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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:小心有电——be careful electricity 当心坠落——be careful falling 严禁烟火——no fire 安全出口——exit 游客止步 Visitors Not Admitted 禁止拍照 Cameras Are Forbidden 禁止通行 No Passing 无通行证者,不得通过 No Pass ,No Passage 道路施工,请绕行 Road Up Detour 严禁超车 ...

答:11, thinking is a pain; read is a bitter; want to see can not see is a pain! 12, the distance you have to take good care of yourself, do not catch a cold runny nose, and occasionally can play a few sneeze, it is on behalf of I think you! 13, the fish said: You can not...

答:- It is suitable for wind-heat cold with symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and yellow phlegm. It is not suitable for wind-cold cold with symptoms like chills, mild fever, no sweat, headache, stuffy nose, clear runny nose, and itchy cough.- Those with serious chronic ...


答:Your nose is running .你流鼻涕了。The acute symptoms of contact of beryllium with the mucous membrane of the eye and upper respiratory tract include itch, and rhinorrhea .眼睛粘膜和上呼吸道粘膜若接触铍,其急性症状是发痒、灼烧和流鼻涕。He has a runny nose , sneezing or a scratchy...

baidu .com have a runny nose
答:runny nose 流鼻涕 have a runny nose 也就是 流鼻涕 的意思 baidu .com have a runny nose 字面翻译就是:baidu .com 流鼻涕了 意译:百度出了点小问题.

答:4、runny melted.冰激凌化了。5、runny Bunny.流鼻涕的小兔子。6、runny dough.产气面团。7、runny Babbit.尼巴子兔。8、runny eyes.流泪 ; 流眼水。双语例句:1、The soufflé was hard on top and quite runny underneath.蛋奶酥表面硬,下面水分多而软。2、I have a runny nose./My nose ...

咳嗽 英文
答:直到咳个不停。His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.7、他又是流鼻涕,又是流眼泪,还有点咳嗽。He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough.8、症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache and a cough.

答:I've got a cold./I've got a bad cold.我感冒了/我感冒很严重。I've got a runny nose./My nose is running.我流鼻涕 I've got a sore throat.我嗓子疼。I've been coughing day and night.我一直在咳嗽。I can't stop sneezing.我打喷嚏打个不停。I've got a temperature./I'...

答:2、runny gluten粘软面筋。3、runny nose流鼻涕 ; 流鼻水 ; 鼻水 ; 鼻涕。4、runny paste软膏 ; 翻译 ; 流膏英语。5、runny melted冰激凌化了。双语例句 1、Manatee fat is widely available to aid runny noses.治疗流鼻涕的海牛油随处都可以买到。2、Never ignore a runny nose in the hope...

范河葛13749693080:    英文A running nose 的中文意思是什么呢? -
赵别陶:      :[答案] 意思是我流鼻涕了! running 指水的流动,如:running water 表示流水; 而runny 是(指鼻子)流鼻涕的.

范河葛13749693080:    I have got a headache, backache and a runny nose -
赵别陶:      : 因为用逗号分隔了,表示前面的接续,所以在 backache 前面不用加定冠词. 而 and 后面表示不同的意思,所以要加定冠词.举个例子:I've got a headache and a backache, runny nose. (这是个病句,但是可以让你更明白一些)

范河葛13749693080:    英文A running nose 的中文意思是什么呢? -
赵别陶:      : 意思是我流鼻涕了! running 指水的流动,如:running water 表示流水; 而runny 是(指鼻子)流鼻涕的.

范河葛13749693080:    baidu .com have a runny nose 是什么意思 -
赵别陶:      : runny nose 流鼻涕 have a runny nose 也就是 流鼻涕 的意思 baidu .com have a runny nose 字面翻译就是:baidu .com 流鼻涕了 意译:百度出了点小问题.

范河葛13749693080:    鼻子的英语 -
赵别陶:      : 鼻子nose 音标: [nəʊz] 用法:He broke his nose in the fight.他打架时打断了鼻梁.a blocked nose堵塞的鼻子 a runny nose 流鼻涕的鼻子

范河葛13749693080:    鼻屎,眼屎,耳屎用英语怎么说 -
赵别陶:      : 1、鼻屎:Booger,Pick one's nose 就是抠鼻子、挖鼻孔的意思. 例句:There's a huge booger hanging out of your nose! 有一个大鼻屎挂在你鼻子外面! 2、眼屎:Sleep/ eye discharge,“眼屎”这个词在英文当中其实没有一个固定的专有名称...

范河葛13749693080:    sneezing&runny - nose是什么意思 -
赵别陶:      : sneezing&runny-nose 打喷嚏和流鼻涕如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我! 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳. 您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

范河葛13749693080:    a runny nose and tears 为什么前面有a后面tear还要加复数 -
赵别陶:      : and属并列连词你把a runny nose 看成整体名词,tears看成整体名词.眼泪是复数与前一个无关,A修饰runny nose

范河葛13749693080:    流鼻涕用英语怎么写 -
赵别陶:      : runny nose I have a runny nose. 我流鼻涕了.

范河葛13749693080:    baidu .com have a runny nose -
赵别陶:      :[答案] runny nose 流鼻涕 have a runny nose 也就是 流鼻涕 的意思 baidu .com have a runny nose 字面翻译就是:baidu .com 流鼻涕了 意译:百度出了点小问题.

相关链接: a stuffy nose | running mane582 | temperature | stomachache | a headache | 节奏盒子伪人模组下载 | orin ayo重置版 | morphy richards | sneeze | ozone | bandage | runny nose 中文翻译 | surgeon | thermometer | no pain no gain | have nose in | pleasant | blocked nose | running man e570 | have a nose | running mane570 | applied surface science | anything | nature nanotechnology | a cough | a runny nose什么意思 |

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