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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-15

求moon river的口琴c调简谱
答:B4 D7 D6 B6 D5 B6 my Huckileiberiry friend,B4 D5 D4 B5 B4 Moon Rivier and me.

答:e6 i8 e7 i7 i6 e6 i5 e6 Two driftiers, off to see the world. e4 i7 i6 e6 i5 e6 e4 i4 There's such a lot of world to see. e5 e4 e5 e6 e7 i8 e7 e6 We're afiter the same rainibow's end. i7 i6 e6 i5 e6 waitiin' 'round the bend, e4 i7 i6 e6 i5 e6 my Hucki...

英语作文my favorite novel
答:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain.It tells the story of a boy,Huck,who seeks freedom and adventure.Huck goes down the Mississippi River in order to search for freedom.He comes across Jim,a black slave who escapes from his master,and together they live ...

答:4 -4 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 -6 6 -6 6 5 -5 when i was just a little girl [boy] i asked my mother, "what will i be? -7 7 -8 7 -7 7 -7 -6 -7 7 -7 -5 6 -6 6 -3 5 will i be pretty [handsome], will i be rich?" here's what she said to me: chorus...

推荐下 一些 外文名著~
答:《简爱》 《Jane Eyre》《双城记》 《A Tale of Two Cities》《战争与和平》 《War and Peace》《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 《The Adventures of Huckleberrv Finn 》《飘》 《Gone with the wind》《一千零一夜》 《The Arabian Nights》《时间简史》 《A Brief History of ...

帮忙写一篇英语作文,《My favourite book》不要求写太多,写五行(包括...
答:The story tells us about the adventures of the Tom Sawyer and his friends. The story took place in a ST Petersburg Missouri in America. There are six people in the story, they are Tom Sawyer, Polly,Huck Finn,Joe, Becky and Injun Joe. The Injun Joe is the bad man in ...

英语作文:My favorite book
答:he was very faithful to his lord.all of the people in china know liubei, guanyu and zhangfei. they swore brotherhood in the peach garden. at last, liubei became the lord of shuhan kingdom.but unfortunately, in the end, liubei ,caocao, sunquan all dead. and none of the ...

答:《简爱》 《Jane Eyre》 夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)《双城记》 《A Tale of Two Cities》 查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)《战争与和平》 《War and Peace》列夫.托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 《The Adventures of Huckleberrv Finn 》《飘》 《Gone with ...

答:《简爱》 《Jane Eyre》《双城记》 《A Tale of Two Cities》《战争与和平》 《War and Peace》《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 《The Adventures of Huckleberrv Finn 》《飘》 《Gone with the wind》《一千零一夜》 《The Arabian Nights》《时间简史》 《A Brief History of Time》《地心游记》 ...

名著的名称及这本名著作者的英语怎么说,越多越好 很急,快快快!!_百度...
答:《简爱》 《Jane Eyre》 夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)《双城记》 《A Tale of Two Cities》 查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)《战争与和平》 《War and Peace》列夫.托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 《The Adventures of Huckleberrv Finn 》《飘》 《Gone with ...

孟民士15686094752:    My huckleberry friend 为什么指老朋友 -
纪司聂:      :[答案] my Huckleberry friendHuckleberry:马克.吐温《哈克贝利历险记》《Adventures of Huckleberry》 翻译为:青梅竹马、知己、知音、发小都可 My Huckleberry Friend这个词的直译是“我的黑木草莓朋友”,实际意思是“我的童年好友”或者“十分要...

孟民士15686094752:    铁杆朋友 英语单词 -
纪司聂:      :[答案] huckleberry friend 铁杆朋友 ------ my Huckleberry friend, waiting round the bend

孟民士15686094752:    my huckleberry friend应该怎么理解? -
纪司聂:      :[答案] 我令人嘲笑的朋友 那个词的翻译是根据美国俚语

孟民士15686094752:    my huckleberry friend 是什么意思? moonriver里听到的 -
纪司聂:      : 我的

孟民士15686094752:    我亲爱的的朋友用英文翻译 -
纪司聂:      : My dear friends 我亲爱的朋友,其中,朋友若为一人,则使用单数形式.这种说法在书信散文中常用. 口语一点的,friend可以换成fellow、pal,buddy. fellow 伙伴,同伴的意思; pal 朋友、老兄、兄弟; buddy密友、好友、知心伙伴. My huckleberry friend,这句话比较少见,但是,huckleberry friend有知心朋友的意思.

孟民士15686094752:    my huckleberry friend 是什么意思?
纪司聂:      : 源自马克吐温Mark Twain 名著Huckleberry Finn,也是人名;后来Moon River 这首歌中用了 huckeberry friend 这名词,采其同音,因书中Huckleberry finn 跟 Tom Sawyer是好朋友,所以huckleberry friend 变成有好朋友,旧朋友的意思.

孟民士15686094752:    请问MoonRiver里的myhuckleberryfriend?
纪司聂:      : 是我的老朋友的意思.甜蜜如桔的老朋友.huckleberry是一种水果.

孟民士15686094752:    moon river 歌词 -
纪司聂:      : 《Moon River》(月亮河)原唱:奥黛丽·赫本 填词:Johnny Mercer、王雨然 谱曲:Henry Mancini 歌词: Moon river, wider than a mile 月亮河,宽不过一里 I'm crossing you in style some day 来日优雅地见到你 Oh, dream maker, you heart ...

孟民士15686094752:    铁杆朋友 英语单词 -
纪司聂:      : huckleberry friend 铁杆朋友------ my Huckleberry friend, waiting round the bend

孟民士15686094752:    求大神帮我用英文翻译一下.亲爱的朋友 最近过得怎么样 有空记得过来玩 -
纪司聂:      : 亲爱的朋友 最近过得怎么样 有空记得过来玩 Dear friend, how have you been remember the time to come and play

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