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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-01

On both banks of the river are Nantong Museum, Taofen Memorial Park, Shenshou Art Museum, Zhaodan Pavilion, and Geyi Art Centre. The modem buildings and the traditional architectures contrast finely with each other, showing the city's cultural traditions and artistic flavour.
To the south of the city proper lies the well-known Langshan Scenic Spot, which includes Langshan Hill, Junshan Hill, Jianshan Hill, Ma'anshan Hill and Huangnishan Hill, ranging 4.5 km along the Yangtze River. On the top of Langshan Hill, the highest in the five hills, you can see that the Yangtze River joins the sky and can have a bird's eye view of the vast green land with crisscross footpaths.
The beautiful scenes have attracted many literates, poets, writers and scholars to come here. You can find couplets and ancient poems written by famous literati on pillars and stones in the scenic spot area. Many foreign friends are deeply impressed by the scenery and gasp with admiration at the beauty. Besides, there are many other tourist spots, namely, they are Hai'an Qingdun New Stone Age Site, Dinghui Temple, Shuihuiyuan Grove, Horticulture Garden, and Yuantuojiao Cape.
Langshan Hill
Overlooking the Changjiang River, Langshan Hill together with Junshan and Jianshan hills to its east and Ma'an and Huangni hills to its west are collectively called the five hills. Standing on top of Langshan Hill, one may have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery with water extending to the horizon. The main scenic attractions include the Great Sage Hall and the Faru Hall.

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. A major settlement for two millennia, its history goes back to its founding by the Romans, who called it Londinium. London's core, the ancient City of London, the 'square mile', retains its mediaeval boundaries. Since at least the nineteenth century, the name "London" has also referred to the metropolis developed around it.Today, the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly.

London is a leading global city and one of the world's largest financial centres with the largest city GDP in Europe. Central London is home to the headquarters of most of the UK's top 100 listed companies (the FTSE 100) and more than 100 of Europe's 500 largest. London's influence in politics, finance, education, entertainment, media, fashion, the arts and culture in general contributes to its global position. It is a major tourist destination for both domestic and overseas visitors. London hosted the 1908 and 1948 Summer Olympics and will host the 2012 Summer Olympics. London contains four World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London; the historic settlement of Greenwich; the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; and the site comprising the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church.

London has a diverse range of peoples, cultures, and religions, and more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries. In July 2007 it had an official population of 7,556,900 within the boundaries of Greater London,making it the most populous municipality in the European Union. The Greater London Urban Area (the second largest in the EU) has a population of 8,278,251. while the metropolitan area (the largest in the EU) has an estimated total population of between 12 million and 14 million.The London Underground network, administered by Transport for London, is the most extensive underground railway network in the world,[21] London Heathrow Airport is the world's busiest airport by number of international passengers[and the airspace is the busiest of any urban centre in the world.


To wander London (漫步伦敦)
With ongoing development of Chinese market economy,Chinese tourism has becoming more sophisticated day by day.travelling in Europe is popular and in fashion now .As we known,London is internation financial center ,in order to edifying experience and improve my abilities of using English,last summer ,I travelled with my best friend Stephanie by airplane aim to London .

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