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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

say hello to sb 。hello 用大写么
答:不用,英文中通常只有以下五种情况需要大写1.有些单词的字母永远大写,如I,OK。例如:Im Peter.Are you OK?2.姓和名的首字母要大写。例如:This is LiH uifang.3.称呼,如M iss,M rs,M r等的首字母都要大写。例如:M rand M rs Green are teachers.4.星期、月份名词的首字母永远大写。例如:...

lt's hard for me to say hello to stranger什么意思?
答:意思是:和陌生人打招呼对我来说很难。其中It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to say hello to stranger. 另外这句话stranger前要加不定冠词a。

...英语怎么说??? “let's say hello hi to them”。 可以吗?
答:可以 say hi/hello to sb 就是向某人打招呼的意思 希望能够帮到楼主

say hello的中文意思
答:打个招呼。例句:Don't be shy ─ come and say hello.别害羞——过来问个好。say的用法 1、读音 英 [seɪ];美 [seɪ]2、释义 v.说;讲;比如说;表明 n.发言权;意见 3、例句 1)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)It is hard to say.很难说。2)S+~+n./pron.He glared...

say "hi" to是什么意思
答:对某人打招呼 say "hi" 相等于 say hello, 即打招呼 比如 John, this is our new neigbour. Come and say "hi" to him.

这个语句,算比较爱称吗?say hello to my little friend!

say. to. mum. Let's. hello. your,怎样成一个句子?
答:Let's say hello to your mum.组成一个句子的成分是主语+谓语+宾语

say hello是什么意思
答:打照面;打招呼的意思。词汇分析:say 英[seɪ] 美[seɪ]v. 说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述(见解);n. 决定权; 发言权;int. (表示惊讶或兴奋) 嘿,啧啧; (提请别人注意、提出建议或作出评论) 喂,我说;例句:I would just like to say that th...

答:1. 【一些词组帮忙造句1.用sayhello造句2.用see造句3.用seeamovie造句4 1.You should say hello to your friends.2.Do you see that person over there in the white shirt?3.Let's go see a movie on Sunday.4.I will send you a email later.5.The morning sun shine is beautif...

布兰妮有首歌第一句是say haello to the girl的在哪儿找啊?_百度知 ...
答:Overprotected 歌手:Britney Spears I need time, love, joy I need space, love I need me Say hello to the girl that I am You're gonna have to see through my perspective I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am And I don't wanna be so damn protected There must be...

乜林泡13166502550:    say hello to sb 中文是什么意思 -
隆廖霭:      : sb=somebody是某人的意思,整句意思就是说对某人说你好,问候某人/对某人说你好/对某人打招呼

乜林泡13166502550:    say hello to sb 是什么意思啊? -
隆廖霭:      : "代我向sb.问好" 例如:-Hi,Bill!Where did you go?I did`t see you three weeks.-I went to Tokyo with my sister for holiday,and just returned yesterday.-oh~!It`s great!I think you should hava a good rest.-I quite agree with you,bye-bye.-Bye!By the way,say hello to your sister.

乜林泡13166502550:    sayhel|o的意思是什么 -
隆廖霭:      : say hello (to sb) 向某人问好hello [英]hə'ləʊ [美]həˈloʊ int. 哈喽,喂;你好,您好;表示问候;打招呼 n. “喂”的招呼声或问候声

乜林泡13166502550:    有没有say+直接引语 再加to sb的说法 -
隆廖霭:      : 有这种情况 但是显得有点中文式的意味

乜林泡13166502550:    英语say+对方名字的打招呼 -
隆廖霭:      : 句子里把SAY放在最前面,打个逗号,加人名,SAY就只是一个语气词,没有意思,意思就是“JOE,你打桥牌吗?”.就和WELL放在最前面,打个逗号,加人名的用法是一样的.

乜林泡13166502550:    Say - Hello是什么意思 -
隆廖霭:      : Hello是你好的意思,Say 是说的意思,所以Say-Hello是打招呼的意思,后面可以加to 是向谁打招呼 .希望能给您带来帮助,祝你学习进步,加油!

乜林泡13166502550:    初中关于say的短语 除了it'said that that is to say say hello(sorry.goodbye...) -
隆廖霭:      : say sth. to sb. say to oneself it 's hard to say say no to sb. I have nothing / something to say.

乜林泡13166502550:    say - hello - to - teddy - bear,怎么读 -
隆廖霭:      : 英文原文: say hello to teddy bear 英式音标: [seɪ] [həˈləʊ; he-] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [ˈtedɪ] [beə] 美式音标: [se] [hɛˈloˌ hə-] [tuˌtə] [ˈtɛdi] [bɛr]

乜林泡13166502550:    根据汉语提示完成句子 跟老师打招呼是有礼貌的.______ - ______ - ______ - say hello to the teachers.跟老师打招呼是有礼貌的.______ - ______ - ______ - ... -
隆廖霭:      :[答案] It's polite to say hello to the teachers. *** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】

乜林泡13166502550:    say sth to sb 造句 意思 -
隆廖霭:      : 对某人说什么I want say hello to you. 我想给你打招呼.

相关链接: talking with somebody | hello world | a basketball player | pick some flowers | say hello to18 | say hello to life | learn to swim | close the door | help oneself to | put on stage | tidy up | say goodbye to | feel happy | help yourself to | look the same | say hello to him | again | underground | say hello to doing | carry out | bring up | take+me+to+your+heart | so much | go on a trip | you doing | afternoon |

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