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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

答:6、Funimate Funimate 在海外是年轻人偏爱的编辑和共享音乐视频的一种方式。7、TikTok TikTok即抖音国际版是一个非常不错的短视频app、目前在国内可以说是一个最火爆的短视频平台、而抖音国际版是一个专门为国外的用户打造的国际版版本。8、YouTube Shorts YouTube Shorts是YouTube将其长视频平台转变为...

答:6、Funimate Funimate 在海外是年轻人偏爱的编辑和共享音乐视频的一种方式。7、TikTok TikTok即抖音国际版是一个非常不错的短视频app、目前在国内可以说是一个最火爆的短视频平台、而抖音国际版是一个专门为国外的用户打造的国际版版本。8、YouTube Shorts YouTube Shorts是YouTube将其长视频平台转变为...

答:6、Funimate Funimate 在海外是年轻人偏爱的编辑和共享音乐视频的一种方式。7、TikTok TikTok即抖音国际版是一个非常不错的短视频app、目前在国内可以说是一个最火爆的短视频平台、而抖音国际版是一个专门为国外的用户打造的国际版版本。8、YouTube Shorts YouTube Shorts是YouTube将其长视频平台转变为...

衡俗学17054032738:    ...21 英语是世界上最重要的语言之一吗?22 大多数男孩喜欢踢足球.23 他们当中大多数没去旅游.24 英语,数学和地理,那科最简单?25 我有最有趣的事情告... -
鄂洪房:      :[答案] Math is more popular than other courses.China is bigger than any other Arfica country.Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.Daytime becomes more and more short when winter comes.The more I look at this picture the more I like it.This book is as ...

衡俗学17054032738:    日文转换罗马音 -
鄂洪房:      : harunokaze yudannsitausugino sukosisamusounakatakizuitekasitekureta kaadigannhanikanndewarau sounakusemo sugumukininarutokomoimateha betunikinisitakoto nakaatanonimetomegaguuzenn attadakide dousiyokoinohajimari ...

衡俗学17054032738:    完形填空:I used to joke that the first person I ever met,after my parents, was Ellie Oswald. -
鄂洪房:      : I used to joke that the first person I ever met, after my parents, was Ellie Oswald. Ellie was the daughter of our next door neighbors, and our mothers introduced us before we were a month old. We went to the same school, and we spent nearly all our...

衡俗学17054032738:    给我一些初三的英语中考作文范文,谢谢 -
鄂洪房:      : Holiday is the time for people to relax and enjoy. Recently, my family and I had a trip to Perth. All the fun we had is still lingering in my soul, how I wish we could stay longer there.Perth is located in Western Australia, it gave us an ideal idyllic holiday ...

衡俗学17054032738:    i used to joke that the first person i ever met, -
鄂洪房:      : 我曾经开玩笑说 在我父母之后我遇见的第一个人就是Ellie Oswald.

衡俗学17054032738:    巴塞罗那T10的票可以坐缆车么?上蒙杰伊克山的,问题如标题,谢谢?
鄂洪房:      : 当然可以了 http://www.tmb.net/en_US/barcelona/moute/planols/planolfunicular.jsp (英文版) 楼上几位肯定是把哥伦布海港旁边那两路缆车和这个登山火车搞混淆了!登山火车是公交系统的一部分,从2、3号线进入后不用再次付票钱的!

衡俗学17054032738:    英语口语考试对话,求2人对话设计,有题目 -
鄂洪房:      : 我选第5吧 Holiday is the time for people to relax and enjoy. Recently, my family and I had a trip to Perth. All the fun we had is still lingering in my soul, how I wish we could stay longer there.Perth is located in Western Australia, it gave us an ideal idyllic...

衡俗学17054032738:    找一首歌i think of all the friends i have known but i dial the phone, no one's home, all by myself. -
鄂洪房:      : 歌手:celine dion 歌名:all by myself 歌词:when i was young i never needed anyone and making love was just for fun those days are gone livin' alone i think of all the friends i've known when i dial the telephone nobody's home all by myself don't ...

衡俗学17054032738:    您好!我想问下你现在还在进饰品吗?你觉得商贸城哪家饰品店好?适合小额批发的 -
鄂洪房:      : 商贸城货太多,不好筛选,万一遇到假货就不好了,轻则损失钱财,重则声誉受损,客户都不敢到你那买东西了,就得不偿失了.初次进货,最好还是先到批发商那少量进,随着对假货的辨别能力提高了,再直接去商贸城进.这样好些.义乌的女生在线网 不错的,可以试试

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