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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-16

答:Carrot Castle's team nearly cheat their way to victory I n a football match with King Harrys tean,but the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om come to the rescue. at that moment, captain jones marched in. I ve just had a message from king charles at carrot castle. he is ...

答:2. The judge granted the prisoner a full pardon. 3. Ascham taught Lady Jane Grey the Greek language. 4. Lend the poor man a dollar. 5. We sent the teacher a request. VI. 充当同位语(apposition)。——名词可以用于解析另一个名词,或者作为另一个词的别名,或者换一种说法进行阐述,就称其为同...

答:蒙面清洁女工反败为胜》 《 Carrot Castle's team nearly cheat their way to victory I n a football match with King Harrys tean,but the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om come to the rescue.at that moment, captain jones marched in. I ve just had a message from king charles at carrot castle. ...

白梵萱18544608649:    Jane insisted that he be present. 为什么要用be -
岑毛狭:      : 一般说来,insist这个谓语动词所表示的动作尚未发生,或尚未成为事实,则用虚拟语气 应该是 Jane insisted that he (should)be present should+动词原形.这里 should 可以省略.他坚持认为他应该出席.

白梵萱18544608649:    英文名珍妮有什么含义 -
岑毛狭:      : Jenny,女子名,Jennifer的昵称.由威尔士语女子名Gwenhwyfar 派生而来,词源为威尔士语gwen(白色的)+hwyfar(光滑的).一说为Jane的中世纪英语形式. Jane,女子名,为John的阴性.由希伯来语人名 יוֹחָנָן派生而来,含义为“耶和华是仁慈的”.

白梵萱18544608649:    Jane doesn't eat fish. - --- - . -
岑毛狭:      : 答案选C.Jane doesn't eat fish.该句为否定句.表示某人也不喜欢的话,应该为:neither+助动词/动词/be动词+sb 选项A so表……也如此,属于肯定意义;选项B中的too只能用在肯定句中;选项D中的nor表否定意义,其后不能加doesn't.

白梵萱18544608649:    《简爱》的经典句式(10句以上)[英文]及重点的单词(词性、中文)词组(中文) -
岑毛狭:      : 《Jane Eyre》简爱 罗切斯特:Jane.简. 简:Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I\'\'m poor and plain, Ihave no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make...

白梵萱18544608649:    首字母填空 Jane doesn't work hard at school.So she's at the b of the class. -
岑毛狭:      : bottom 底部

白梵萱18544608649:    Yesterday, Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she - -----something she would regret la -
岑毛狭:      : 答案:D.翻译:昨天Jane走开了没有参加讨论.否则的话,她可能会说出一些她以后后后悔不迭的话出来.解释:此题考查含蓄的虚拟语气.1. otherwise翻译为“否则”时,其后的句子经常会使用虚拟语气.其句子结构等同于if引导的条件状语...

白梵萱18544608649:    Jane+was+the+third+ - (hand)in+test+papers -
岑毛狭:      : Jane was the third ( to hand ) in the test papers.珍是第三人完成并交还试卷的人.

白梵萱18544608649:    小学英语语法培训ppt
岑毛狭:      : 小畅分享小学be动词用法I'm = I am am用于第一人称单数 I “我”后面.he's = he ... Jane and Tom are my friends.变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃.Is she my friend...

白梵萱18544608649:    Yesterday,Jane walked away from the discussion.Otherwise,she - - - something she would regret later. -
岑毛狭:      : 恩,分析的很对啊,不过还可以这么思考:由于otherwise,所以一定是虚拟语气,因此A、B选项可以排除,而C、D唯一的不同就在于时态,这里用完成时态就比较易于理解.

白梵萱18544608649:    为了这个简单的问题,我豁出去了.50分~! -
岑毛狭:      : “二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称.或被第二人你所修饰.从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致.如果引号外的主句没有宾语.也可以...

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