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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-15

答:有关自由重要性有段著名话(请注意是历史名言不是我的翻译):Give me liberty, or give me death!不自由,毋宁死!言出美国独立战争时期政治家帕特里克-亨利(Patrick Henry)另外,一般用liberty,表示更高层面上的“自由”(信仰自由、言论自由、人身自由...),而不用freedom。比如自由女神像是Statue of...

答:the thing mentioned 没有…的情况;不受…影响的状态 uncountable ~ from sth freedom from fear/pain/hunger 免于恐惧/痛苦/饥饿 Idiom: the freedom of the city (in Britain) an honour that is given to somebody by a city as a reward for work they have done (英国)荣誉市民称号 ...

答:重视个人的自主权和独立。例句:Everyone has the liberty to pursue their own happiness.(每个人都有追求自己幸福的自由。)- "freedom"强调的是整体社会的自由和权利,关注社会成员的平等和公正。例句:Freedom is the foundation of a democratic society.(自由是民主社会的基础。)

答:The patriots fought under the banner of freedom.5. 囚犯们企图和看守做换取自由的交易。The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.6. 这个奴隶从未体验过自由的快乐。The slave has never experienced the sweetness of freedom.7. 自由是我们与生俱来的权利 Freedom is our...

答:- This book is free. 2. 我们应该捍卫自由。- We should defend freedom. 用法区别: - "Free"通常用作形容词,修饰名词,表示没有费用或限制。它也可用作动词,表示释放或解放。 - "Freedom"是一个名词,表示自由的状态或权利。 例句: 1. 你可以在这里免费下载电子书。- You can download ebooks here for ...

答:free和freedom的区别如下所示。释义区别:- "Free"表示免费、自由的状态或情况。它可以指没有费用、约束、限制或束缚。- "Freedom"则是自由的状态、权利或能力。它强调个人或集体不受限制、独立思考和行动的能力。例句:1. 这本书是免费的。- This book is free.2. 我们应该捍卫自由。- We should ...

翻译:freedom is a light for which many have died

答:Freedom is what I'd like to seek through out my life.仅供参考,望能帮助到你,呵呵!

求英语作文what is freedom?
答:自由是什么?Freedom is???为什么我们想要自由,因为在我们感到了被束缚,有时候是精神上的束缚,有时是肉体上的束缚,这时我们就会非常的渴望自由。Why do we want freedom, because we felt bound in, and sometimes it's spiritual bondage, sometimes is physical bondage, then we will be very ...

答:Everyone has the freedom to express their opinions. (每个人都有表达自己观点的自由。)2、使用范围不同 liberty主要用于描述政治或社会的自由,如言论自由、新闻自由等。freedom则更广泛,包括个人生活中的自由,如选择自由、行动自由等。例句:The country is fighting for its liberty. (这个国家正在为...

郑房栏18832895125:    freedom is not free!该如何翻译 -
乐波沾:      :[答案] freedom is not free! 自由是要付出代价的! [5月29日是美国的Memorial Day(国殇日) ]

郑房栏18832895125:    freedom is not free 是哪个纪念碑文:中文意思 -
乐波沾:      : 美国的朝鲜战争纪念碑文,被部分人理解为自由国家无自由,实际意义是自由不是免费的,深层次理解为自由不代表放弃义务.另一句碑文是最好的注解:“our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.”我们国家的英雄儿女,他们响应号召去保卫一个他们从未见过的国家和素不相识的人民

郑房栏18832895125:    freedom is not free作文freedom is not free的英语作文、大概高中水平、要求原创 -
乐波沾:      :[答案] Freedom is not free,We often think that if one get the freedom right,he can do everything he wants,but this doesn't mean that because if you don't do anything by the law,you will be punished.So we can conclud that if you want to get the real freedom,better...

郑房栏18832895125:    Freedom is not free.这句话具体刻在美国哪里?哈佛?如题 -
乐波沾:      :[答案] 华盛顿的朝鲜战争纪念馆有这样的碑文,翻译一下就是“自由不是免费的(自由是有代价的)”.

郑房栏18832895125:    Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err and even to sin.IFreedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err and even ... -
乐波沾:      :[答案] 不涵盖自由犯错甚至自由犯罪的自由是不值得拥有的.我无法理解如此有经验、能干的人类能愉悦的剥夺其他人类的宝贵权利

郑房栏18832895125:    freedom is not free! 该如何翻译 -
乐波沾:      : freedom is not free!自由是要付出代价的![5月29日是美国的Memorial Day(国殇日) ]

郑房栏18832895125:    我要2篇英语作文 -
乐波沾:      :[答案] 1.Freedom is not free Freedom is not free,as many people say.You can take a freeway to major cities now.But,it does not mean it is really free.Some people have to work on it; either to build it or to maintain it.They have to get paid.The government can ...

郑房栏18832895125:    以自由为主体的英文短文 -
乐波沾:      : The freedom is the matter which you may make itself to want to do, is not but big to others' influence. the freedom is in the home, you may not constrained not need puting on clothes to walk, in natural family only then you. (accepts a little with difficulty...

郑房栏18832895125:    freedom is not free作文 -
乐波沾:      : Freedom is not free,We often think that if one get the freedom right,he can do everything he wants,but this doesn't mean that because if you don't do anything by the law,you will be punished.So we can conclud that if you want to get the real freedom,...

郑房栏18832895125:    自由不是你想干什么就干什么,而是你不想干什么就不干什么!用英语怎么说?
乐波沾:      : Freedom is not do what you want, but do not you do not want to do!

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