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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-07

答:用动词 prioritize 就好:- I'll have to prioritize my daily work, and make sure I won't miss any important items.我得把我的日常工作安排好,别误了重要事项。- I suggest your manager's assinments be prioritized. 或者说:I suggest your priority go to your manager's assignments....

答:首先我们看一下整个句子里面相对陌生的单词意思:acreage:英 [ˈeikəridʒ] n.英亩数;坪数;以英亩出售的土地;面积 acres 英亩土地 vital必不可少的 prioritize 优先考虑 drought干旱旱灾 然后开始进行翻译:1,找出句子的主语,适度的增减主语,不然句子会比较啰嗦,2,注意词的搭配,...

答:稳中求进 prioritize stability while pursuing progress 。稳中求进[ wěn zhōng qiú jìn ] 的意思:稳定、稳当是第一位的,在“稳定”的前提下,再向前进步。常常用在市场开拓上、或学习上,要求“稳中求进”。近义词:循序渐进 [ xún xù jiàn jìn ]:指学习工作等按照一定的步骤逐渐深入或...

答:四、按重要性来拍摄 (Prioritize):拍摄前你需要一个明确的目标,跟队员讨论你的拍摄计划,然后按重要性执行。五、多练习 (Practice):最新的相机不一定是最好的,多了解你手上的相机,知道它可以帮你做甚么,然后令「人机合一」吧!多练习,多尝试。六、交流 (Interact):最好的相片是能说故事,...

请优先处理这些新的发票 英语怎么说
答:Please prioritize these new invoices.或Please deal with these new invoices first.

答:现代英汉综合大辞典prior adj.[用作前置定语]在前的, 更早的; 优先的 [与to连用]在...之前, 比...优先 have a prior engagement 预先有约会 prior claims 优先要求权 This task is prior to all others.这项任务比所有其它任务都重要。参考词汇 previous 现代英汉词典prior adj.(常与to连用)...

答:Speed up the project - 加快项目进度 Accelerate the timeline - 提前时间表 Increase the pace of work - 加快工作节奏 Work overtime - 加班 Put in extra hours - 投入额外的时间 Expedite the progress - 推进进展 Meet tight deadlines - 满足紧迫的截止日期 Prioritize tasks and streamline ...

答:Unfortunately, we can’t live forever, which is why it’s so important to stop wasting your life right now.1. Prioritize your work When you have many important tasks to accomplish during the day, it’s important that your prioritize your work. Try to accomplish ...

把...放在第一位 英语怎么说
答:give priority to...put... first prioritize...place/put... in the first place put... first give first place to...

答:Please tell the customer, we will prioritize your complaints as soon as possible, because there is no physical prototype or pictures, we can only guess at the present stage is likely to be consumers use the operating problems, and we will arrange a few simulated test prototype. ...

和码薛13756039999:    prioritize是什么意思 -
向珊震:      : prioritize 英 [praɪˈɒrətaɪz] 美 [praɪˈɔːrətaɪz] v. 按优先顺序列出,确定 (任务) 优先顺序;优先处理,优先考虑 短语: prioritize e 优先考虑 prioritize over 相对 Prioritize tasks 合理排序 Prioritize Processes 流程排序 prioritize detail ...

和码薛13756039999:    prioritise和prioritize有什么区别 -
向珊震:      : 二者意思、用法相同,只是美国喜欢用prioritize,英国喜欢用prioritise. prioritise 英[praɪ'ɒrəˌtaɪz] 美[praɪ'ɒrəˌtaɪz] vt. 给予…优先权; 按优先顺序处理; 出轻重缓急; vi. 把事情按优先顺序排好(等于prioritize); 例句: As a policy,...

和码薛13756039999:    prioritized是什么意思 -
向珊震:      : prioritized v. 按重要性排列,划分优先顺序( prioritize的过去式和过去分词 ); 优先处理; [例句]All of them have business requirements to be considered, consolidated and prioritized.他们都有需要被考虑,整理和排序的业务需求.

和码薛13756039999:    Rank/prioritize分别啥意思 -
向珊震:      : rank [ ræŋk ] . n. 排名,等级,军衔,阶级 a. 繁茂的,恶臭的,讨厌的 v. 排列,归类于,列于 prioritize [ prai'ɔritaiz, 'praiəri- ] . v. 把...区分优先次序

和码薛13756039999:    语法分析
向珊震:      : 或者把工作时间从家里优先考虑,而不是回家和女儿在一起.his(he的所有格)他的; (he的物主代词)自己的; 属于他的,用于名词前; 指某人的prioritizing优先处理,划分优先顺序( prioritize的现在分词 )time时间;时刻; 为…安排时间,暂停away from远离; 相距home家; 家庭; 家庭生活, 使有安身之处rather than…而不…,与其…倒不如…; instead of sb/sth 而不是coming home回家,返乡be with在…方面先进daughter女儿 妇女; 子代; 女儿般的.(因为个人英语不是很好,所以大致意思,如有偏差纯属正常)

和码薛13756039999:    TOWS分析法的SWOT -
向珊震:      : SWOT分析法是通过分析优势、劣势、机会与威胁来监测公司的市场营销方法.但是,当你逐步领会SWOT分析法的时候,你会发现它有许多的局限性.高级SWOT分析法将会使你弥补这些局限.POWER是个人(Personal)、经验(...

和码薛13756039999:    osteoporosis求词根词源
向珊震:      : 中文简解:[医]骨胳石化症 构词法则:osteo:骨头 + petro:石头 + sis:一种病

相关链接: conventional | popularize | prioritize convenience | professionally | anonymous | component | preference | seasonally and locally | overestimate | previously | accommodate | wonder egg priority | compromise | problematic | indistinguishable from | ingredients | infrastructure | discrimination | privileged | initiative | manipulate | proceed | criticize | accessible | seriously | engaging |

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