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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-02



一、方译 P13下数第4行 拉斯特把硬币放进了口袋。
李译 P16上数第9行 勒斯特把那东西放进兜里。
原文 Luster put it in his pocket.


二、方译 P34上数第15行 他拉着我往前走。凯蒂说:“别出声,班吉。你想让他们听到么。走,我们去喝点沙士汽水.....”
李译 P43上数第02行 他使劲拉着我朝前走。凯蒂。"快别出声,班吉。你想让他们听见你吗。来吧,咱们再去喝一点沙示水
原文 He pulled me on. Caddy “Hush up, Benjy. You want them to hear you. Come on, les drink some more sassprilluh,


三、方译 P58下数第10行 迪尔西说:“你过来吧,杰森。你没惹他吧,有没有。”
李译 P73下数第02行 迪尔西说,“你回来啦,杰生。你没惹他吧,惹了吗。”
原文 Dilsey said, “You come, Jason. You letting him alone, is you.”


四、方译 P65下数第04行 你上床去,等我的脚不抖了再说。
李译 P83上数第15行 你快上床,我可要撒丫儿了。
原文 You get in that bed while my foots behaves.


五、方译 P112下数第12行 她瞪着我。她就差没几根树枝条子,身后没个写着2×2=5的黑板了。
李译 P144上数第05行 她瞪视着我。她真该有一块电闸板的,真该在她那2×2=5的头脑后面装上一块黑板的。
原文 She glared at me. She just needed a bunch of switches, a blackboard behind her 2 × 2 e 5.


六、方译 P175上数第10行 是啊,杰森里就喜欢忙活。我说可不是,我从来没有上大学的好运,
李译 P219下数第02行 是啊,杰生喜欢跑跑颠颠地伺候人。我说我可不喜欢,我从来没有上大学的福份,
原文 Well, Jason likes work.I says no I never had university advantages......


七、方译 P182下数第09行 我们开着车转来转去直到偏僻小街上夜幕降临,这样大家就看不出他来了。
李译 P229下数第11行 我们赶着马车兜圈子,直到后街天色暗淡下来,人们在那儿看不出他了,
原文 so we drove around until it begun to get dark on the back streets where they wouldn’t see him.

这里方译明显有问题,前面已经说是马车了,马车通常都是 赶马车,而不是开车。

八、方译 P235下数第01行 迪尔西过来,给他开门,他跌跌撞撞穿过厨房。“到,拉斯特!”她叫道,
李译 P296下数第15行 这时迪尔西走过来给他开门,他跌跌撞撞地穿过厨房。“你啊,勒斯特!”她喊道,
原文: Then Dilsey came and opened the door for him and he blundered across the kitchen. “You, Luster!” she shouted,

这里是描述迪尔西警告拉斯特不要太莽撞,原文“You, Luster!”,李译“你啊,勒斯特!”,方译为“到,拉斯特!”是提醒拉斯特到地方了,停下来,放下木柴。两位先生翻译各具特色,我更喜欢方译。

《Clamor and disturbance 》of recount structure can is divided into two layer, one is story time, space continuously conversion interleave, one is several narrator many the narrator of angle of describe:Ex-3 of the novel, narrator is describe, in the meantime again is novel of host Mr., so ex-3 of describe take to have mightiness of subjective color.The many people think describe of a class of Ji to be objective, credibility of, in fact surely class Ji of describe can letter, among them performance of affection color still very outstanding of, be rightness past of mightiness reluctant to part with, the Kun D and hero living part don't even much say.Di Er the west cent and the appendix can be regarded as to three ex-"confusion" of a kind of sorting, can hardly conceive for the whole"order" with a work if have no Di Er the west cent, 《clamor and disturbance 》BE what appearance, the reader is a lot of may get of just a lot of with each other not pile up of the affairs of connection.
《Clamor and disturbance 》adopted the limited angle of view of the first person with three people call the omniscience omnipotent angle of view.Ex-3 of the novel are the limited angle of view of the first person, fore the noodles be three inside, with it say describe of is an affairs, not equal to say describe of is a person to respond affairs.Chapter 4 is three people to call to be an omniscience omnipotent angle of view, describe of the center be the west of Di Er, this part is typical model of recount(1 elling), there are chapter 4 and appendix part, 《clamor and disturbance 》seem to be easy comprehension some, in this novel author transformation variety recount angle, make dissimilarity of recount take respectively dissimilarity of taste to observation and recount, completion to the United States south a thou the old household disintegrate of pathetic destiny of many Wei see through.

"Quentin slapped her and she slipped and fell down in the water"






正如沃尔佩指出: “昆廷是青少年铭记在血瘀…他试图孤立自己从'响亮,苛刻的世界' 。由於他是不能这样做,他摧毁了自己。 “ (沃尔佩, 1964 : 105 )作为福克纳自己的说法,昆廷是”太敏感,要面对现实。 “ ( Cowan先生, 1968 : 20 )



15061572576下面的句子如何翻译?并解释一下as to的意思
伍咳审答:as to的意思是: 至于...(这个问题,究竟...)。具有“强调”的意思。勤学好问 天天进步。


15061572576求一句英语翻译 并解释一下,谢谢

伍咳审答:这句话出自Ralph Waldo Emerson的Give all to love... 意思是我们知道,该走的走了,该来的会来。 原文附翻译: 为爱牺牲一切 为爱牺牲一切 作者 爱默生 译者 张爱玲 为爱牺牲一切, 服从你的心; 朋友,亲戚,时日, 名誉,财产, 计划,信用与灵感, 什么都能放弃。 它是一个勇敢的主人, ...

伍咳审答:《刻舟记》的翻译和原文,能解释一下加点词的意思。  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释?匿名用户 2013-09-18 展开全部 译文 明朝有个有手艺奇妙精巧的人叫王叔远,他能够用直径一寸的木头,雕刻出宫殿、杯、盘、碗、碟等生活用具、人物,甚至于飞鸟走兽、树木、石头,全都是按照材料...

15061572576请帮忙解释一下改错的答案,为什么这样改,并翻译一下句子的中文意思,谢 ...
伍咳审答:翻译:在埃德对广告的回复中他说他在寻找一份专职职位而非兼职的。57. No one who 【has seenA】 him 【workB】 in the laboratory 【can denyC】 that William has great capabilities 【ofD】 research.(答案[D] for)解释:capability名词 n. 意思是能做某事的素质;能力 常和介词for搭配,...

15061572576...on the house for three days.” 同时请解释一下为什么这样翻译,谢谢...
伍咳审答:Three是一个英文单词,主要用作为名词、数词、形容词,作名词时翻译为“三,三个”;作数词时译为“三”;作形容词时翻译为“三地,三个的”。Three of the chickens hatched today.今天有三只小鸡出壳。五、days 1、含义:n. 时代。adv. 在白天。名词day的复数形式 2、用法 day的基本意思是“...

伍咳审答:不困难,下面给你简单解释一下:9. A; 因为句中原意说的是: the electricity travels (along) the whole path. 所以用代词 which 10. A; 这里说的是 ”a kind of disease", 所以用 which 来 指明。意思是: the cure is possible for that kind of disease.11. C; 这里可以分开两句来...

伍咳审答:like在作“像”的解释时,是介词,比如:I won't make the same mistake like you. 我不会像你一样犯这错误。near 近的,一般表示时间或方位 similar 意思是相似的;类似的, 一般前面不用定冠词the,而用不定冠词a或不用冠词。如:She made a similar mistake in education. 其中的理由很难...

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