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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-05-18

  Buried deep underground in the dark of inflammation Honglian to call my name to come!
  Keep the burning depths of hell fire demon ah! In my name, call for you to come! Become my, crushing all resistance
  Block me! - Vulcan fire!
  Fire Wizard warm you! Please use your strength to me! Elements of fire you! In the wizard, under the command of the all-conquering fire into it!
  Honglian the goblin ah, na-yan of Turpan atmosphere, the burning of the public enemy of the body!
  Condensation of the inflammation in my hands the molecular ah, as I waved the arc, to draw together the perfect red fan it! - Dance fans
  The inflammation!
  Possession into the abyss and to the end of the blazing fire, it burned my enemy! - The flames of hell!
  The great flame of the Lord God, please lend me god, torn from the darkest point of the flame you - fire surgery!
  In the name of Vulcan, I order that the fire appeared Wizard - Ye Honglian fire!
  My contract on behalf of those who I call the main Guardian of God - the flame of God King! Yes the main flame of God, give me the power of infinity
  To show your anger, use your magic to destroy my the sworn enemy, in this moment, will you and I together for the anger
  First, to show the strongest god- Vulcan anger!
  Vulcan great, ah, listen to my prayer - the ball of flame!
  King of the dark, ah, I would be grateful if you anger into cremation for yan mad, clean the world of all evil - the fire of the net world!
  Wizard of the fire cheered Yo, gather to my side, to borrow your power to me, the release of your live
  Mercedes-Benz of lightning in the sky, I am mad cleavage designated enemy it!
  Billion set in the sky factor of tens of thousands of mine. - Ray arrow!
  Wind ah! Tianyun ah! Ray hit ah! We comply with the lease of Ancient came to my side! -come!
  Cloudless skies, a combination of late and fast! To comply with the fire power of the old contract! To touch him! - Electro-optical mine either!
  Lei infinite power of the wizard, under the lease, please help me!shells!
  Lei violent wizard, to force you to destroy all of it,heavy!
  The dark clouds of the sky, the atmosphere of the wizard, I listen to the call, I gathered around to show you the sad,

  Shattered all the world to meet the arrival of Diablo - Curse of heavy mine blast!
  Data in the name of heaven and earth, the Quartet called on the mine, Xinhua all 12 circles of power for my disposal, the fire in the blue, white
  Light, the thunder and lightning combination of all of the enemy!
  Bring high winds, cutting teeth as a beast of crack each other!
  Morning Star shines in the night sky, please you guidelines of the road I arrived to the king of darkness, the wizard ordered atmosphere, the wind ah
  ! I have a way to send it!
  Wind Wizard almighty ah ... ... to the atmosphere for the bow, glorious for the arrows, and are subject to the power of my will, cut through the far days
  Let the void - the power of the wind!
  Wind illusory ah, metamorphosed into a dragon to protect it! - Wind Magic Dragon!
  Lord of the great wind of God Yes! Use your strength to the will of our location! - Fengshen large run!
  Wind to fly it! To show the world your noble rage it! Let the world fear, afraid of the world - the death of the storm!
  Wind of the lock ring, tulle of training, year-round land of the Buddha's endless blowing of the wind, ah, right into the yoke of false imprisonment, the offense will be movement
  Evil shackles! - Wind-border tie-lock!
  Flying in the atmosphere of the Wind Wizard ah! Gave me wings transparent, free to fly in heaven


अपोलो, Angel

博爱:Amor universal

博爱:Amor universal

博爱:Amour universel

博爱:Amore universale

igualdad equidad

张宇盼答:普适(世)价值:已经存在的,以自由、平等、博爱为基础的,并不具有广泛争议的公共秩序以及风俗习惯。“普世价值”是英文“universal value”的意译,其实译为“普适价值”更为准确。在哲学等人文科学上,普世价值(英语:universal value)泛指那些不分领域,超越宗教、国家、民族,出于人类的良知与理性...

张宇盼答:第二条是E pluribus unum(拉丁语,意为“合众为一”)。希望对你有所帮助。

13954977280高手帮忙翻译几个词~谢过 ,拉丁语
张宇盼答:affectus 意思是“情感”或“爱情、温情”自由 LIBERTAS (lībertās)这个一样。亮剑 GLADIVM EDVCERE (gladium ēdūcere)翻译得很好,就是拉丁语中“拔剑”的说法。梦想 SOMNIVM (somnium)这个一样。开拓 INCREMENTVM (incrēmentum)本意是“发展”、“扩大”、“成长”。我觉得,引申一下理解成“开拓...

张宇盼答:坚强firmus 温柔:tender,gara 勇敢fortitudo 智慧mundus 绽放liberatio 自由libero 快乐felix 梦想somnium 纯真sinceritatis 荣耀gloria 诚实honesta 真心sinceram

张宇盼答:倔强:Cervicatus 自由:Libertas (谷歌翻译,(*^__^*) )

张宇盼答:西班牙语:Libertad, igualdad fraternidad الحرية والمساواة والأخوة:语伯拉阿 除了德语是自己知道。。。其他都是翻译软件翻的。

张宇盼答:勇敢fortitudo","释放liberatio","坚强firmus","飞翔no","自由libertas","世界mundus","智慧mundus"我是不懂拉丁文的,我用英语-拉丁字典一个一个翻译的。我用的英文单词分别是:courage release strong fly freedom world wisdom 下面是我用的字典 参考资料:http://www.freedict.com/onldict/lat....

张宇盼答:libertas 拉丁语,自由之意(李伯塔斯)Jillian, Jill 小孩子 女性 拉丁语(季丽安)Jocosa 愉快的 女性 拉丁语(乔克沙)男:Adrian 傍亚德里亚海而居之人 Aerian 黑色(艾利安)Anthony 无价(安东尼)Antonio 值得赞美;备受尊崇的(安东尼奥)Augustine 指八月出生的人(奥古斯丁)Basil 罗勒;像国王...

13954977280自由,平等,博爱 英文怎么讲?
张宇盼答:Freedom, Equality and Fraternity

张宇盼答:富强:prosperous and strong; thriving and powerful; rich and mighty 民主:democracy; democratic; democratic rights 文明:civilization; civilized; culture 平等:equal; equality; egality; evenness 公正:fair; just; impartial; equity; a surname 法制:legality; legal institutions; legal system ...

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