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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-30

答:description. n. 描述,描写(文字);形容;说明;类型 例句:We had only a vague description of the attacker. 我们只有那个袭击者的粗略描述。 扩展资料 A child answering the description of the missing boy was found safe and well in London yesterday.昨天在伦敦发现了一个与失踪...

答:英文简历性格描述 通常大家在写简历的时候,会有一个部分叫“自我评价”。这个部分就是给自己美言的地方了。当然,美言太多、言过其实反而会起到反作用。那么如何简明、恰到好处的展示自己的长处呢?这次就教大家如何说明自己性格上的.优点。Mature, dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能干、...

答:A stable personality and high sense of responsibility. 个性稳重、具高度责任感.Bright and aggressive. 反应快、有进取心.Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧.Energetic, and fashionable 精力旺盛、思想新潮.With a pleasant mature ...

答:产品描述英文:description。真正好的产品描述不仅仅是描述一个产品,它们也通过讲述一个故事、传达一种感情、推销一种生活方式等,抓住产品卖点并将卖点以简单易懂的方式传递给目标客户,与买家建立联系并吸引他们购买。短语搭配 1、Miss Description.虚报货名。2、detailed description.详细说明;具体说明。3...

答:详细具体”的英文:specific specific 读法 英 [spə'sɪfɪk] 美 [spɪ'sɪfɪk]1、adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药] 具有特效的 2、n. 特性;细节;特效药 短语:1、specific form 非凡形式;特殊形式 2、specific items 具体项目;特殊条款 ...

答:制作精巧 skillful manufacture 工艺精良 sophisticated technology 最新工艺 latest technology 加工精细 finely processed 设计精巧 deft design 造型新颖 modern design 造型优美 beautiful design 设计合理 professional design 造型富丽华贵 luxuriant in design 结构合理 rational construction 款式新颖 attractive ...

答:DESC : Describe Express Specific Consequences 描述表达特定的后果

答:形容的英文单词是describe,读音为英 [dɪ'skraɪb]  美 [dɪ'skraɪb]describe 英 [dɪ'skraɪb]  美 [dɪ'skraɪb]vt. 描述;说成;形容;画(尤指几何图形)形容词: describable 名词: describer 过去式: described 过去分词: described...

答:When God made the first man, he put him on a beautiful garden, the Garden of Edan. Here Adam lived dinpeace whit all the animals. God gave Adam eternal life. But Adam was lonely in the garden, so Dod made Eve. When Adam was asleep one night,God took a rib grom him ...

答:I am a friendly person. I like to make friends and I also enjoy to share many things with my friends. We are help each others. So I have a lot of good friends.我是一个友善的人。我喜欢交朋友,我也喜欢和朋友一起分享很多事情。我们是互相帮助别人。所以我有很多好朋友。I have...

左鹏潘13659268571:    详细的描述 用英语怎么翻译?
甄贤罡:      : describe in details.

左鹏潘13659268571:    详细地描述了.英语怎么说 -
甄贤罡:      :[答案] describe sth.in detail

左鹏潘13659268571:    英语中“详细地介绍”“阐述”等词怎么翻 -
甄贤罡:      : Introduce in details 详细地介绍 state 阐述

左鹏潘13659268571:    description这个英文什么意思 -
甄贤罡:      : 1、描述;形容;叙述;说明 Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty.警方已经发布了那名年龄在50到60岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告.2、种类;类型;性质 The oldest Catholic church of any description ...

左鹏潘13659268571:    用英语翻译详细描述中的内容
甄贤罡:      : Good morning, students today are a clear day on October 30. To see such a clean classroom, I am very happy.

左鹏潘13659268571:    足够的篇幅详细描述这一经历用英语怎么说 -
甄贤罡:      : 足够的篇幅详细描述这一经历Enough length to describe the experience in detail

左鹏潘13659268571:    帮忙翻译“详细描述”的内容(英文)
甄贤罡:      : 1, no one who is not who we play like the young. 2, nothing has ever. 3, commitment will eventually vanish. 4, our acquaintances are also a kind of learning. 5, never ever believe. 6, we should learn, rather than live artificially. 或许答案会出现错误、但希望您,满意.

左鹏潘13659268571:    英语详细描述身体状况?
甄贤罡:      : Beethoven probably began to go deaf after what he called his 'terrible typhus' of 1797, but he tried to keep it a secret, while consulting doctors and trying various remedies,...

左鹏潘13659268571:    ( 详细描述 )帮忙翻译成英语
甄贤罡:      : Guan,you need to take good care of yourself, your love will always continue into eternity, who you said would make me happy, I always remember your words, I'll wait for you to give me happiness!

左鹏潘13659268571:    设计描述的英文怎么说 -
甄贤罡:      : 设计描述 Design description 设计描述 Design description

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