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与身体躯干相关的英语习俗put one's back into something

来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-05-28

1. a change of heart 改变主意;变心。
I had a change of heart about not going to Europe for my holiday and finally decided to go.
2. a flea in one's ear 刺耳的话;尖刻的斥责。
The idea about changing the schedules is a flea in the supervisor's ear that we wish he would forget. 3. after one's own heart
正合己意;正投所好;合某人心意的人或物 (尤指思想或趣味相投)。 My new boss loves to go fishing every weekend. He is a man after my own heart. 4. all ears 聚精会神地听;全神贯注地听。
My sister was all ears last night when I began to talk about starting a home business.
5. all eyes 聚精会神地看;目不转睛地看。 He is all eyes when he goes to a basketball game.
6. an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。
Some politicians are always calling for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when they hear of a terrible crime.
7. a pain in the neck 讨厌的人或事物。
The customer is a pain in the neck and is always complaining about something.

8.turn one's back on sb.

例如: I'll ever forgive my elder brother —— he turned his back on me and refused to lend meany help when I lost my job.

9. be fed up to the back teeth

意思是 extremely irritated and fed up with something or someone 烦透了某人或某事
例子:I'm fed up to the back teeth with my job.

10.have one's heart in the right place

例如: Tom looks very rough but his heart is in the right place.

11. have one's tongue in one's cheek

I don't think he was serious when he said that. I think he probably had his tongue in his cheek.


