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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-15

if the shoe fits wear it是什么意思
答:英文:if the shoe fits wear it 中文:如果鞋合适穿它 很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

if the shoe fits wear it是什么意思
答:1. If the shoe fits, wear it.如果是真的就承认吧.来自互联网 2. Remeber Remember, if the shoe fits, wear it.记住, 如果觉得合适, 就接受吧.来自互联网 3. Cause see they call me a menace ; and if the shoe fits I 'll wear it.因为他们把我称做祸害,如果这只鞋合适我也就穿...

If the shoe fits是什么意思
答:1、直译:如果鞋子合适 双语例句 1. If the shoe fits, wear it.如果是真的就承认吧.来自互联网 2. Remeber Remember, if the shoe fits, wear it.记住, 如果觉得合适, 就接受吧.来自互联网 3. Cause see they call me a menace ; and if the shoe fits I 'll wear it.因为他们把我...

if the shoe fits,wear it什么意思
答:if the shoe fits,wear it 如果是适合的鞋,穿上它 双语对照 例句:1.If you already own an unpadded bra that fits well, wear it when measuring forcup size.假如你已经有一个合身的胸罩,可戴上它来测量你的罩杯。2.Like if I knew, if it fits on her ass, goddamn it.好像我知道...

答:wear; put on; be dressed in; have ... onsimply dressed穿得很朴素She was wearing a new dress.她穿着新衣服.He put on his clothes in a hurry.他急忙穿上衣服.It doesn't matter if the shoes feel a bit tight. They'll stretch with wearing.这种鞋小点不要紧,穿穿就大了.(*^_...

"没关系" 的五种说法(英语)
答:Don't worry if the shoes seem a bit tight at first; the leather has plenty of give in it.这没关系。Never mind about that.根本没关系。It was nothing at all.这没关系。It doesn't matter.一点儿没关系。It doesn't matter at all.价格没关系。It doesn't matter about the price...

If these shoes are too big ,ask him to bring you a small...
答:答案是A。意思是如果这双鞋太大了,让他去给你买一双小的。在这里用空里的填词代指一双。one是一的意思,在这里不能指代一双。suit一般是一套,用来形容制服,piece是尤其指的是一套中的一件。综合之下选择A 希望我的回答能够对你有所帮助 望采纳 ...

答:We are working hard to make our life richer and more—colorful(color)Jane has —better (nice)clothes than Mary does If the shoes are not expensive (expensive) I‘ll take them because I don’t have enough money I need some more money to buy different —gifts (gift)如果...

答:鞋子的英文翻译是shoe。shoe 英 [ʃu:]n. 鞋; 蹄铁; 制动器,煞车;vt. 为…钉蹄铁; 给…穿上鞋;

If these shoes too big,ask the clerk to bring you a smaller...
答:楼主注意!! 象 裤子,袜子,眼镜,手套,筷子,圆规 鞋 等由两个完全相同的部件组合而成的东西 不可由one it that 等词去替代! 而应该用pair pairs 等 所以不可选B 而只能选D 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

卜选南19777241114:    put themselves in the shoes of 是什么意思 -
都温狗:      : be in one's shoes 或者put oneself in one's这个习语表示“处于某人的境地或处境来设想”,比如,I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if they find out what you're doing. 如果他们发现了你在干什么,我可不愿设想你得有多倒霉.我们大家比较熟悉的是stand in one's shoes,站在某人的立场上设想.You wouldn't do that if you stood in my shoes. 如果你是我的话,你也不会那么做的. dongyi924 | 2008-03-31 22 0

卜选南19777241114:    If these shoes are too big ,ask him to bring you a small - -- - . A pair B one C suit D piece求解析 -
都温狗:      : 答案是A.意思是如果这双鞋太大了,让他去给你买一双小的.在这里用空里的填词代指一双.one是一的意思,在这里不能指代一双.suit一般是一套,用来形容制服,piece是尤其指的是一套中的一件.综合之下选择A 希望我的回答能够对你有所帮助 望采纳

卜选南19777241114:    If these shoes too big,ask the clerk to bring you a smaller - _. -
都温狗:      :[选项] A. suit B. one C. set D. pair 怎么不选B?

卜选南19777241114:    49. If these shoes are too big, ask the clerk to bring you a smaller -- . 此处选择什么?理由解释,谢~ -
都温狗:      : 选D SHOES 对 PAIR ,其它答案都是单数

卜选南19777241114:    the pair of shoes (were) worn out 对吗? why? -
都温狗:      : The pair of shoes was worn out.a pair of 是主语, 单数,所以,必须是was. The shoes were worn out. shoes 是主语, 复数,所以,必须是were.

卜选南19777241114:    The+two+pairs+of+shoes+is+Tom's.为什么不用are呢? -
都温狗:      : 应该用are的,原句用的是is,是错误的.正确的句子应该是:The two pairs of shoes are Tom's.

卜选南19777241114:    脱掉鞋子英文翻译加不+the -
都温狗:      : 要加 the, 因为是脱掉某人的鞋子. Take off the shoes.

卜选南19777241114:    谢谢.C语言编程复习题 -
都温狗:      : 15. int fact(int n){ if(n<=0) return 1; return n*fact(n-1);} 16. int main(){char c1,c2; printf("input two char:\n");c1 = getchar();c2 = getchar();putchar(c...

卜选南19777241114:    Do you want to try on these shoes to see - they are the right size .为什么用if ,还有分析下句子成分 -
都温狗:      : do you want to try on these shese shoes 这是一个完整句,一般的疑问句类型,翻译过来是你想试一下这些鞋子.后面跟to see 是补充说明 see+从句,要看看他们尺码合适不.既然是表示选择从句的连接词,用if,whether都是可以的.表示是和否.这是根据句意来的.IF 就是表示如果的意思,有假定选择的语气.

卜选南19777241114:    The shoes are fifty dollars.(同义句) The()()the shoes()fifty dollars. 填空 -
都温狗:      : The(price)(of)the shoes(is)fifty dollars

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