与pleasant的区别及用法 -
娄维疮:      :[答案] pleasant和pleased都有“高兴的”意思.pleasant所形容的物或人常给人们带来愉快或欢乐.pleasant通常与news,day,weather,voice,view等名词连用. pleased指对某人或某事感到高兴或满意,含有被动之意,其后常与with,about或动词不定式连用,有时...

方凝些19130017772:    pleasant和pleased的区别 -
娄维疮:      : 1. pleasant 主要有两方面用法:一是用来说明事物,表示“令人愉快的”或“舒适的”等;二是用来说明人,表示“友好的”“讨人喜欢的”等.如: The weather was cold, but the trip was pleasant. 虽然天气很冷,但旅途还是很愉快. It was a ...

方凝些19130017772:    pleasant 修饰人还是物? pleased修饰人还是物?? -
娄维疮:      : pleasure 名词,乐意 pleasant 形容词,令人高兴的,用来修饰物或事 pleased 形容词,高兴的,用来修饰人 一般词尾加ed的修饰人,如interested,excited 词尾加ing的修饰物,如interesting,exciting pleased以ed结尾,所以修饰人,pleasant不是ed结尾,所以不修饰人,修饰物. pleasure以ure结尾,跟nature、culture一样,所以也是名词~这么记比较好记~ 祝你更上一层楼,有什么问题可以继续问我哦!

方凝些19130017772:    紧急求助 Pleased 和 pleasant的区别 麻烦分别造几个 -
娄维疮:      : pleasing指令人愉快的.强调客观上给人的感觉 pleased主观上感到愉快 pleasant与pleasing稍微有点区别. pleasant [plezEnt] adj. 令人愉快的, 舒适的 We spent a pleasant day in the country. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天. pleased [pli:zd] adj. 高兴的, 满足的 We are very pleased with her decision. 我们对她的决定很满意.

相关链接: pleasant令人愉快的pleasing | pleasant synonym | pleased pleasing | professional | pleased pleasant | be pleasant with | please power down and | occasionally | obligation | promising | please pleasure pleasant | people pleasing | pleased pleasure | it is my pleasure | pleased to meet you | pleasurepleased pleasant | manage to do sth | get dressed | obviously | be pleasure with | pleased和pleasure | pleasant pleasure | pleasant dreams | eye pleasing detail | pleasant pleasing | pleasing&pleasant用法 |

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