elbow 手肘- Don't jab your elbow into me. It hurts! 别拿你的手肘戳我,很痛的!
finger 手指- He pointed his finger at her and shouted "I love you!" 他指向她,大喊了一声“我爱你!”
index /middle/ring/little finger 食指/中指/无名指/小指- Many people wear their marriage band on their ring finger. 许多人把婚戒戴在无名指上。
finger nail 指甲 - How long is the finger nail? 这个指甲有多长?
fist 拳,拳头 - I struck him with my fist. 我用拳头揍了他。
forearm 前臂 - You should put some sunscreen on your exposed forearm. 你应该给你露在外面的前臂涂点防晒霜。
left/right hand 左手/右手 - I write with my right hand. 我用右手写字。
palm 手掌 - A bird settled on his palm. 一只鸟停落在他的手掌上。
thumb 拇指- The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers. 大拇指能与任何一个手指相对。
wrist 手腕- That's a beautiful bracelet on your wrist. 你手腕上的手镯很漂亮。
chin 下巴- Orange juice dribbled down his chin. 橙子汁沿着他的下巴往下滴。
cheek 面颊- He pecked her on the cheek. 他轻轻地吻了一下她的面颊。
ear 耳朵- You need to clean out your ears! You can't hear anything. 你需要清理一下你的耳朵! 你什么也听不到!
eye 眼睛- Does she have blue eyes or green? 她的眼睛是蓝色的还是绿色的?
eyebrow 眉毛- Jennifer spends a lot of time making her eyebrows stand out. 珍妮弗花了大把时间把眉毛画得立体。
eyelash 睫毛- She has very thick eyelashes. 她的睫毛很浓密。
forehead 额头- Look at that forehead. He must be a genius. 看看他这额头。 他一定是个天才。
hair 头发- Susan has light brown hair and blue eyes. 苏珊有一头浅棕色的头发和蓝色的眼睛。
head 头- His head is rather large, isn't it? 他的头特别大,不是吗?
lip 嘴唇- Her lips are like soft pillows. 她的嘴唇像枕头一样柔软。
mouth 嘴巴- He's got a big mouth! 他有个大嘴巴!
neck 颈部,脖子- I love her long neck. 我爱她的纤长的脖子。
nose 鼻子- She's got a beautiful petite nose. 她有个漂亮小巧的鼻子。
nostril 鼻孔- The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril. 印第安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一颗钻石。
jaw 下巴,下颌- You chew your food with your jaw. 你用下颌咀嚼食物。
shoulder 肩膀- Dennis had broad shoulders. 丹尼斯有宽阔的肩膀。
tooth (teeth) 牙齿- I have a loose tooth. 我的一颗牙齿松动了。
tongue 舌头- He protruded his tongue. 他伸出了舌头。
throat 喉咙- This medicine will quell your sore throat. 这种药可减轻你的喉痛。
ankle 脚踝- Your ankle connects your foot to your leg. 脚踝连接脚和腿。
calf 小腿- Her calf muscles are very strong . 她的小腿肌肉非常强壮。
foot (feet) 脚- Put your shoes on your feet and let's go. 穿上鞋子,出发啦。
heel 后脚跟- His heel is raw because his shoe does not fit well. 因鞋子不合适,他的脚后跟擦破皮了。
hips 臀部- I think I've put some weight onto my hips. 我想我的臀部长胖了。
knee 膝盖- My book slid off my knee. 书从我的膝盖上滑落了。
leg 腿- Put on your pants one leg at a time. 穿裤子的时候,一条腿一条腿的穿。
shin 胫骨- Be sure to protect your shins when you play soccer. 踢足球的时候,一定要保护好你的胫骨。
thigh 大腿- His thighs are huge! 他的大腿特别粗。
toe 脚趾- Each foot has five toes. 每只脚有五个脚趾头。
toenail 脚趾甲- She likes to paint her toenails pink. 她喜欢把脚趾甲涂成粉色。
