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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-05-31

My favourite colour
There're many different kinds of colour in the world,such as white,blue,orange,red,and so on.But my favourite colour is green.
I think green is the most beautiful colour.Do you know why?Because green is the colour of life.Do you think so?
As you know,most alive plants are green,like grass and trees.Green is good for our eyes,too.When your eyes are very tired,you will watch the green trees or green grass,they can help you to relax your eyes.And I think green is the nature colour,I love nature things.
Can you tell me what your favourite colour is?

My favorite color is blue because blue represents harmony and it can make me feel calm and peaceful.
Blue can remind me of the sunny sky and it often makes me feel relaxed. I prefer blue to any other color. I
have lots of blue clothes and I often wear blue jeans. My bedroom is also painted blue. I think my blue bedroom can help me to have a good sleep.
However, when I am feeling sad or unhappy, I do not like blue so much, because clue can also represent
sadness. So if I feel sad or unhappy, I prefer colors that can cheer me up, like orange or yellow.

People may easily ignore that we are living in a world full of different colors, such as red, blue, green, black, pink and so on. We can never tell how many kinds of them are there. But we all know that colors are very important in people's life.
The sky is blue and white. The trees are green and yellow. We can even say that spring is freshing green, summer is hot blue, autumn is golden yellow and winter is cold white. If one day all the colors disappear, what will it be to live in this world. We feel bored. We can't even tell the differences between the sky and land, between trees and houses.
The world is colorful. And we can't live without colors.



从别云答:There're many different kinds of colour in the world,such as white,blue,orange,red,and so on.But my favourite colour is green.I think green is the most beautiful colour.Do you know why?Because green is the colour of life.Do you think so?As you know,most alive plants are ...

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