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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-27

答:10. To say that Einstein's " Theory of Relativity " revolutionized science is no exaggeration.说爱因斯坦的 《 相对论 》 是一场科学革命一点也不夸张.11. Two years later he announced his general theory of relativity.二年以后他发表了他的一般相对论.12. Relativity had the most profound...

答:Exaggeratingly speaking,...xxx地说,都可以采用“副词+speaking”的形式表达。

答:With a variety of rhetorical devices Rhetoric is language to enhance the beneficial effects of weapons, which the ad in English a very important role to play. Advertisements in English the most common figures of speech are: puns, exaggeration, alliteration, metaphor and personification.1...

英文“ 毫不夸张的讲 ”怎么说
答:It is not an exaggeration to say 毫不夸张的讲,这将是我大学生活中最最重要的事。There is no exaggeration that this would be the most significant examination in my college life.

it is no exaggeration to say是什么意思
答:it is no exaggeration to say的中文翻译 it is no exaggeration to say 毫不夸张地说 双语例句 1 It is no exaggeration to say that he is conceited.说他骄傲自大,一点儿也不过分。2 It is no exaggeration to say that he is the newton of today.说他就是现代的牛顿也非言过其实。3 ...


答:别看她写了那么多最后还画蛇添足,加上一个“最专业的英语翻译”。她基本上所有的汉译英全都是机器翻译,狗屁不通的。我看了特别不顺眼,她到处拿机器翻译来骗人,气人。用合理的夸张把一件毫无价值的商品说的神乎其神:To use rational exaggeration to elevate a worthless item to godlike ...

答:英语语言哲学家保罗格莱斯提议,在普通的谈话,演讲者和听众分享合作的原则。发言者塑造他们的话语来理解的听众。格莱斯分析合作涉及四名格言:数量,质量,关系和方式。发言者给予足够的,而不是过多的信息:数量。他们是真正的和真诚的发言, “真相”或事实:质量。话语是相对的背景下的讲话:关系。发言...

...bicycles”, and I know this is no exaggeratiON.这个句子哪错了...
答:前后语态不一致,前面是过去式,前面的从句又是现在式 后面也是现在式 Hear改成hear about,后者是听说,前者是听到 no exaggeration我觉得改成not exaggerated更顺一些 改成 I hear about that China is a “Kingdom of bicycles”, and I know this is not exaggerated 1楼的名字前不能用not来修饰 ...

答:Exaggerate—exaggeration—exaggerated Exasperate—exasperation Execute—execution—executive Exonerate—exoneration Examine—examination Expire—expiration Explore—exploration Exclaim—exclamation Explain—explanation—explanatory Experiment—experimentation—experimental Export—exportation Expect—expectation Exploit...

诸丽古19659811648:    exaggeration是什么意思 -
骆鸦琦:      : exaggeration[英][ɪgˌzædʒəˈreɪʃn][美][ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreʃən] n.夸张; 夸大; 夸张的言语; 夸张的手法; 复数:exaggerations 易混淆单词:Exaggeration------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你认可我的回答么~~~ 如有不懂,可以追问~~~ ^.^

诸丽古19659811648:    “exaggeration”的中文意思是什么?
骆鸦琦:      : 夸张

诸丽古19659811648:    [夸张]英语怎么讲? -
骆鸦琦:      : 夸张 exaggerate

诸丽古19659811648:    我手中的笔很重.改为夸张句 -
骆鸦琦:      : 【答案】:我手中的笔有千斤重. 【中文名】:夸张 【外文名】:Exaggeration 【性 质】:修辞手法 【含 义】:夸张,是为了达到某种表达效果的需要,对事物的形象、特征、作用、程度等方面着意夸大或缩小的修辞方式. 【类 别】: 1、扩大...

诸丽古19659811648:    hyperbole与exaggeration的区别 -
骆鸦琦:      : 前者是夸张法,后者夸张

诸丽古19659811648:    非常夸张英语怎么说 -
骆鸦琦:      : 这个要看是在什么语境下,想表达什么意思.通常的,在口语中,老外是经常这么用的:比如,要说某个统计数据是被夸张处理的:be exaggerated.要说做法极端,做得太夸张了,you go a little/way too far;或者 that is/was too much; 比如,有人在转述的时候,夸大事实,你觉得不太可信,可以说:what a stretch! 意思就是:你说得也有点夸大其辞了吧/添油加醋了.有的时候,“夸张”作为一种修辞手法的时候,也可以说overdrawn.

诸丽古19659811648:    夸张的用英语怎么说? -
骆鸦琦:      : 夸张: exaggerate;play up;exaggeration;pretension exaggerate

诸丽古19659811648:    vertical exaggeration什么意思 -
骆鸦琦:      : 这是地理和石油上的术语,意思是“纵比例尺放大”,可能就是指将纵坐标的比例放大吧

诸丽古19659811648:    请问浮夸的英语怎么写 -
骆鸦琦:      : 请问浮夸的英语怎么写? exaggerate 夸张 (动词) exaggerating 夸张的 (形容词) exaggeration 夸张 (名词) boastful 自夸的;自负的;喜夸耀的 (形容词) boast, boaster, boastfulness (名词) boast (动词) 很希望会对你有帮助.

诸丽古19659811648:    不好的英文性格形容词 -
骆鸦琦:      : 英文有:selfish、arrogant、violent、greedy、conceited. 词汇解析: 一、selfish 读音:英 [ˈselfɪʃ] 美 [ˈsɛlfɪʃ] 释义:adj.自私的,利己的 例句:Judging by his actions, he is rather selfish. 从他的所作所为,可以看出他比较自私的. 二、...

相关链接: solid supporting evidence | greatly exaggerate | extravagant | extraordinary | it is no exaggeration | initiative | excessive | manifest | exaggerated statement | without exaggeration | systematically | expertise | executive | examine | primarily | painstaking | exhausting | stimulate critical | it is no exaggeration to say | aggravate | eliminate | ponders | excessively | inescapable | exclude | exhausted |

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