bottom 臀部- Your bottom is used for sitting. 你的臀部是用来坐的。
chest 胸腔- He has a broad chest because he swims a lot. 因为他常游泳,所以他的胸膛很宽广。
back 背部- Are you experiencing any pain in the back? 你背痛吗?
stomach 胃,腹部- I'm eating too much and my stomach is growing! 我吃的太多了,肚子都变大了。
waist 腰部- She has a slim waist and will fit into anything! 她的腰很细,什么衣服都穿得下。
blood 血液- The hospital needs more blood. 医院需要更多的血液。
bone 骨头- Our skeleton is made of bone. 我们的骨架由骨头构成。
hair 头发- It's amazing how much hair is on the floor after a haircut. 剪完头发后,地板上头发的数量太惊人了。
muscle 肌肉- You should always stretch your muscles before you go running. 你应该先拉伸肌肉再跑步。
skin 皮肤- He had brown skin. 他的皮肤是棕色的
六、THE BODY - VERBS 和身体部位有关的动词
blink(eyes) 眨眼睛-Why do you blink? 为什么人会眨眼睛?
glance (eyes) 一瞥-I gave her a glance. 我看了她一眼。
stare (eyes) 凝视-They all stared with astonishment. 他们全都惊讶地瞪着眼。
wink (eye) 眨眼,使眼色-The strong wind made me wink. 大风吹得我直眨眼。
point (finger)指-Don’t point at me. 别拿手指着我。
scratch (finger) 擦伤,抓痕-The dog is scratching at the door. 狗正在抓门。
kick (foot) 踢-The football fans hissed when he didn't kick the ball. 当他踢空了一脚球时,球迷们发出了一阵嘘嘘声。
clap(hands) 拍手,鼓掌-Let everyone clap hands like me. 让每一个人像我一样拍手。
punch(hands)用拳头猛击-He blacked her eye with that one punch. 他用那一猛拳把她的眼眶打得发青。
shake (hands)握手-And they do not expect just to shake hands with him. 这些领导人期望的不仅仅是和他握握手。
slap (hands)击掌,拍击-She fetched him a terrific slap in the face. 她狠狠地打了他一记耳光。
smack (hands)掴-If you smack someone in the face, what would they do? 如果你掴了某人一巴掌,他们会怎么办?
nod (head)点头-She noticed him merely with a nod. 她仅以点头向他打招呼。
kiss (lips)亲,亲吻-She planted a kiss on his cheek. 她在他的脸颊上使劲地吻了一下。
whistle (lips/mouth) 吹口哨-The dog came to his whistle. 狗听到他的哨声就来了。
eat (mouth)吃-Do you have something to eat? 你有什么可吃的东西吗?
talk (mouth)说,谈话-What should I talk to her? 我该对她说什么呢?
taste (mouth)尝-Can you taste pepper in the pudding? 你能吃出布丁里胡椒的味道吗?
whisper (mouth)耳语,低声说-She said it in a whisper, so I didn't hear. 她是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。
breathe (mouth/nose)呼吸-The patient began to breathe normally. 病人开始正常呼吸了。
smell (nose)闻-I could smell that the milk was not fresh. 我闻得出牛奶不新鲜。
sniff (nose)嗅-The dog was sniffing at the lamppost. 那条狗在街灯柱旁嗅来嗅去。
shrug (shoulders) 耸肩-I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. 每当有人跟我说他对一个人的首次印象向来不错的时候,我就耸耸肩。
bite (mouth)咬-Their dog bit a hole in my trousers. 他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。
lick (tongue)舔-The kitty licked up the milk. 小猫舔光了牛奶。
swallow (throat) 吞下,咽下-He took the medicine at one swallow. 他一口把药吞了下去。

