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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

答:and good life.39、欺骗的友谊是痛苦的创伤,虚伪的同情是锐利的毒箭。Cheating friendship is painful wounds, false compassion is sharp arrows.40、人伦关系,便是以伦理的观点来建立合理的人际关系。Human relations, is the ethical point of view to establish reasonable personal relationships....

家庭人际关系用英语怎么表示? 急需。。。
答:舅舅 叔叔 伯伯用uncle 奶奶 姥姥 用grandmother 爷爷 姥爷 用grandfather 爸爸用father 妈妈用mother 加在一起用parents 姐妹用sister 兄弟用brother 表(堂)哥姐弟妹 用cousin 儿子用son 女儿用daughter 侄子nephews 侄女niece 孙子用grandson 孙女用granddaughter 家庭关系 familier relationsh...

答:成功的秘决是什么请用英语说出几的英文翻译:The secret of success is what some say in English please.成功的秘决:Perseverance (坚韧),diligence (勤劳),human relationship (人际关系),opportunity (机会).英语学习方法 第一:自信的说英语。英语是一门语言,最重要的事说出口,很多同学学习...

答:Inter-personal relationships 不用加那个什么“web"或“websites"什么的,纯属画蛇填足,成了chinglish中式英语了


答:n. 关系;联系;亲戚关系;人际关系 三、词形变化 复数:relationships 四、常用短语 family relationship:家庭关系 business relationship:商业关系 love relationship:恋爱关系 interpersonal relationship:人际关系 working relationship:工作关系 五、用法 relationship作为名词,表示人或事物之间的关系或联系。 relationship常用于描...

答:1 英语课堂上,老师要求学生就"与人相处"的话题展开讨论。请根据以下你所在小组的讨论结果,以"How to get on well with others"为题,写一篇英语短文。Suggestions: 1. Learn to share 2. Respect others 3.Communicate with each other My suggestion : ……人称: 第一人称 内容: 第一部分: ...

答:In addition to the university knowledge, the most critical and most basic is the human capacity,Wherein the culture interpersonal skills is particularly important.We college students as the successors of socialist construction is particularly important to establish good interpersonal relationships...

答:extend your scope of relationship 扩大你的人际关系 widen your relationship scope 拓宽人际网

答:We should make friends cautiously to get better interpersonal relationship.

卜柴欣17787904650:    人际关系用英文怎么说 -
诸哲清:      : Interpersonal relationship

卜柴欣17787904650:    人际关系英语怎么说
诸哲清:      : interpersonal relationship; human relation; interpersonal relation; personal contact

卜柴欣17787904650:    英语翻译人际关系 -
诸哲清:      :[答案] 指人的性格时, be subject to sudden changes of mood be sometimes a stranger and sometimes a good buddy 更地道的英文说法是 by fits ( and starts )

卜柴欣17787904650:    英语翻译人际关系是指社会人群中因交往而构成的相互依存和相互联系的社会关系,属于社会学的范畴.人是社会动物,每个个体均有其独特的思想、背景、态... -
诸哲清:      :[答案] Interpersonal social group is a result of contacts constitute the interdependence and interrelatedness of social relations,... organized operation,organizational efficiency and the relationship between the individual and the organization have tremendous ...

卜柴欣17787904650:    建立良好的人际关系用英文怎么说 -
诸哲清:      : 建立良好的人际关系 Establish good interpersonal relationships 重点词汇良好good; fine; all right 人际关系interpersonal relation; interpersonal relationship; human relations; personal relations 双语例句1领导者在信任、尊重、合作和团体配合的基...

卜柴欣17787904650:    重视人际关系用英语怎么说? -
诸哲清:      :[答案] attach importance to interpersonal relationship 例如:In a plural society we must attach importance to interpersonal relationships,cooperation,and look at issues from the perspective of other people....

卜柴欣17787904650:    “人脉”用英语怎么说? -
诸哲清:      : 人脉(人际关系)personal relationships

卜柴欣17787904650:    英语翻译1.良好的人际关系(interpersonal relationship)是建设和谐(harmony)社会的关键.2.交友要对别人好,要关心别人.3.不要以貌取人(judge people ... -
诸哲清:      :[答案] 1.良好的人际关系(interpersonal relationship)是建设和谐(harmony)社会的关键.Good interpersonal relationship is the key to building a harmony society.2.交友要对别人好,要关心别人.You should be kind to a...

卜柴欣17787904650:    "人脉"用英语怎么说 -
诸哲清:      : "人脉"用英语 Human contacts People Hub

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