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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-14

1:第一人称:我\我们I we,第二人称:你\你们you,第三人称:他\她\它\他们,he\she\it(第三人称单数)they(第三人称复数),does用语第三人称单数, do用于其他人称。做助动词用, 用于否定\疑问句中,He doesn't like basketball。 doesn't放在行为动词前面,like用原形,We don't like sports,Do you have a sister? Yes, I do。一般疑问句do放在句首。
2:高中英语知识点。老师会告诉你(尤其是在写作的时候)可以用「do + 动词原型」来表示强调。看下面的句子,Do write and let me know how you're getting on. 务必写信告诉我你的情况。Do stay and have dinner with us, 一定得留下来和我们一起吃饭,Your garden does look nice. 你的花园的确很漂亮,My memory isn't very good, but I do remember what she was wearing. 我记忆力不太好,但我确实记得她穿了什么。
3:比如:He likes apple.这是一个很普遍的主谓宾句子。我想要将其变为疑问句,那就要do来帮助其构成疑问句了,为:does he like apple?。如果我要变为否定句,也要借助do来帮忙,为:He doesn't like apple.(第三人称用does)。这种仅限于主谓宾句子,如果是主系表句子,如:she ia a student.就直接把 be动词提前就可以构成疑问句了,在be动词后加not就可以构成否定了。







do 读法 英 [duː , də , dəʊ]   美 [duː , də , doʊ]


1、have done with 做完;和…无关

2、do by 对待

3、do well for oneself [口语]兴旺,发达,昌盛,成功

4、do well for 获得大量的…;有很多的…供应,得到…充足的供给  

5、do one's bit 尽自己的一份力量



execute, conduct, do, fulfil这组词都有“做,执行,实施,完成”的意思,其区别是:

1、execute 指需专门技术熟练技巧去完成某种复杂的任务或表演等,也指用行动把计划或打算付诸实施或执行某项命令。

2、conduct 和perform一样比较正式,二者意义相近,但conduct含指导、领导或监督等意味。

3、do 最普通常用词,指完成某项具体工作、任务,也指完成某种行为或动作。

4、fulfil 指履行和实现所许诺的、所期望或要求的事情,含最终完成的意味。

二、do 的近义词:fulfil

fulfil 读法 英 [fʊl'fɪl]  美 [fulˈfil] 

vt. 履行;完成;实践;满足


1、fulfil one's ambition 实现抱负

2、fulfil one's duty 履行职责 

3、fulfil the program 完成计划 

4、fulfil the requirement 满足要求 

5、fulfil admirably 出色地履行

“do”具有多种词性和词义,有 做、干、进行、表现,的确 等意思。

do用作动词,即可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、从句作宾语,也可接同源宾语; 还可接双宾语;用作名词时表示注意事项,聚会等含义。

例句:He does nothing but eat and drink。




1、do用来构成一般现在时和一般过去时的疑问或否定式,其后要跟原形动词。在问句中, do在语法上是需要的,但习惯上可以省略(有时含主语),特别在口语中。

2、当句中有never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, little等否定副词时,可将这类副词移至句首以加强语气,且将其置于do前表示强调,此时为倒装结构中的一种。

3、do用作及物动词时基本意思是“做”“从事”,接不同名词可表示多种动作,如“写”“画”“创作(作品)”“演出”,以及“整理(打扫、洗、刷、梳)”“学习,研究(翻译、解答、计算)”“烹调(烧、煮)”“行走,走过”“引起,产生”等。可接名词、代词、动名词、从句作宾语,也可接同源宾语; 还可接双宾语(其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语)。

意思是: 做,干,办(某事);行动,表现;

英 [du:]


v 做,干,办(某事);行动,表现;顺利进行,进展;从事(工作);执行(任务);学习,研究;解答,解决,算出;制作,做出;演出,编排(戏剧等);仿效,模仿;完成,做好;供给,提供;

aux 与动词连用构成否定句和疑问句;用于构成疑问尾句;用于避免重复某一动词;用于强调主要动词;用于祈使句中表示礼貌;用于肯定或否定回答;用在倒装句中

n 聚会,社交活动;要求,规定;C大调音阶中的第一音;(口语)事件;(主英国口语)诈骗;(主英国、新西兰口语)宴会;(口语)必须做到的事情;(女子)发型

n (Do) 多(人名 Dorothea 和 Dorothy 的昵称)

