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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

答:是 how does it feel 吧,主语都没了,意思是:你感觉这个怎样 或是 你感觉怎样

答:中文意思是,Amy一开始感觉如何?does do的第三人称单数现在时形式

答:fee 英[fi:] 美[fi]n. (加入组织或做某事付的) 费; 专业服务费,业务报酬; 小费,赏钱; [法] 继承的产业;vt. 付给报酬,给小费; 〈英〉雇用,聘请;[例句]He hadn't paid his television licence fee.他尚未缴纳电视机使用许可费。Find out how much your surveyor's and ...


答:legal / medical fee法律费/医疗费 The insurance company paid all my medical fees.这家保险公司替我付了所有的医疗费。My solicitor charges a flat fee (=an amount that does notchange)for handling the sale of a house.我的律师处理售房事务收费是固定的。■money paid as part of a ...

答:1、fare指乘坐火车、汽车、飞机等交通工具的费用。〔例证〕He has no money to pay his air fare to London.他没钱买去伦敦的机票。2、fee指付给专业人员的服务费, 也可指为加入某组织或做某事而支付的费用。〔例证〕He was looking for a part-time job in order to pay his school fees ...


答:fee 英 [fi:] 美 [fi]n.(加入组织或做某事付的)费;专业服务费,业务报酬;小费,赏钱;[法] 继承的产业 vt.付给报酬,给小费;〈英〉雇用,聘请 第三人称单数: fees 复数: fees 现在分词: feeding 过去式: feed 过去分词: feed 正确写法:How does she feel 中文意思是:她感觉怎么...

how much is the fee to join the club什么意思?


冉庭师13147681457:    how does it feel 是什么句型 -
农柳穆:      : 特殊疑问句句型,结构是:疑问词+一般疑问句;时态是一般现在时

冉庭师13147681457:    howdoes...feel造句二个 -
农柳穆:      :[答案] How does Kimmy feel about being a pop star. How does your mom feel about joining the new ballet class.

冉庭师13147681457:    how does it feel? -
农柳穆:      : 这是一个特殊疑问句,由疑问词how引导,it是主语,因为是第三人称单数,所以助动词do加es,因为特殊疑问句有助动词在先,所以动词feel就用原形了.这句话中文意思:它感觉怎么样?希望帮到你!望采纳!你的采纳对我很重要!

冉庭师13147681457:    howdoes...feel造句二个 -
农柳穆:      : How does Kimmy feel about being a pop star.How does your mom feel about joining the new ballet class.

冉庭师13147681457:    怎样回答how does he feel -
农柳穆:      : 问的是他感觉如何.回答要根据实际. 如果感觉好就说he feels so good/great/cool. 如果感觉不好就说he does not feel that's ok/he feels so bad. 或者是看情况而定it is all depends.

冉庭师13147681457:    为什么How do they feel?一定是用do,不用does. -
农柳穆:      : 因为they是第二人称复数,所以不能用does,does用在第三人称.

冉庭师13147681457:    how does it feel ?是什么意思? -
农柳穆:      : I can see your hand is hurt. How does it feel? 我看见你的手受伤了,它(你的手)的感觉怎样.

冉庭师13147681457:    How does it feel?怎么读 -
农柳穆:      :[答案] 可以这么读: 豪 达斯 一特 飞蛾 祝好!

冉庭师13147681457:    How do Sarah feel? 是不是错在 do了?是不是改成are? -
农柳穆:      : 应该是:do错了 改为does主语三单,一般现在时, 所以疑问助词为does 莎拉感觉如何?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

冉庭师13147681457:    How (do) Amy feel 单词正确形式填空
农柳穆:      : 你好,填does 因为主语Amy为第三人称单数形式,且时态又是一般现在时态,所以要用does而不是do 句子翻译是:Amy感觉怎么样? how:怎么样 feel:感觉 祝你开心

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