头(head)被认为是人体最重要的部位.它是脑的所在处.因此经常和思想智慧相联系.有句习语体现这一特征:Two heads are better than one(一人计短,二人计长).这句习语正好知中国俗语"三个臭皮匠顶过一个诸葛亮“有异曲同工之妙。有时候夸人家说话很中肯,一针见血,也可用与头相关的英语习语的句子来表达:You hit the nail on the head。Head还有另外一些常见的习语,例如:swelled head(自满),dead head(死脑筋),long head(先见之明),come to a head(到了危急关头),have one's head in the clouds(想入非非),have one's head above water(不负债),lose one's head(惊惶失措),be off one's head(疯狂),on your own head be it!(出了问题你负责!),stick one's head in the sand(逃避现实)等。
与智慧联系更密切的是脑(brain)。这个词用单数复数都可以指思维能力。例如:You have a lot of brains(你很有头脑),You have a good brain(你很聪明)。聪明人也会遇到难题。这时就要rack your brains(绞尽脑汁)去思考了。我们有时还会见致到以下习语:brain drain(人才流失), brain trust (智囊团),brain storm(灵感) brain wave(计上心头),have something on the brain(念念不忘),pick someone's brains(利用某人的学识)等.
与汉语一样,英语的脸(face)与"面子""尊严"相关.像lose face(丢脸), save face(挽回面子)等.但也一些 其它的习语,例如:About face!(向后转!),pull a long face (拉长脸),set one's face against(坚决反对) ,fall flat on one's face(一败涂地),fly in the face of (公然反对)put a bold face on it (若无其事),keep a straight face(一本正经)show one's face(露面)等.face也常用作动词,例:Let's face it。让(我们去面对。) ,Let's face the music。(让我们面对现实吧。)等.
在脸上的器官,眼睛(eye)很宝贵.因此我们叫人当心,可以说:"Mind your eye!"与eye相关的习语大部分和"看"或者"眼"相关,例如:Avarice blinds our eyes(贪欲障人眼),Beauty lies in lover's eyes(情人眼里出西施),clay eyes on(惊奇地看),can,t take one'eyes off (禁不住看),keep one's eyes open for...(留心),close one's eyes to(无视),see eye to eye with sb (与某人的看法一致),turn a blind eye to(视而不见),have an eye for(对...有识别力),keep an eye on(照看),see something with half an eye(一目了然), in one's mind's eye(在心中)。它有时也会有一些特别的用法,例如,Suspicion has double eyes(疑心生暗鬼),make eyes(暗送秋波),all my eye(胡说八道),pull the wool over someone‘s eyes(蒙骗某人),in a pig's eye(绝不可能),the apple of one's eyes(掌上明珠)等。
和眼睛一样,耳朵理所当然和听有关.例如:The music is easy on the ear(这首曲子很好听),I'm all ears(我洗耳恭听).In at one ear and out at the other(一耳进,一耳出),My ears are burning(我耳根发热)。汉语有隔墙有耳的说法,英语中可以说:"Walls have ears "或者"pitchers have ears". 还有一些其它和耳朵有关的习语,例如:Little pitchers have big ears(小孩子耳朵尖).The ass wags his ears(傻瓜总爱装聪明),turn a deaf ear to (充耳不闻),close one's ear to(充耳不闻),smile from ear to ear(满面笑容) ,keep one's to the ground(保持警觉),play it by ear(随机应变)have someone's ear(对某人有影响),set pople by the ears(使人们争吵),up to one's ears in something( 忙得不可开交)等.
说到鼻子(nose),中国人会说"牵着某人的鼻子走“,“ .英语中也有类似说法:lead sb by the nose.如果要说”嗤之以鼻,英语中就可用“turn up one's nose at somebody or something“来表达。但英语中的许多与鼻子相关的习语中文却不常见,例如:他们用”as pain as the nose on one's face“来表示"清楚明白",用”keep one's nose out of“来表示"不管闲事", 用”turn up one's nose at“来表示"瞧不起",用”keep one's nose clean“来表示"避开麻烦",用”keep one's nose to the grindstone“来表示“努力工作”,用”take a nose-dive“来表示“暴跌”,用”pay through the nose“来表示“付很大一笔钱”,用”look down one's nose at someone“来表示“瞧不起某人”用”poke one's nose into someone's business“ 来表示“干涉别人的事情” ,用”put someone's nose out of joint“来表示“使某人生气”用"follow one's nose”来表示"凭直觉"等。
Shut your mouth!
None of your mouth!
Button on your mouth!
而bad mouth是"诽谤"的意思,big mouth是" 长舌妇",make one's mouth water是“令人垂涎欲滴”,put words into someone's mouth是"认为是某人说的“,take the words out of someine's mouth是“讲出心里话”。但以下两个句子与"说"扯不上关系:You are down in the mouth(你神色沮丧).
The horse is light in the mouth(这匹马很难驾驭). 1.2与身体躯干相关的英语习语举例
Body一词既可指泛指整个身体,也可指特指身体躯干。在身体躯干各部位词中,与背部(back)有关的习语最常见,而且含义各有不同,例如:have not a shirt to one's back(非常贫穷),break the back of a job(完成一项工作的最艰巨的部分),be glad to see the back of someone (高兴某人离去),be on one's back(卧病在床),get one's back up(发火),put one's back into something(下功夫做某事) ,turn one's back on someine(拒绝帮助某人),with one's back to(陷于绝境),behind someone's back(暗地里),put someone's back up(触怒某人)等。