[ 过去式 did 过去分词 done 现在分词 doing ]


do wrong 做错 ; 做坏事 ; 作恶 ; 做错事



aux (助动词)

1、do用来构成一般现在时和一般过去时的疑问或否定式,其后要跟原形动词。在问句中,   do在语法上是需要的,但习惯上可以省略(有时含主语),特别在口语中。

2、当句中有never, seldom,   hardly, scarcely, little等否定副词时,可将这类副词移至句首以加强语气,且将其置于do前表示强调,此时为倒装结构中的一种。


do /də/ DJ /də/ KK /du/ DJ /du/ KK /duː/ DJ strong form /du/ KK strong form
verb, auxiliary verb, noun
See also: do
Irregular: does /dʌz/ DJ /dʌz/ KK; did /dɪd/ DJ /dɪd/ KK; done /dʌn/ DJ /dʌn/ KK
used to refer to actions that you do not mention by name or do not know about 做,干,办(某事) VN
to act or behave in the way mentioned (以某种方式)做;行动;表现 V VN + adv./prep. ~ (as…)
used to ask or talk about the success or progress of somebody/something (问询或谈论时用)进展,进行 V VN + adv./prep.
to work at or perform an activity or a task 从事(工作);进行(活动);执行(任务) VN
used with nouns to talk about tasks such as cleaning, washing, arranging, mending, etc. (与名词连用,表示打扫、洗刷、整理、修补等) VN
to perform the activity or task mentioned 做,从事(熨烫、烹调、购物、演戏、写作等) VN ~ the ironing, cooking, shopping, etc. ~ some, a little, etc. acting, writing, etc.
to work at something as a job 从事(职业) VN
to learn or study something 学习;研究 VN
to find the answer to something; to solve something 解答;解决 VN
to produce or make something 做出;制作 ~ sth (for sb) ~ (sb) sth
to perform or produce a play, an opera, etc. 演出,编排(戏剧、歌剧等) VN
to copy somebody's behaviour or the way somebody speaks, sings, etc., especially in order to make people laugh 仿效;模仿;扮演 VN
to finish something 完成;做完 formal
Alternate: have/be done; get something done
to travel a particular distance 走过,旅行过(一段路程) VN
to complete a journey/trip 走完,完成(旅程) VN
to travel at or reach a particular speed 以…速度行进;达到…速度 VN
to visit a place as a tourist 参观;游览;在…观光 VN informal
to spend a period of time doing something 度过(一段时间) VN
to deal with or attend to somebody/something 处理;照料 VN
to be suitable or be enough for somebody/something 适合;足够 ~ (for sb/sth) ~ (as sth)
See also: enough
to cook something 烹制;煮;烧;煎 VN
to cheat somebody 欺骗 VN usually passive British English informal
to punish somebody 惩罚;处罚 British English ~ sb (for sth) informal
to rob a place 抢劫,劫掠(某地方) VN informal
to take an illegal drug 吸(毒) VN informal
Idiom: be/have to do with somebody/something
to be about or connected with somebody/something 关于;与…有关系(或有联系)
Idiom: have (got) something, nothing, a lot, etc. to do with somebody/something
used to talk about how much somebody/something is connected with somebody/something 与…有些(毫无、有很大)关系
Idiom: it won't do especially British English
used to say that a situation is not satisfactory and should be changed or improved (表示情况不令人满意,应加以改进)那不行,那不合适
Idiom: not do anything/a lot/much for somebody informal
used to say that something does not make somebody look attractive 并不使某人漂亮一些/很多
Idiom: nothing doing informal
used to refuse a request (拒绝请求)不行,办不到
Idiom: no you don't spoken
used to show that you intend to stop somebody from doing something that they were going to do 不,你办不到;不,我不许你这样做;你敢
Idiom: that does it informal
used to show that you will not accept something any longer (表示不愿再接受)行了,得了,够了
Idiom: that's done it informal
used to say that an accident, a mistake, etc. has spoiled or ruined something 这下可糟了;这下可完了
