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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-15

Most couples born in the 1980s were pampered when they were young...
答:这道题就应该选B,so 虽然so 和therefore 意思相近,都可以译成:因此;所以,但是两个词性有区别,so是连词,副词或名词,而therefore只能是副词。英语两句话中必须用连词,所以答案只能是B。

答:The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.老人接过馈赠,把它放进自己的心里。然后他从自己疤痕累累的心里掏出一块,放在...

答:Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it. Hope is what I saw in the eyes of the young woman in Cedar Rapids who works the ...

说明原因 ___in the letter did the young man say anying about his...
答:___in the letter did the young man say anying about his mistake.选C 有两个地方判断用【nowhere】第一因为后面用了部分倒装,助动词提前,所以是因为否定副词放句首,引起了倒装 第二,后面句子用了anything,说明是一句否定句,所以用nowhere 有不会的可以再问我 ...

The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes t...
答:答案B 这里的被修饰词是picture,用作可数名词,而选项D的a large amount of修饰不可数名词,A项的many后不跟of,选项C的the number of意为“……的数目”,表示特指,而B项的masses of表示“大量的”,既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词。这句句子的意思是“年轻的舞蹈家穿着亮丽的衣服是...

...on line is very popular ___ both the young and the old. A.wit...
答:了. 所以B不对(我想很多人这里会选B, 就是因为他们只知有个between ... and ... 的词组); C during "在... 期间", 后面一般加时间. D没这个用法.2. pay for 请看下面两个句型:人 spend 时间/钱 on sth. 或是: 人spend 时间/钱 (in) doing sth.人 pay 钱 for 物 ...

答:The people will have ready access to the memories that will, in turn, give them knowledge about things that have been missing in their lives. They will come to the same kind of awakening that Jonas did when he was given memories of the past from The Giver.Jonas departs for the long ...

The young woman in yellow,为什么不加a?
答:2.the young woman那个年轻女性,本身就已经有了定冠词the,不能再用a。3.in yellow属于约定俗成的用法。意思是穿黄色衣服。这种用法为in+colour。这里的in作为介词,可表示服饰,解释为穿着,相当于动词,如a girl in red,意思是穿红衣服的女孩,be in irons 戴着镣铐。显然这里的in相当于谓语...

1.The young (are)the important force in our society.为什么不是...
答:The young (are)the important force in our society.1、这里用are,因为主语是“the young”,是“the + 形容词”,表示一类人,谓语动词用复数形式。2、“have been” 这是现在完成时,现在完成时表示过去发生的动作或者已经完成了的动作对现在造成了影响,而句意是“年轻人是我们社会的重要力量...

...was freezing cold , but in jumped the young man without a sec...
答:这个句子属于并列句,but表转折意义的并列连词,其后面的分句为完全倒装句,in表示方位的副词(意思“向里面”)放在句首时,句子要完全倒装。不倒装时,应该是……,but the man jumped in without a second thought.整句话的意思是“那水冰冷冰冷,但那男子却毫不犹豫就跳了进去。”...

慎郊法18915682792:    在“某人多少岁”句子结构是“in + the + 年代 s/'s” 那个 's 能否帮忙举个例子?? -
吉士应:      : in 1910 (在1910年) in the 1910's 或in the 1910s (在18世纪10年代) 意思两个很重要的,区别也很大在某人多少岁用at one's age of+年龄in his fifties 在他50几岁的时候

慎郊法18915682792:    表示"在几十年代"用in+the+"逢十的数词复数".例如
吉士应:      : in the 1990s= in the 1990's 在20世纪90年代 in the 90s ,in the ninties 在90年代(但不知道是哪个世纪)

慎郊法18915682792:    in his 10`s 和in his 10s有区别吗?那个是对的? -
吉士应:      : in his 10s “在他十多岁的时候” in+ one's +逢十的基数词的复数形式 表示 在某人几十多岁时 表达“在..世纪..年代”用:in+the+年份(尾数为0)+s/'s

慎郊法18915682792:    in+the+年代s中the能否去掉吗 -
吉士应:      :[答案] 这个不能,固定用法

慎郊法18915682792:    in 1950s 与in the 1950s有什么区别? -
吉士应:      : in 1956 意思是 在1956年 in+年份.就是表示具体在哪一年. in the 1950s 在50年代 in the+年份s 表示再某一年代 即那个年代中的10年都在范围内

慎郊法18915682792:    the young和youth有什么区别 -
吉士应:      : youth 名词 n. 1.青春时代,青少年时期[U]: I spent my youth in the country. 我在乡间度过了青少年时代. 2.(男)青年,小伙子[C]: There are groups of youths playing basketball over there. 那里,一群群小伙子正在打篮球. 3.青年们[the S][(+of)][G]...

慎郊法18915682792:    in the 1990s这些关于几十世纪几十年代的英语语法 -
吉士应:      : 例:in the early+年份, in the 数字(20,21....)century, before century, after century......

慎郊法18915682792:    表示"在几十年代"用in+the+"逢十的数词复数".例如in the 1990s或90's或nineties举例(后面一句) -
吉士应:      :[答案] in the 1990s= in the 1990's 在20世纪90年代 in the 90s ,in the ninties 在90年代(但不知道是哪个世纪)

慎郊法18915682792:    the+名词的用法? -
吉士应:      : .定冠词the的用法:1)定冠词the+名词与指示代词this,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西.(上文提到过的人或事;2)指世界上独瞎液一无二的事物;the sun,3)用在序数词和形容词最高级,形磨乎物容词等前面;on the second floor4)乐器的名词前;play the piano5)用在惯用语中;in the day,在白天6(姓氏的复数名词之前表示一顷吵家人专有名词前等等)the Greens 格林一家人

慎郊法18915682792:    用in the1930s造句 -
吉士应:      : as a young girl growing up in the 1930s

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