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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-02

答:别说我还真翻译错了。应该是:美国在不模仿欧洲艺术的传统方面还非常落后.也就是说:美国还不能够完全自主创新,大多是照搬欧洲的传统.Overdue的字典解释:something that is overdue should have happened or been done a long time ago 就索性理解为姗姗来迟吧 ...

求~“新古典主义”~美术方面的 英文介绍 急用 2天内~
答:frivolously decorative Rococo style that had dominated European artfrom the 1720s on. But an even more profound stimulus was the new andmore scientific interest in classical antiquity that arose in the 18th century.Neoclassicism was given great impetus by new archaeologicaldiscoveries, particularly the...

答:By the late 20th century, European countries had given up most of their remaining overseas colonies. Yet Europe remains a wealthy and powerful place. Today, as in centuries past, Europe is a world leader in art, science, industry, and learning.参考资料:Microsoft Encarta Kids 2007 ...

答:The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence affected literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and other ...

卢浮宫 中英文对照简介 介绍卢浮宫的 谢谢
答:The east facade of the Louvre is a representative work of European classicism.据统计,卢浮宫博物馆包括庭院在内占地19公顷,自东向西横卧在塞纳河的右岸,两侧的长度均为690米。According to statistics, the Louvre Museum covers an area of 19 hectares including the courtyard. It lie on the...

答:经过思考,认为这样理解才对:在20世纪早期,艺术家们深感美国在发展非欧洲传统艺术方面严重滞后。这个句子的难度在in developing art that did not reproduce European traditions,意思是“在发展不继承欧洲传统的艺术方面”,that是定语从句,修饰art。这篇文章应该是美国人写的,这句话接下来,作者要论述...

she studied _European history and developed _ interest in_ medie...
答:选A 虽然欧洲历史是特定的事物 但因为客观上只存在一个欧洲历史 所以不用加the 其实也可以把european看做修饰history的形容词 从缩句的角度来看 就是she studied history 所以不用加the

答:The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence affected literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and other ...

...few art collectors-introduced European art traditions to these...

答:The world's four major museums is the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, Britain London, British Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, United States, Russia, Amy Tash museum.French Louvre Museum in Paris opened in 1793, is an overview of the history of European art hall...

庞邢保13215679586:    关于比利时的英文简介 -
逄晏党:      : The Kingdom of Belgium (Dutch: Koninkrijk Belgi; French: Royaume de Belgique; German: Knigreich Belgien) is a country in northwest Europe bordered by the Netherlands, G...

庞邢保13215679586:    Bob knows little about European art and he is a prudent guy. I don not think he is going to take a -
逄晏党:      : 采取冒险的举动

庞邢保13215679586:    art的复数形式.(art是可数+不可数名词.) -
逄晏党:      : 1. Art做不可数名词,意为 美术,绘画,艺术,艺术作品展 The arts 艺术 (指绘画,音乐,戏剧,电影等总称) 2. Arts 也作 人文学科,文科 3. Art做可数名词时,意为 技术,技巧

庞邢保13215679586:    香港大学研究生有美术类的专业吗? -
逄晏党:      : 有美术类专业,但都是史论专业,没有你要的动画或者设计,全部专业方向如下:Fine Arts History and theory of Chinese art; European art and architecture from the Renaissance...

庞邢保13215679586:    各国文化背景 英文 -
逄晏党:      : The development of the culture of the United States of America — music, cinema, dance, architecture, literature, poetry, cuisine and the visual arts — has been marked by a tension between two strong sources of inspiration: European sophistication...

庞邢保13215679586:    ...这个兵工大厦画展大大改革了美国艺术,一群写实主义的画家们开了这个画展,以抗议那些拒绝陈列他们作品的保守画廊.这个展览同时也展出欧洲艺术家... -
逄晏党:      :[答案] The British painting In 1913, a modern art exhibition held in New York city's modernization building. The modernization building exhibition greatly reform the American art, a group of realism artists to open the exhibition to protest against those who refuse...

庞邢保13215679586:    Grant Wood's American Gothic caused a stir (轰动)in 1930 when it was exhibited for the first time at the Art Institute of Chicago and awarded a prize of ... -
逄晏党:      :[答案] 小题1:D小题2:B小题3:A小题4:C 分 析: 文章介绍Grant Wood所画的American Gothic,描述图画里面的内容和内涵,以及... (轰动)in 1930 when it was exhibited for the first time at the Art Institute of Chicago and awarded a prize of 300 dollars. 可知...

庞邢保13215679586:    3D max 里面键盘除了SHIFT+E和ART+E按下去有反应以外 其他都没用 热键都不好使 -
逄晏党:      : 你好.1,MAX什么版本的2,你自定义设置后.有没有重置快捷键试过.就是还原默认值.3,如果是高级版本,在功能区有一个向上的键头.是个开关.点下去就是将MAX设为快捷键最高权限使用者,你点一下试试.向上的箭头.很大的.一眼就能看到.4,如果还是不行.你就先把MAX安装目录下的UI目录删除掉.然后再重新安装过MAX.应该问题可以解决的.就按上面的步骤来.不是键盘的问题.最好的操作就是.重置一下.打开UI界面.右下角有个rest,中文是重置.试试.还有就是那个箭头一样的开关.也要试一下.

庞邢保13215679586:    英语句子中欧盟前要加冠词the吗? -
逄晏党:      : 如果EU做名词用的话,是需要定冠词the的,摘自维基百科:The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member states which are located primarily in Europe.The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel ...

庞邢保13215679586:    关于AP课程的问题!!! -
逄晏党:      : 现在开始学来来得及. 你是文科的.所以物理,化学,生物这样的肯定不适合你.但是微积分是一定要学的.不仅因为它有用.而且AP calculus对于普通中国高中生来说都一个比较新的知识.课本上没有讲太...

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