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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:“在我生日那天,我的母亲我的生日蛋糕和可口的食物。我的朋友帮我把蜡烛的大蛋糕。然后我们开始的聚会。我有一个快乐的一天。我们唱歌、玩游戏,吃美味的食物。我是多么的幸福! 希望你学习进步,希望采纳,不好还有:-D 关于生日聚会的英语作文 Last May 4th was my birthday. I had a party at my home.去年5...

答:今天是7月初四又是我7岁生日,我是在奶奶家过的生日。有好多人给我庆祝,爸爸给我买了一个好大蛋糕。生日蜡烛跟深圳的生日蜡烛不同,这里的蜡烛是一朵荷花,一点上火就会唱生日歌,我许完愿,就切蛋糕吃,姐姐她们把奶油弄在我脸上,鼻子上,大家都非常开心!Today is the fourth day of July is ...

答:It's my birthday today. I'm very glad to invite my good friends to have dinner at home. There is a big birthdaycake on the table, and eleven candles on it. And there are also many other delicious food:chocolates , fruit , fish ,beef, shrimp and vegitables. We are ...

答:my birthday is coming, parents are preparing for me. in that special day, grandparents and parents celebrated together. it was really a wonderful day.

答:昨天是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼。母亲给我准备一个茶会。我邀请他们都前来参加。茶会下午六点半开始。有冷饮和点心。我们又吃又谈又笑。我们觉得是世界上最快乐的人。。2.i like the chinese new year better than any other festival. this is a time especially for rest and joy....

答:5.有没有10句生日短语 生日快乐英文祝福语You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,That's why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days.你证明了你的友谊在这么多不同的方式温暖,这就是为什么我希望你的生日是最快乐的日子.Wishing you a wonderful day and a year fille...

答:Provided by jukuu 5.没有人祝我生日快乐。No-one wished me a happy birthday.2. 生日快乐的英语语句语段 May your birthday be a celebration of the life. Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity with many returns of the day.愿你的生日是对生命的歌颂,祝健康快乐,事业蒸蒸...

帮我写几句话的英语短文5篇 配中文 急急急
答:presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world 昨天是我生日,...

英语作文 用至少5句话介绍自己 关于名字 年龄 生日 最喜欢的运动 最喜...
答:My name is Lily.I am twelve years old.I was born on July 2nd,2012.When it is my birthday,my parents always give me a nice present.I like doing all kinds of sports,but my favorite is playing basketball.Green is my favorite color.不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

写写你的生日你会做什么3 到5句英语作文
答:我先用右脚,然后用左脚。妈妈帮我慢慢地滑。滑板的速度非常慢,就像一只小乌龟在行走。Suddenly, I accidentally slipped my skateboard and fell on the gravel road.突然,我不小心滑倒了滑板,摔在了碎石路上。As a result, the skateboard tripped over the uneven stone with a "pop". I ...

池枫弘15853967433:    我的生日小短文5句英语 -
崔信包:      : Last Sunday was my birthday. 上周日是我的生日.I had a party with my friends. 我和朋友们开了一个聚会.We ate a big birthday cake and some delicious food. 我们吃了一个大生日蛋糕和一些美味的食物.We sang and danced. 我们唱歌跳舞.My friends brought me many gifts. 我的朋友们给我带来了很多礼物.We all had a good time. 我们全都很开心.

池枫弘15853967433:    英语作文我的生日 -
崔信包:      : My Birthday zdYesterday was May 20th. It was my birthday. My father bought me a beautiful dress and my mother cooked delicious dishes. My parents hold a birthday party for me. I invited five friends to come to my home. They brought many ...

池枫弘15853967433:    以My birthday为题写一篇作文5句话. -
崔信包:      :[答案] My birthday is March 15th.At that day,my mother bought me a big birthday cake and cooked many delicious food.I invent my friends to my party.After we had a meal ,we sang songs and played games.In the ...

池枫弘15853967433:    一篇关于《我的生日》的英语作文.7句左右. -
崔信包:      : 生日: My birthday in the vibrant spring, spring is the season that people aspire to, people always do a good job in this season, his own plans. As the saying goes: "Yinianzhiji is the spring of dollars a day is the morning." It is telling us: the desire ...

池枫弘15853967433:    以 我的生日为题的英语短文 五年级 字数在50词左右 -
崔信包:      : MY BIRTHDAY Yesterday was my birthday .My father and my mother held a birthday party for me. I invited some of my good friends to my home .We sang and dance together .We really had a good time. I think I will never forget such a happy day.

池枫弘15853967433:    谁能帮我写一篇英语作文?以My birthday为主,不少于5句话,不多于10句.(再麻烦亲们把中文翻译出来)Thank you! -
崔信包:      :[答案] My birthday will be a wonderful day.我的生日会是极好的一天.I will invite many friends on the day,and we will play games,go shopping,and eat lots of yummy food!当天,我会请许多朋友来;我们会玩游戏,去购...

池枫弘15853967433:    以my birthday 为题写一篇作文 (不少于5句话) -
崔信包:      :[答案] Today is my birthday.I am so glad because my friends come to my home.We do plenty of games.And my friends give me some gifts.At last we sing a song together .What a funny day.

池枫弘15853967433:    My birthday 我的生日(英语作文) 【我的生日是12月4号】 -
崔信包:      : Hello, my name is * * *. My birthday is in December 1999, the no. 4. In China, it is the day in winter. On this day, usually snows. I usually in the birthday this day open birthday party. I with my good friends and family birthday. On the same day we would ...

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