同样,与颈(neck)相关的习语也含义各有不同.例如:neck or nothing(拼命),get it the neck(大受其罪),stick one's neck out(担风险)。 catch/get it in the neck(惩罚某人)等。
1.3与四肢相关的英语习语举例 不不仅是头部,身体的四肢(limbs)也与许多习语相关,像手(hand): Many hands makes light work(人多好办事).
Abird in hands is worth two in the bush(一鸟在手胜似二鸟在林).
Don't bite the hand that feed you(别恩将仇报). 其实与手相关的习语和大部分和中文相似,例如fresh hand(新手),old hand(老手),short or hands(人手短缺),hand in hand(联合),give sb a hand(助人一臂之力),have one's hands full(应接不暇),win hands down(轻而易举)等. 但有时也不能就这样来理解.例如“We give him a big hand”不是"狠狠打他一巴掌",而是"我们给他热烈的掌声".
手有五指,因此"击掌"就可以说:Give me five。(祝福我)来表达.与手指(finger)相关的习语有:have a finger in the pie(与某事有关),burn one's fingers(自讨苦吃),turn someone round one's finger(左右某人)have at one's finger tips(精通)等。五指中,拇指(thumb)是粗壮有力的,因此文化中都有用"thumb up"(顶呱呱)来表示赞赏,用"thumb down"(糟透了)来表示鄙视,但是当你听到"Your fingers are all thumbs"可别以为是夸你的,它的意思是"你很笨拙".
与arm(手臂)相关的习语有两句不能忽视: Justice have long arms(天网恢恢,疏而不漏 ),Every coin has long arms(要一分为二).Arm有时也用作动词,意为"武装" ,像armed to teeth便是"全副武装". arm有时也和腿(leg) 一起用,像可以用“it costs an arm and a leg”表示“很昂贵”。
再看几个与leg相关的习语:Show a leg.(起床),lies have short legs.(谎言站不住脚),not have a leg to stand on(理屈词穷),pull someone's leg(哄笑以取笑某人), on one's last legs(将死),get one's see legs(习惯海上生活),use legs and have legs(越干越行)等。
与脚(foot)相关的习语也很多,例如:You must stand on your own foot(你要自力更生).He has just find his feet(他刚学会走路).The shoe is on the other foot(情况完全不同),foot the bill (付帐),put one's foot down(坚定立场),put one's foot in it(说错话或做蠢事),fall feet of(幸运),keep one's feet(保持平衡),put one's best foot forward(竭尽全力),have one foot in the grave(行将就木)等。
有一个部位"heel"(脚后跟)不能不提及.“Achines' heel”是"致命弱点",on the heel of是“尾随”,cool one's heel 是“久等” show a clean pair of heels和take to one's heels都是"溜之大吉".当我叫"Keep to heel !"或者"Come to heel!"你可别乱答应,因为我是叫我的狗"紧紧跟上我".
"Nothing is difficultif you put your heart into it(世上无难事,只怕有心人).中国的传统中医的"五劳七伤"理论在英语习语中也得到体现:A light heart lives long(不恼不愁,活到白头).。而在英语中,heart 还经常指"信心"或者"勇气".例如: Don't lose heart!(别灰心),Take heart!(鼓起勇气).以下与heart相关的习语很常用:Have a heart!(发发慈悲!),at heart(实质上),heart and soul(全心全意),learn something by heart(背诵),take something to heart(深受影响),have a heart of gold(宽宏大量的),have a heart of stone(铁石心肠的),have the heart to(忍心),after one's own heart(正中下怀),in one's heart of hearts(在思想深处),have one's heart in one's boots(失望),have one's heart in one's mouth(害怕),have one's heart in the right place(好心好意),set one's heart on something(渴望得到),break someone's heart(使某人绝望)等。
除了heart,血(bood)的习语也不少,有句习语经常可以听到:Blood is thicker than the water(血浓于水).从这句习语中就可以知道blood和“血统”相关.因此Blue blood是”出身名门“。但有时它也和感情有关,例如:There is bad bood between them.(他们不和) ,in cold blood(蓄意地),warm one's blood(使某人兴奋),make someone's bood run cold(使人毛骨悚然)等。
这里不妨把骨(bone)列入内部器官。与bone相关的习语经常和“骨”没直接关系,像bone up on(加紧学习),a bone of contention(争论的原因), have a bone to pick with someone(对某人有争论),feel in one's bones that(确信),make no bones about doing something(对做某事毫不犹豫),make old bones(活到老),funny bone(幽默感),feel in one's bone(预感)等。
The belly(肚子) is the truest clock(肚子是最准的钟)
You have the gall(胆)to do it(你居然有脸让我做这件事).
How could you stomach such rude words?( 你怎能容忍如此粗鲁的话?)
