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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:hot pot is famous. 我们不仅自然资源丰富,还有很多世界著名的名胜,如大足石刻、三峡。公园广场和滨江路是市民们休闲的好去处。重庆也是举世闻名的。 Weare Chongqing, transport facilities, to Chongqing, the best tourist season in the spring, neither cold nor hot. In years we Chongqing, Chongqing...

答:重庆旅游景点英语介绍 重庆景点英文介绍简短 重庆千厮门嘉陵江大桥,全长720M,起于重庆市渝中区,在洪崖洞旁跨越嘉陵江到达江北区江北城,并在渝中半岛通过连接隧道与东水门长江大桥北岸桥台相接,为跨江公路和轨道交通两用桥。通车后,从江北嘴到渝中区沧白路仅需几分钟 Chongqing qiansimen Jialing Rive...

答:The Three Gorges region is a scenic area along the Yangtze River in the People's Republic of China with a total length of approximately 200 km. The Three Gorges occupy approximately 120 km within this region. Although it is primarily famous for its scenery, the Three Gorges regi...

重庆大足石刻 英文介绍
答:Dazu Stone Carvings are located in the country of Dazu in Chongqing municipality ,about 120 km away from the city center of Chongqing.The carving work began in late Tang Dynasty and saw its hey day in the Song Dynasty.There are over 60,000 statues altogether and they are in 40...

答:000 square meters large stores have more than 20, The top of the west of the business enterprise, business center in the jiangfangbei accounted for about five, Hotel (restaurant) more than 10. In 2001, the total sales of jiangbei central commercial 127.2 billion yuan, the ...

答:The largest zoo in southwest China with over 1000 birds and 170 species of animals, where you can see charmly naive giant panda, lesser pandas and their offspring, golden hair monkeys and South China tigers.If you're going to Chengdu and have time to visit one of the panda ...

英语口语考试 用英语介绍重庆解放碑 5分钟
答:Chongqing jiangbei, after the landmark buildings, chongqing's heartland became referring in chongqing, also became the most lively prosperous regions pronoun.After the founding of new China, the national road in downtown chongqing, minsheng road, civil rights road, minister of four street...

重庆望乡旅游景点介绍英文 重庆的景点英语介绍
答:旅游英语景点翻译1 gallery 2 Mother Temple Temple 3 degrees 4 spit吉拉康5乌金good Lacan 60,000 Tonggui Bridge Monument 7 Jun 8 eighteen玛尼堆9骆驼峰10 Pass 11 ancient post 12 is too small Bajiao Street昭宗Government 13 14 signs of 15 tablets at Mount Tai-ching heroes king of rain 16 Ston...

答:ambilight. The profusion of colour, like a swimming dragon, movement is different, like a night is not a day. First time, to the downtown area lighting group as the center, road and bridge lights as a link, thousands of houses and for the background, appear repeatedly, consti...

重庆个主要 旅游景区 英文名
答:解放碑:The People's Liberation Monument 大足石刻:Dazu Rock Carvings 人民大礼堂:The Great Hall of the People 武隆天生三桥/芙蓉洞The natural bridges/Furong Cave in Wulong 钓鱼城:Fishing Town/Fishing City 长江三峡:Three Gorges 三峡博物馆:China Three Gorges Museum 参考资料:自己的了解 ...

贡童凝13932235162:    关于家乡重庆名胜古迹的英语作文 80字左右 -
贡奖航:      : 重庆名胜古迹:More gorge, Nanshan, Chongqing Zoo, porcelain mouth, Hongyadong Jindaoxia Chongqing Museum, the Great Hall of the People, Spa is surrounded by moun...

贡童凝13932235162:    重庆著名旅游景点名称英文表达 -
贡奖航:      : The well-known tourist attractions in Chongqing

贡童凝13932235162:    求帮写英语短文 你的一位老外朋友要来重庆玩、要你介绍重庆. 包括重庆好玩的地方解放碑 红岩洞 -
贡奖航:      : As you may know, Chongqing is called the Mountain City. There are mainly two rivers, Changjiang River and Jialingjiang River across the city. There are a lot of famous tourist sites in Chongqing, such as Jiefangbei CBD, Dazu Carvings, ...

贡童凝13932235162:    假如是李华向朋友sarah介绍重庆的名胜古迹的信 英文作文 -
贡奖航:      :[答案] Chongqing places of historic interest and scenic beauty:Ancient human fossils in WushanTongliang cultural relics[ br ] branches tomb located in Chongqing City Central lotus pool in chongqing. The tomb was hexagonal, width 2.65 meters,2.3 meters ...

贡童凝13932235162:    重庆大足石刻 英文介绍有关重庆大足石刻的 介绍,用于旅游! -
贡奖航:      :[答案] Dazu Stone Carvings are located in the country of Dazu in Chongqing municipality ,about 120 km away from the city center of Chongqing.The carving work began in late Tang Dynasty and saw its hey day in the Song Dynasty.There are over 60,000 ...

贡童凝13932235162:    英语翻译缙云山是重庆著名的风景区之一 -
贡奖航:      :[答案] The red Yunshan is one of Chongqing famous scenic spots

贡童凝13932235162:    你到过某个地方去旅游,有什么深刻的印象呢?请用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下这个地方的城市特色或风景名胜.100词左右,用英语表述. -
贡奖航:      :[答案] 重庆酉阳5A级景区桃花原,桃花源位于重庆市酉阳土家族苗族自治县桃花源镇,紧邻渝湘高速公路桃花源下道口,桃花源是国家5A级旅游景区,总面积2734公顷,由世外桃源、伏羲洞、桃花源国家森林公园、桃花源广场、酉州古城、二酉山等六大...

贡童凝13932235162:    急求,重庆风景区英语翻译!!!! -
贡奖航:      : 桔子乖 2008-03-14 19:18:55 Jinyun Mountain Scenic Area, Fishing City, Gele Mountain Martyr Grave, South Mountain Scenic, Wujiang Scenic, Lotus Cavity, Woods Garden, Red Rock Village Revolution Memorial, Chongqing Christian United ...

贡童凝13932235162:    急求一篇用英文介绍重庆夜景的文章. -
贡奖航:      : 山城夜景的特色之一得益于起伏的地势和依山而上的重重楼房.每当夜色降临,万家灯火高低辉映,如漫天星汉,极为瑰丽;二得益于两江环抱,双桥相邻.江中百舸争流,流光溢彩.桥面千红万紫,宛如游龙,动静有别,有似不夜之天. 初夜...

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