Idiom: that will do
used to order somebody to stop doing or saying something (制止行动或说话)行啦,够啦
Idiom: what do you do for something?
used to ask how somebody manages to obtain the thing mentioned 你是怎么设法获得…的
Idiom: what is somebody/something doing…?
used to ask why somebody/something is in the place mentioned 为什么在…地方
Phrasal: do away with somebody/yourself informal
to kill somebody/yourself 杀死,干掉(某人);自杀
Phrasal: do away with something informal
to stop doing or having something; to make something end 废除;取消;结束
See also: abolish Synonym
Phrasal: do somebody/something down British English, informal
to criticize somebody/something unfairly 诋毁;说…的坏话
Phrasal: do for somebody/something usually passive, informal
to ruin, destroy or kill somebody/something 毁灭;破坏;杀死
Phrasal: do somebody/yourself in informal
to kill somebody/yourself 杀死,干掉(某人);自杀
to make somebody very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲乏至极 usually passive
Phrasal: do something↔in informal
to injure a part of the body 伤害(身体某部位)
Phrasal: do somebody out of something informal
to unfairly prevent somebody from having what they ought to have (用不正当手段)阻止某人拥有,剥夺
Phrasal: do somebody over informal, especially British English
to attack and beat somebody severely 猛击;痛打;毒打;狠揍
Phrasal: do something↔over
to clean or decorate something again 重新清理;重新装饰
to do something again 重做;重复;再做一遍 American English
Phrasal: do up
to be fastened 固定住;扣上;绑紧
Phrasal: do something↔up
to fasten a coat, skirt, etc. 扣上(衣服、裙子等)
See also: undo Antonym
to make something into a package 包起来;扎起来
See also: wrap Synonym
to repair and decorate a house, etc. 修缮,整修,装饰(房屋等) British English
Phrasal: do yourself up informal
to make yourself more attractive by putting on make-up, attractive clothes, etc. 梳妆,打扮(自己)
Phrasal: do something with somebody/something
could do with can't be doing with
Phrasal: do without; do without somebody/something
to manage without somebody/something 没有…也行;没有…而设法对付过去
auxiliary verb
Irregular: does /dʌz/ DJ /dʌz/ KK; did /dɪd/ DJ /dɪd/ KK; done /dʌn/ DJ /dʌn/ KK
used before a full verb to form negative sentences and questions (用于实义动词前构成否定句和疑问句)
used to make question tags(= short questions at the end of statements) (构成附加疑问句)
used to avoid repeating a full verb (代替实义动词以避免重复)
used when no other auxiliary verb is present, to emphasize what you are saying (句中无其他助动词时,用以加强语气)
used to change the order of the subject and verb when an adverb is moved to the front (副词移置句首时,用以改变主语和动词的语序)
/duː/ DJ /du/ KK
Irregular: dos plural; do's plural /duːz/ DJ /duz/ KK
a party; a social event 社交聚会;社交活动 British English informal
See also: fair dos/do's
Idiom: do's and don'ts informal
rules that you should follow 规则;注意事项
do /dəʊ/ DJ /doʊ/ DJ US /do/ KK US
See also: doh Synonym; do

Used before a verb (except be, can, may, ought, shall, will) in questions and negative statements
Used to make tag questions
Used in negative commands


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鞠马刘答:O, o 是拉丁字母中的第15个字母。在希腊语 Ο (Omicron)、伊特鲁里亚语和拉丁语中,O表示元音/o/。虽然闪族语字母'Ajin在一些字母表中被用来作为转写[o],但是它的通常都作为辅音[/ʔ/]使用(类似于阿拉伯语字母ع 叫做'Ajn')。在北约音标字母中,O表示Oscar。字母O的含意 大写O...

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