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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-04-24



Flushing 法拉盛, 是纽约市皇后区的唐人街所在地区

143-51 不分开, 是楼或公寓的门牌号.

The statue of liberty as (in English: Statue of liberty, the full name of the "statue of Liberty National Monument", the official name is "Liberty Enlightening the world", located in the Hudson River Estuary near the free island in New York Harbor. Is France in 1876 during the commemoration of the American War of independence of the United States and France union gift gift to the United States. On October 28, 1886, the statue was completed.
The statue of Liberty was dressed in ancient Greek style, wearing a radiant crown and seven pointed mans symbol of the seven continents. Symbol of the right hand holding the torch of freedom, left hand holding the "Declaration of independence" foot is broken handcuffs, fetters and chains, symbolizes the to break free from the tyranny of the bound and free.
Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States, the United States and the people of the United States and France friendship symbol, the expression of the United States to fight for democracy, freedom of the noble ideals. For thousands of immigrants to the United States, the statue of liberty is a guarantee of poverty and oppression from the old world, a symbol of the United States of America.
In 1984, the statue of liberty in National Memorial Chorten on the world heritage list, its connotation is widely used in various fields.

自由女神像(英文:Statue Of Liberty),全名为"自由女神铜像国家纪念碑",正式名称是"照耀世界的自由女神",位于美国纽约海港内自由岛的哈德逊河口附近。是法国于1876年为纪念美国独立战争期间的美法联盟赠送给美国的礼物,1886年10月28日铜像落成。


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