1.5 与人体其他部位相关的英语习语举例 人体其他部位词中,以“头发”(hair)为例:Keep your hair on!(保持冷静),a hair of the dog that bit ones(以少量酒解酒的方法),to a hair(完全地),not turn a hair(不动声色),let one's hair down(不拘小节),make someone's hair stood on end(使毛骨悚然),have someone by the short hairs(操纵某人)。从以上的习语可以看出,与相关hair的习语基本上用的是它的引申义或者比喻义。
Treat the head when the head and treat the foot when the foot hurt ( 头痛医头,脚痛医脚).
What the eye doesn't see ,the heart doesn't grieve over(眼不见,心不烦).
Out of sight,out of mind(眼不见,心不想).
You may know a person's face but not his heart(知人知面不知心).
One good head is bettet than a hundred strong hands(强手百双莫如智者一人).
Eye for eye,tooth for tooth(以眼还眼,以牙还牙).
2.1,有部分词是以形容词修饰人体部位词形成的.以all 为例,all ear 是专心聆听,all eye是聚精会神,all legs是又瘦又长,all flesh是众生.再看其它形容词形成的例子:old hand 是老才,free gand是全权处理.private eye是么人侦探.poke face是不动声色,bad mouth 是诽谤,big mouth是爱说闲话,dead head是死脑筋,long head是先见之明,open heart是坦诚,busy body是爱管闲事等.
2.2第二种是以人体部位词修饰名词.以名词brain为例,brain drain是人才流失,brain trust是智囊团,brain storm是灵感,brain wave是计上心头.再看其它名词的例子,tougue tuister是绕口令,face value是面值,eye shot是视野, skin game是赌博骗钱,chin music是聊天,lea work是跑腿,blood debt是血债.
2.3第三种是动词修饰人体部位词. 以动词make为例,make faces是做鬼脸,make mouths是做嘴脸,make eyes是暗送秋波,make head是前进等.再看其它例子:save face 是保全面子,lose face是丢失面子,count heads是点名,knock head是叩头,rub elbow是与人交往,lose heart是灰心,take heart是鼓起勇气,tell noses是清点人数,give lip是讲硬旅顺,show leg是逃跑等.
2.4第四种是用介词(或其他)连接两个名词,一般是中间一个介词(或其他)连接两边两个完全对称的名词。例如,face to face是面对面,heart to heart是心贴心,nose to nose是面对面.shoulder to shoulder是肩并肩.再看其它例子:hand in hand是手拉手,arm in arm是臂挽臂,neck and neck是并驾齐驱,leg and leg是平分秋色,hand over hand两面三刀手交叉使用,eye for eye是以眼还眼,tooth for tooth是以牙还牙。
from hand to hand(用手传递), from mouth to mouth(口口相传), from generation to generation(代代相传),from head to foot(从头到脚), from top to toe(从头到脚), from hand to mouth(勉强煳口),heart and soul(全心全意),hand and foot(尽力), tooth and nail(竭尽全力),toe and heel(跳舞), flesh and blood(人类), head and ears(全身),hand to fist(齐心协力), hand over heels(倒栽葱)
2.5.按复杂习语分. 与人体部位词相关的英语习语中,有一部分是动词词组型习语。以下列举部分常见的与人体部位词相关的动词词组型习语:
lead sb. by the nose (牵者…的鼻子走),give sb. a hand(助人一臂之力),have one’s hands full(手头正忙),wash one’s hands off(洗手不干),stand on one’s own legs(独立),shrug one’s shoulders(耸肩)(表示惊讶或疑问),be armed to the teeth(武装到牙齿),close one’s ears to(充耳不闻),keep one’s ear to the ground(保持警觉),clap eyes on(惊奇地看),can’t take one’s eyes off(禁不住看),keep one’s eyes open for (注意留心),make sb’s mouth water(使...流口水),keep one’s nose out of(不管闲事),look sb. in the eye(直视),fall on deaf ears(没被听见),turn up one’s nose at(嗤之以鼻),keep one’s nose clean(避开麻烦),keep one’s nose to the grindstone(不停地工作),face the music(面对现实),set one’s face against(坚决反对),fall flat on one’s face(一败涂地),make sb’s hair stand on end (使…一败涂地),put one’s finger into other people’s pie(多管闲事),button up one’s mouth(闭嘴)等。

Two heads are better than one(一人计短,二人计长) 与中国俗语"三个臭皮匠顶过一个诸葛亮“有异曲同工之妙。

说话很中肯,一针见血:You hit the nail on the head。

Head还有另外一些常见的习语,例如:swelled head(自满),dead head(死脑筋),

long head(先见之明),come to a head(到了危急关头),

have one's head in the clouds(想入非非),have one's head above water(不负债),lose one's head(惊惶失措),be off one's head(疯狂),

on your own head be it!(出了问题你负责!),

stick one's head in the sand(逃避现实)


You have a lot of brains(你很有头脑),

You have a good brain(你很聪明)。

rack your brains(绞尽脑汁)  brain drain(人才流失), brain trust (智囊团),

brain storm(灵感) brain wave(计上心头),

have something on the brain(念念不忘),

pick someone's brains(利用某人的学识)

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