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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-02

Different countries different cultures
答:The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole.The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers. In ...

答:大象因其长长的鼻子而有别于其它动物 distinguish a from b Elephants are distinguished (them from other animals 一般省略,因为意思很清楚) by their long noses / trunks.依我看最好再等一会儿 form one's point of view From my point of view, it had better wait a moment more.因为天气...

答:识别[distinguish]诚应宠赏,以旌其美。——曹操《表论田畴功》又如:旌别(识别;区别)发挥[bring into play]。如:旌智(发挥智慧)表识;表明[state clearly;indicate]。如:旌信(表明诚意)旌表 jīngbiǎo [honor; cite] 封建时代由官府立牌坊、赐匾额对遵守封建礼教的人加以表彰 旌麾 jīnghuī [...

答:distinguish 区别,辨别,认明distinguished 杰出,著名的distort 扭曲,曲解distract 分心,困恼distraught 心神分散,发狂的distress 穷困,困难,痛苦distribute 分送,分配disturb 打扰,扰乱diverge 分歧,逸出正轨diverse 各色各样,种类不同的diversify 使多样化,使变化divert 转入,转向,自娱,消遣divest 脱去,剥除divorce 离婚,...

答:23、"Every man''s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." - Ernest Hemingway 厄尼斯.海明威:"人虽然逃一死,然而其中的生命过程才是每个人迥异於其他人之处。" 24、"I have never advocated war except as a mea...

求一个英语描写景色的一段话,不要太难。(一定是英文加中文翻译的)_百 ...
答:According to tour guide said the architectural style of buildings in Qingdao, there are 26 countries many styles, I did not breakdown, but also to distinguish not come out. 青岛的城市是建在小山坡上的,车开在狭小而干净的山间街道上,一会上升,一会下沉,一会是九十度的转弯。 Qingdao city is built...

英语演讲稿5篇,七年级上学期水平,不少于50词。 Thank you very much...
答:Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. It also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropy and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently,...

答:To be honest the two idioms really look so much alike that it's difficult for you to distinguish one from the other. In fact "wusuobuwei" is always used to discribe bad men as a negative word while "wusuoshishi" is just used to discribe one who is bored. As for Chinese ...

答:and serv簉e, 搕o serve.?Knowing this, we can distinguish this desert from desert, 揳 wasteland,?and desert, 搕o abandon,?both of which go back to Latin d秙erere, 搕o forsake, leave uninhabited,?which is made up of d?, expressing the notion of undoing, and the verb serere, 搕o ...

答:” The Forlorn in the last section has double meanings one of which is being abandoned and the other one of which is loneliness. In this section,Keats can not distinguish weather it is a vision or a walking dream even after the ninghtingale’s voice has disappeared, which also ...

齐垂弦15340696347:    distinguished是什么意思 -
左阀希:      : distinguished 美 [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt];英 [dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt]v.区别;分辨;突出 adj.著名的;卓越的;出众的;杰出的 例句 1.She was distinguished for her scientific achievements. 她因其科学成就而闻名.2.I shall endeavor to express the high sense I entertain of this distinguishedhonor. 我将努力表达我对这非凡荣耀的高尚情感.3.She had been distinguished by his sisters. 他的姐妹们都对她另眼相看.

齐垂弦15340696347:    distinguished的用法 -
左阀希:      : 1、用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语.作“出名,与众不同”解时,接反身代词作宾语. 2、作“区分”解时,常与介词between或from连用. 3、作“与众不同”解时,后常接介词by, for或in. distinguished 读法 英 [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt] 美 ...

齐垂弦15340696347:    distinguished什么意思 -
左阀希:      : distinguished[英][dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt][美][dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt] adj.著名的; 卓越的; 受人尊敬的; 显得重要的;v.辨别,区别( distinguish的过去式和过去分词); 突出; 区别(distinguish的过去式); 例句: 1. She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher. 她是一个杰出的小说家和哲学家.

齐垂弦15340696347:    distinguished是什么意思?????
左阀希:      : adj. 卓越的; 著名的; 受人尊敬的 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 ) (*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

齐垂弦15340696347:    distinguished怎么用啊我想知道distinguished在表示以什么著名的时候怎么用? 请帮我造个句子 -
左阀希:      :[答案] 新概念英语上就有,我给你摘录下来:The cave might never have been discovered had not the entrance been spotted by the distinguished French pot-holer,Berger.--若不是法国著名洞穴探险家伯杰由于偶然的机会发...

齐垂弦15340696347:    Distinguished 用于称呼时该如何翻译
左阀希:      :卓越的;尊敬的

齐垂弦15340696347:    distingvished是什么意思 -
左阀希:      : distinguished [英][dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt][美][dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt] adj.著名的; 卓越的; 受人尊敬的; 显得重要的; v.辨别,区别( distinguish的过去式和过去分词); 突出; 区别(distinguish的过去式); 形近词:extinguisheddistinguisher1 He looked very distinguished.他看上去非常高贵.2 EXAMPLE: The university president will confer a special title to the distinguished professor.大学校长将给这位杰出教授授予一个特殊称号.

齐垂弦15340696347:    尊敬的评委用英语怎么说?? -
左阀希:      : 尊敬的评委的英文:Honorable judges.重点词汇:1、honorable 英 ['ɒnərəbl] 美 [ˈɑnərəbəl] adj.可敬的,荣誉的,光荣的.2、judges n.裁判员;法官( judge的名词复数 );评判员;鉴定人.例句:Good morning, honorable judges, ...

齐垂弦15340696347:    distinguished与famous同做"著名"的意思时有没有要区别?
左阀希:      : distinguished 是distinguish的来的 表面意思:很容易可以区别出来 所以引申为 著名 famous表示众人皆知 完全只表示一种出名的状态/现状/情况 不是很严格的情况下 可以通用的

齐垂弦15340696347:    Distinguished Love 到底中文什么意思啊
左阀希:      : Distinguished 有区别的意思.. 但在这里我觉得应该用卓越的或者是出色的这个意思 直译过来就是 卓越的爱 大概意思就是 爱得很深咯``

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