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what makes me a good friend?英语作文

来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-01

以下是三篇以《what makes me a good friend》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。❤





What Makes Me a Good Friend

Being a good friend means being there for someone through thick and thin. It means listening when they need to talk, offering support when they're feeling down, and respecting their opinions and choices. As a friend, I strive to embody these qualities every day. I make a point to check in on my friends regularly, to be available when they need me, and to always offer a shoulder to cry on. I also try to be honest with my friends, even if it's not what they want to hear. Ultimately, being a good friend is about being a positive influence in someone's life and helping them grow as a person.


  1. Embody(动词):用可见或有形的形式来代表或表达某物。

  2. Strive(动词):为实现或获得某物而做出巨大努力。

  3. Ultimately(副词):最终,最后。








What Makes Me a Good Friend

Friendship is an important part of our lives. To be a good friend, there are certain qualities that are necessary. Firstly, honesty is key. A true friend should always be honest with their friends, even if it's difficult. Secondly, a good friend is someone who cares about others and shows support when needed. In addition, being a good listener and showing empathy is important in maintaining a strong friendship. Lastly, mutual respect and understanding are essential for any successful friendship.

As for myself, I believe that I possess these qualities and more. I am always there for my friends when they need me, whether it's just to talk or to lend a helping hand. I make sure to keep in touch and check up on them regularly. I also try to be a good listener and offer advice when asked. Moreover, I am reliable and trustworthy, which are important qualities in any relationship.

In conclusion, being a good friend takes effort and dedication. It requires being honest, caring, supportive, and understanding. As long as we continue to show these qualities to our friends, we can maintain strong and meaningful friendships that last a lifetime.


  1. qualities(名词)- 特质、品质

  2. empathy(名词)- 同情、共鸣

  3. reliable(形容词)- 可靠的、可信赖的

  4. dedication(名词)- 奉献、投入










What Makes Me a Good Friend

Friendship is important in our lives. As for me, there are several reasons why I am a good friend.

Firstly, I am a good listener. When my friends have problems or need someone to talk to, I am always there to lend an ear and offer support. Secondly, I am supportive. I encourage my friends to pursue their dreams and goals, and I am always there to help them along the way. Thirdly, I am honest. I believe that honesty is the foundation of any good friendship, so I always tell my friends the truth, even if it is difficult.

In conclusion, I am a good friend because I listen, support, and am honest with my friends. I value the friendships in my life and strive to be the best friend I can be.


  1. lend an ear:短语,意为“倾听,聆听”

  2. pursue:动词,意为“追求,追逐”

  3. foundation:名词,意为“基础,根基”






Being a good friend is important for building strong and lasting relationships. Here are some things that can make you a good friend:

Firstly, a good friend is someone who is always there for you. They listen to your problems and help you out when you need it. To be a good friend, you need to be willing to lend a listening ear and offer support when your friend is going through a tough time.

Secondly, a good friend is trustworthy. This means that you can confide in them and trust that they will keep your secrets. You should also be reliable and keep your promises to your friends.

Thirdly, a good friend is supportive. You should be encouraging of your friend's goals and ambitions, and be there to celebrate their successes. You should also be willing to give constructive feedback when they need it.

Finally, a good friend is someone who shows kindness and understanding. This means being patient, forgiving, and not judging your friends for their mistakes or flaws.

In conclusion, being a good friend takes effort and commitment. By being there for your friends, showing trust, support, and kindness, you can build strong and rewarding friendships that last a lifetime.

What Makes a Good Friend What makes a good friend? A good friend can be described as a group of people with common interests in their daily life. Different people have different opinions about how to become a good friend. Nevertheless in general, a good friend may possess the following characteristics. On the one hand, a good friend should share joys and sorrows. When one of them wins a prize, the others never provide for jealous, but they are as happy as the prizewinner. Similarly, whenever someone is in trouble, the others lend one's a helping hand. On the other hand, a good friend should not say bad things about another person behind one's back. That does not mean you are unaware of your friend's disadvantages and never talk about them. It means you should focus on the positive in such a way as if the person were present. As far as I concerned, I think a good friend should have the same hobbies. They can do something what they both like. For example, reading books, go shopping and listening to music. Also, a good friend gives us a feeling of security and warmth. In the end, I hope I can become one's friend like this.

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