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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-15
劳炉甄13467403977:    ...fou you?2.how are you doing?3.how much are they?4.here you are?5.could i have some tomatoes?右边五句答语:1.one yuan2.certainly3.i want some buns4... -
谈油饼:      :[答案] 1连3 2连4 3连1 4连5 5连2 你想要什么?我想要些馒头 它们多少钱?一元 我可以吃些西红柿吗?当然可以

劳炉甄13467403977:    ...Easter Sunday: a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. We call the Friday before Easter ”Good Friday”. On Good Friday we eat hot cross buns(small, ... -
谈油饼:      :[答案] 1.hot cross buns2.chocolate Easter eggs3.frightening clothes and masks4.because we put it in the window to frighten people5.wearing frightening clothes and masks go from door to door to get sweets by ...

劳炉甄13467403977:    各类早餐的英语,比如说馒头····请举例越多越好 -
谈油饼:      : 馒头 steamed buns 包子 baozi (汗...) 豆浆 soybean milk 油条 soybean milk 烧卖 shao-mai ___________差不多就这些

劳炉甄13467403977:    几个小问题.1、hot cross buns(复活节吃的一种食品)是什么意思?2、一个大建筑上的中央有一个大钟,请说出这个著名建筑物所在的国名.(国名把中文、... -
谈油饼:      :[答案] 1.热十字糕(hot cross buns) 2.Big Ben,England(大本钟,英国)

劳炉甄13467403977:    Check it out!Sandy taught me Hot - cross Buns.Hot - cross -
谈油饼:      :[答案] Hot cross buns, one ha' penny, two ha' penny, hot cross buns. If you have no daughters, give them to your sons, one ha' penny, two ha' penny, Hot Cross Buns

劳炉甄13467403977:    英语反翻译: yes,she can make buns and noodls -
谈油饼:      : yes,she can make buns and noodls是的,她可以做馒头和面条 buns 英 [bʌnz] 美 [bʌnz] n. 圆形的小面包或点心( bun的名词复数 ); (女子的)圆发髻 网络 馒头; 小面包; 圆面包

劳炉甄13467403977:    英语翻译顶部800个印有“平安”两字的包子每个9分,中层印有“长洲”字样的2000个包子每个3分,下层的5200个包子分值为1分.英语翻译~不要机翻, -
谈油饼:      :[答案] each steamed stuffed buns which printed the letter "pingan" worths 9 point,a total of 8 hundred buns in the top level; in the middle,there are 2000 buns printed "changzhou" and each of them worths 3 points; in the bottom,each buns for 1 point,and in...

劳炉甄13467403977:    Vaneesa是什么意思 -
谈油饼:      : Vanessa: n. 瓦内萨(女子名) 1. 温妮莎 2. Vanessa 希腊 蝴蝶 3. 蝴蝶...

劳炉甄13467403977:    would prefer的用法 -
谈油饼:      : prefer最常见的意思是"宁可"、"宁愿(选择)"、"比较喜欢"、"更喜欢"等, 可以构成以下结构.一. prefer sth."Do you like French?""Yes, but I prefer English.""你喜欢法语吗?""喜欢,但是我更喜欢英语.""Which do you...

劳炉甄13467403977:    用英语说出几个,中国食物. 答出五个必采纳. -
谈油饼:      : 烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings 馒头 Steamed buns

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